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<title>Save System using BRM (SAVSYSBRM)</title>
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<a name="SAVSYSBRM.Top_Of_Page"></a>
<h2>Save System using BRM (SAVSYSBRM)</h2>
<table width="100%">
<td valign="top" align="left"><b>Where allowed to run: </b>All environments (*ALL)<br>
<b>Threadsafe: </b>No
<td valign="top" align="right">
<a href="#SAVSYSBRM.PARAMETERS.TABLE">Parameters</a><br>
<a href="#SAVSYSBRM.COMMAND.EXAMPLES">Examples</a><br>
<a href="#SAVSYSBRM.ERROR.MESSAGES">Error messages</a></td>
<div> <a name="SAVSYSBRM"></a>
<p>The Save System using BRM (SAVSYSBRM) command saves a copy of the Licensed Internal Code and the QSYS library in a format compatible with the installation of the operating system. It does not save objects from any other library. In addition, it saves security and configuration objects that can also be saved using the Save Security Data (SAVSECDTA) and Save Configuration (SAVCFG) commands.
<p>Virtual tape media and devices can be used with this command. The following restrictions apply to the use of virtual media and virtual devices.
<li>The <b>Device (DEV) </b>parameter is limited on only one device or *MEDCLS special value for serial operations.
<li>Execute authority is required to the Load or Unload Image Catalog (LODIMGCLG) command.
<li>*CHANGE authority is required to the image catalogs.
<li>Execute (*X) authority is required to each directory in the image catalog path name.
<li>Read, write, execute (*RWX) authority is required to each image file in the parent directory that will be loaded or mounted.
<li>*USE authority is required to the virtual devices using the image catalogs.
<p>To use this command, you must have the Backup Recovery and Media Services for iSeries, 5722-BR1, licensed program installed.
<p><b>Restrictions: </b>
<li>You must have authority to the SAVSYS command to use this command.
<li>You must have *SAVSYS special authority to use this command.
<li>You must have *USE authority to all online auxiliary storage pool devices.
<li>All subsystems will be ended when using the SAVSYSBRM command. You must have job control (*JOBCTL) authority to use the ENDSYS or the ENDSBS command.
<li>Volumes created using this command that will be used for installation should be initialized with a media class with a density that is supported by the current alternate IPL device. If this is not done, the current IPL volume will have to be changed to a device that supports the density of the created SAVSYSBRM volumes before installation begins.
<li>Volumes created using the SAVSYSBRM command cannot be used for automatic installation.
<li>The media class associated with the device must specify Shared media *NO.
<li>This command should not be used by control group *EXIT item processing as results will be unpredictable.
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<tr><td align="right"><a href="#SAVSYSBRM.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<hr size="2" width="100%">
<h3><a name="SAVSYSBRM.PARAMETERS.TABLE">Parameters</a></h3>
<table border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
<!-- col1="10" col2="15" col3="30" col4="10" -->
<th bgcolor="aqua" valign="bottom" align="left">Keyword</th>
<th bgcolor="aqua" valign="bottom" align="left">Description</th>
<th bgcolor="aqua" valign="bottom" align="left">Choices</th>
<th bgcolor="aqua" valign="bottom" align="left">Notes</th>
<td valign="top"><a href="#SAVSYSBRM.DEV"><b>DEV</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Device</td>
<td valign="top">Values (up to 4 repetitions): <i>Name</i>, *MEDCLS</td>
<td valign="top">Required, Positional 1</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#SAVSYSBRM.MEDPCY"><b>MEDPCY</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Media policy</td>
<td valign="top"><i>Name</i>, *NONE, *SYSPCY</td>
<td valign="top">Required, Positional 2</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#SAVSYSBRM.DTACPR"><b>DTACPR</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Data compression</td>
<td valign="top"><b><u>*DEV</u></b>, *NO, *YES</td>
<td valign="top">Optional</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#SAVSYSBRM.COMPACT"><b>COMPACT</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Data compaction</td>
<td valign="top"><b><u>*DEV</u></b>, *NO</td>
<td valign="top">Optional</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#SAVSYSBRM.CTLGRP"><b>CTLGRP</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Control group</td>
<td valign="top"><i>Name</i>, <b><u>*NONE</u></b>, *ARCGRP, *BKUGRP, *SYSGRP, *SYSTEM</td>
<td valign="top">Optional</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#SAVSYSBRM.ENDOPT"><b>ENDOPT</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">End of tape option</td>
<td valign="top"><b><u>*REWIND</u></b>, *LEAVE, *UNLOAD</td>
<td valign="top">Optional</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#SAVSYSBRM.USEOPTBLK"><b>USEOPTBLK</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Use optimum block size</td>
<td valign="top"><b><u>*BKUPCY</u></b>, *DEV, *NO, *YES</td>
<td valign="top">Optional</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#SAVSYSBRM.OMIT"><b>OMIT</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Omit</td>
<td valign="top">Single values: <b><u>*BKUPCY</u></b>, *NONE<br>Other values (up to 3 repetitions): *CFG, *SECDTA, *USRASPAUT</td>
