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<toc label="DDS concepts" link_to="../rzahg/icnavx_toc.xml#dds/rbafpmst.xml" topic="kickoff.htm">
<topic href="kickoff.htm" label="DDS concepts">
<topic href="print.htm" label="Printable PDF"/>
<topic href="crtdds.htm" label="Create a file using data description specifications (DDS)">
<topic href="ddsform.htm" label="Complete the DDS form"/>
<topic href="entersource.htm" label="Enter the DDS source statements"/>
<topic href="createddsfile.htm" label="Create the DDS file"/>
<topic href="coderules.htm" label="DDS coding rules, conventions, and terms">
<topic href="convterms.htm" label="Conventions and terminology used in the DDS information"/>
<topic href="rbafpmstsyntax.htm" label="Rules for DDS keywords and parameter values"/>
<topic href="rbafpmstddsnam.htm" label="DDS naming conventions"/>
<topic href="keyabrv.htm" label="DDS keywords and parameters"/>
<topic href="rbafpmstgendbcs.htm" label="General considerations for using DBCS text with DDS files">
<topic href="genpos.htm" label="Positional entries for files that use DBCS data">
<topic href="dbclen.htm" label="Length (positions 30 through 34)"/>
<topic href="dbcdtype.htm" label="Data type (position 35)"/>
<topic href="genkwd.htm" label="Keyword entries for files that use DBCS (positions 45 through 80)"/>
<topic href="rbafpmstidlit.htm" label="DBCS character strings">
<topic href="bdbcs.htm" label="Enter bracketed-DBCS character strings"/>
<topic href="gdbcs.htm" label="Enter DBCS-graphic character strings"/>
<topic href="gencompo.htm" label="DDS computer printouts with DBCS output"/>
<topic href="examples.htm" label="Examples: DDS coding">
<topic href="syntaxexam.htm" label="Examples: DDS syntax coding">
<topic href="pfexam.htm" label="DDS syntax for a physical file"/>
<topic href="lfexam.htm" label="DDS syntax for a simple logical file"/>
<topic href="jlfexam.htm" label="DDS syntax for a join logical file"/>
<topic href="dspfexam.htm" label="DDS syntax for a display file"/>
<topic href="prtfexam.htm" label="DDS syntax for a printer file"/>
<topic href="icfexam.htm" label="DDS syntax for an ICF file"/>
<topic href="rbafpmstexamp.htm" label="Examples: DDS for each file type">
<topic href="fldrefexamp.htm" label="Example: A field reference file"/>
<topic href="physfileexamp.htm" label="Example: A physical file with a new record format"/>
<topic href="logfileexamp.htm" label="Example: A logical file specifying multiple formats and new keys"/>
<topic href="logfilerecexamp.htm" label="Example: A logical file specifying a new record format"/>
<topic href="logfilejoinexamp.htm" label="Example: A join logical file"/>
<topic href="inquiryfileexamp.htm" label="Example: An inquiry display with two record formats in DDS"/>
<topic href="sflpagexamp.htm" label="Example: A subfile with SFLPAG value equal to SFLSIZ value"/>
<topic href="hllpagexamp.htm" label="Example: A subfile with paging by i5/OS operating system and high-level language program"/>
<topic href="horizonexamp.htm" label="Example: A horizontal subfile displayable on two display sizes"/>
<topic href="msgsubexamp.htm" label="Example: A message subfile using DDS"/>
<topic href="printerexamp.htm" label="Example: A printer file using DDS"/>
<topic href="icffileexamp.htm" label="Example: An ICF file using DDS"/>
<topic href="physdispprintexamp.htm" label="Example: Program that uses a physical, display, and printer file"/>
<topic href="cmplst.htm" label="Example: DDS compiler listing"/>
<topic href="debug.htm" label="DDS debugging template"/>
<topic href="specref.htm" label="When to specify REF and REFFLD keywords for DDS files"/>
<topic href="rbafpmstbiblio.htm" label="Related information for DDS concepts"/>