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<h3><a name="wswsdlpubwsa"></a>Publish Web Services Description Language files with wsadmin</h3>
<p>The Web Services Description Language (WSDL) files in each Web services-enabled module are published to the file system location you specify. You can provide these WSDL files to the clients that want to invoke your Web services.</p>
<p>The wsadmin tool can publish the WSDL files in either local or remote mode. If you publish the WSDL file in local mode, the target application must be located at the same node where the wsadmin command is invoked.</p>
To publish a WSDL file with wsadmin, follow these steps:
<li><p><a href="../admin/wsarun.htm">Start wsadmin</a>.</p></li>
<li><p>At the wsadmin command prompt, run the $AdminApp publishWSDL command.</p>
<li><p>If you want to update the WSDL Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) address prefixes with the default values, run this command:
<pre>$AdminApp publishWSDL <em>app_Name</em> <em>path_Name</em></pre>
<p>where <em>app_Name</em> is the application name and <em>path_Name</em> is the fully-qualified absolute path to the zip file in which the command publishes the WSDL files.</p>
<li><p>If you do not want to update the WSDL Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) address prefixes with the default values, or if you want to customize the WSDL SOAP address for each module, run this command:</p>
<pre>$AdminApp publishWSDL <em>app_Name</em> <em>path_Name</em> {{<em>module</em> {{<em>binding</em> <em>url-prefix</em>}}}}</pre>
<p>where <em>app_Name</em> is the application name, <em>path_Name</em> is the fully-qualified absolute path to the zip file in which the command publishes the WSDL files, <em>module</em> is the name of a module for which you want to specify a WSDL SOAP address, <em>binding</em> is either <tt>http</tt> or <tt>jms</tt>, and <em>url-prefix</em> is the partial SOAP address for the associated SOAP binding.</p>
<p>You can specify a different address prefix for each SOAP binding.</p></li>
<li><p>The zip file is saved in the application server machine. The directory structure in the zip file is <em>appName</em>/<em>moduleName</em>/WEB-INF/wsdl/<em>fileName</em>.wsdl, where <em>appName</em> is the name of the application EAR file, <em>moduleName</em> is the name of the module WAR file, and <em>fileName</em> is the name of the WSDL file.</p>
<li><p>For an HTTP binding the form is http://<em>host_name</em>:<em>port</em>/ or https://<em>host_name</em>:<em>port</em>, where <em>host_name</em> is the name of the machine that hosts the application and <em>port</em> is the port number used to access the application.</p></li>