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<h2>trap - Trap signals</h2>
<p><strong>trap</strong> [ <em>action condition</em> ... ]</p>
<p><strong>trap -p</strong> [ <em>condition</em> ... ]</p>
<strong>trap -l</strong>
<p>The <strong>trap</strong> utility sets the <em>action</em>
for <strong>qsh</strong> to take when a <em>condition</em> arises.
<strong>qsh</strong> expands <em>action</em> once when running
<strong>trap</strong> and again when <em>condition</em> arises.</p>
<p>When the <strong>-p</strong> option is specified, <strong>
trap</strong> displays the current <em>action</em> for the specified
When the <strong>-l</strong> option is specified,
<strong>trap</strong> displays a list of all of the signal names and their
corresponding numbers.
<p>When no arguments are specified, <strong>trap</strong> displays a list
of the currently defined traps.</p>
<dd>Display a list of all of the signal names and their corresponding numbers.
<dd>Display each trap in a re-enterable format.</dd>
<p>For <em>action</em>, you can specify:</p>
<li>Null to ignore <em>condition</em> when it arises</li>
<li>Minus (<strong>-</strong>) to reset <em>condition</em> to its
original value.</li>
<li>A command to be run each time <em>condition</em> arises.</li>
<p>For <em>condition,</em> you can specify:</p>
<li>Name or number of a signal. You can use <strong>trap
-l</strong> to display a list of valid signals. For portability,
you should always specify the signal name.</li>
<li><strong>0</strong> or <strong>EXIT</strong>. <strong>
qsh</strong> runs <em>action</em> when the shell exits.</li>
<li><strong>ERR</strong>. <strong>qsh</strong> runs <em>action</em>
when a command has a non-zero exit status.</li>
<li><strong>DEBUG</strong>. <strong>qsh</strong> runs <em>
action</em> after each simple command.</li>
<p>If more than one condition arises at the same time, <strong>
qsh</strong> runs the traps in this order:</p>
<li><strong>DEBUG</strong>, if it is specified, then</li>
<li><strong>ERR</strong>, if it is specified and applicable,
<li>Any other specified traps in signal number order, then</li>
<p><strong>Exit Status</strong></p>
<li>0 when successful.</li>
<li>&gt;0 when an invalid <em>condition</em> is specified.</li>
<p><strong>Related information</strong></p>
<li><a href="kill.htm">kill - Terminate or signal
<li><a href="wait.htm">wait - Wait for process completion</a></li>
<li>Set a trap for the ERR condition:
trap `print Command failed' ERR
<li>Ignore the ERR condition:
trap &quot;&quot; ERR
<li>Reset the ERR condition to its original value:
trap - ERR
<li>Display the current action for the ERR condition:
trap -p ERR
<li>Display all of the currently defined traps: