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<toc label="IBM Telephone Directory V5.2 " link_to="../rzahg/icnavx_toc.xml#rzaty/rzaty.xml" topic="itd.htm">
<topic href="itd.htm" label="IBM Telephone Directory V5.2">
<topic href="itdwhatsnew.htm" label="What's new for Version 5.2"/>
<topic href="print.htm" label="Printable PDF"/>
<topic href="itdover.htm" label="Overview of IBM Telephone Directory V5.2">
<topic href="itdoverexpress.htm" label="Interaction with WebSphere Application Server"/>
<topic href="itdoverhttp.htm" label="Interaction with HTTP Server for i5/OS"/>
<topic href="itdoverldap.htm" label="Interaction with iSeries Directory Server (LDAP)"/>
<topic href="itdoverdomino.htm" label="Interaction with LDAP on Domino 6.0 for iSeries"/>
<topic href="itdoversame.htm" label="Interaction with a Lotus Sametime server"/>
<topic href="itdovereim.htm" label="Interaction with an Enterprise Identity Mapping server"/>
<topic href="itdoversametime.htm" label="Using the same directory for IBM Telephone Directory V5.2 and Lotus Sametime"/>
<topic href="itdinstall.htm" label="Install IBM Telephone Directory V5.2"/>
<topic href="itdadmin.htm" label="Administer IBM Telephone Directory V5.2">
<topic href="itddataadd.htm" label="Add an entry using the IBM Telephone Directory V5.2 administrator pages"/>
<topic href="itddatasys.htm" label="Add multiple entries from an i5/OS system registry"/>
<topic href="itddataold.htm" label="Add multiple entries using an .ldif file"/>
<topic href="itdadminupdate.htm" label="Update an entry using the IBM Telephone Directory V5.2 administrator pages"/>
<topic href="itdadmindelete.htm" label="Delete an entry using the IBM Telephone Directory V5.2 administrator pages"/>
<topic href="itdadminchgpwd.htm" label="Change password of an entry using the IBM Telephone Directory V5.2 administrator pages"/>
<topic href="itddiracc.htm" label="Modify directory access"/>
<topic href="itdenrprop.htm" label="Modify enrollment properties of the application"/>
<topic href="itdadminallow.htm" label="Allow users to update and delete entries"/>
<topic href="itdmaxsize.htm" label="Modify maximum search size of entries"/>
<topic href="itdmaxtime.htm" label="Modify maximum search time"/>
<topic href="itdmaxphoto.htm" label="Modify maximum photo size"/>
<topic href="itdadmineim.htm" label="Set up EIM registration and identity mapping"/>
<topic href="itdadminstlinks.htm" label="Set up Sametime chat links support"/>
<topic href="itdadminlist.htm" label="Set up Sametime presence list support"/>
<topic href="itduse.htm" label="Use IBM Telephone Directory V5.2">
<topic href="itdusesearch.htm" label="Search for an entry"/>
<topic href="itduseregister.htm" label="Add an entry using the IBM Telephone Directory V5.2 application"/>
<topic href="itduseupdate.htm" label="Update an entry using the IBM Telephone Directory V5.2 application"/>
<topic href="itdusedelete.htm" label="Delete an entry using the IBM Telephone Directory V5.2 application"/>
<topic href="itdusechgpwd.htm" label="Change your password using the IBM Telephone Directory V5.2 application"/>
<topic href="itduseaddsame.htm" label="Add an entry to your Sametime presence list"/>
<topic href="itdusechat.htm" label="Start a Sametime chat with an entry"/>
<topic href="itdusemanageeim.htm" label="Manage your EIM registries"/>
<topic href="itduseaddl.htm" label="Work with additional functions"/>
<topic href="itdts.htm" label="Troubleshoot IBM Telephone Directory V5.2"/>
<topic href="itdnotice.htm" label="Notices and limitations"/>