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<h1 class="topictitle1">Set major system options</h1>
<div><p>The Set Major System Options display allows you to select automatic
configuration, the type of device configuration naming, and the special environment
in which you want to run.</p>
<div class="section">To set these options, follow these steps:</div>
<ol><li class="stepexpand"><span>Using the following information, type the new values
over the existing values in the following fields:</span> <ul><li>Enable automatic configuration <ul><li>Y (Yes) automatically configures local devices.</li>
<li>N (No) indicates no automatic configuration.</li>
<li>Device configuration naming <ul><li>*NORMAL uses a naming convention unique to the iSeries™ server, for example, DSP01 and
PRT01 for displays and printers, TAP01 and OPT01 for tape and CD-ROM devices.</li>
<li>*DEVADR uses a naming convention which is obtained from the device resource
name, for example, DSP010203 for a display station, PRT010203 for a printer,
TAP01 and OPT01 for tape and CD-ROM devices.</li>
<li>Default special environment <ul><li>*NONE indicates there is no special environment.</li>
<li class="stepexpand"><span>Press Enter.</span></li>
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<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="rzal2iplots.htm" title="During an attended IPL, your display station or console displays any required or selected displays.">Attended IPL displays</a></div>
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