<td valign="top">Optional</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#SAVSYSBRM.CLEAR"><b>CLEAR</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Clear</td>
<td valign="top"><b><u>*NONE</u></b>, *AFTER, *ALL</td>
<td valign="top">Optional</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#SAVSYSBRM.STRCTLSBS"><b>STRCTLSBS</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Start controlling subsystem</td>
<td valign="top"><b><u>*YES</u></b>, *NO</td>
<td valign="top">Optional</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#SAVSYSBRM.EXPDATE"><b>EXPDATE</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Expiration date</td>
<td valign="top"><i>Date</i>, <b><u>*MEDPCY</u></b>, *PERM</td>
<td valign="top">Optional</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#SAVSYSBRM.MOVPCY"><b>MOVPCY</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Move policy</td>
<td valign="top"><i>Name</i>, <b><u>*MEDPCY</u></b>, *NONE</td>
<td valign="top">Optional</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#SAVSYSBRM.MEDCLS"><b>MEDCLS</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Media class</td>
<td valign="top"><i>Character value</i>, <b><u>*MEDPCY</u></b>, *SYSPCY</td>
<td valign="top">Optional</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#SAVSYSBRM.LOC"><b>LOC</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Location</td>
<td valign="top"><i>Name</i>, <b><u>*MEDPCY</u></b>, *ANY, *HOME</td>
<td valign="top">Optional</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#SAVSYSBRM.VOLSEC"><b>VOLSEC</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Secure volume</td>
<td valign="top"><b><u>*MEDPCY</u></b>, *NO, *YES</td>
<td valign="top">Optional</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#SAVSYSBRM.MINVOL"><b>MINVOL</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Required volumes</td>
<td valign="top">1-9999, <b><u>*MEDPCY</u></b>, *NONE</td>
<td valign="top">Optional</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#SAVSYSBRM.MARKDUP"><b>MARKDUP</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Mark volumes for duplication</td>
<td valign="top"><b><u>*MEDPCY</u></b>, *NO, *YES</td>
<td valign="top">Optional</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#SAVSYSBRM.MARKHST"><b>MARKHST</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Mark history for duplication</td>
<td valign="top"><b><u>*MEDPCY</u></b>, *NO, *YES</td>
<td valign="top">Optional</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#SAVSYSBRM.ASPDEV"><b>ASPDEV</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Auxiliary storage pool</td>
<td valign="top"><i>Name</i>, <b><u>*ALLAVL</u></b>, *CURASPGRP, *SYSBAS</td>
<td valign="top">Optional</td>
<table width="100%">
<tr><td align="right"><a href="#SAVSYSBRM.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<div> <a name="SAVSYSBRM.DEV"></a>
<h3>Device (DEV)</h3>
<p>Specifies the names of the devices used for the save system operation. Each device name must already be known on the system in the BRMS device table. If multiple devices are specified, they must use compatible media classes. If more than one device is used, specify the names of the devices in the order in which they are used. A maximum of four device names can be specified.
<p>This is a required parameter.
<p>You can enter multiple values for this parameter.
<dd>Specify the name of the device or devices that you want to use for the system save operation.
<b>Note: </b>Only one media library device or one virtual tape device can be specified.
<dd>Any device that supports the media class specified in the media policy for this save can be used for this save operation.
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<tr><td align="right"><a href="#SAVSYSBRM.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<div> <a name="SAVSYSBRM.MEDPCY"></a>
<h3>Media policy (MEDPCY)</h3>
<p>Specifies the media policy for the volumes you are creating as a result of processing a system save.
<p>Media policies are used to determine:
<li>The type of retention to use, such as days, date or version, for media used in control group processing.
<li>The move policy to use with this media policy.
<li>The media class to use.
<li>Whether or not to use save files.
<li>The type of retention to use, such as days or date for save files created in control group processing.
<p>The media policy you specify must be a media policy that is in the BRMS media policy table.
<p>This a required parameter.
<dd>No media policy is specified for this save operation. Media policy values must be supplied with the save command for each parameter that has a default of *MEDPCY.
<dd>The media policy specified in the system policy is assigned to output volumes from this save operation.
<dd>Specify the name of the media policy that you want to use with this save operation.
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<tr><td align="right"><a href="#SAVSYSBRM.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<div> <a name="SAVSYSBRM.DTACPR"></a>
<h3>Data compression (DTACPR)</h3>
<p>Specifies whether data compression is used.
<dd>If the save is to tape and the target device supports compression, hardware compression is performed. Otherwise, no data compression is performed.
<b>Note: </b>If *DEV is specified on both the <b>Data compression (DTACPR)</b> parameter and the <b>Data compaction (COMPACT)</b> parameter, only device data compaction is performed if device data compaction is supported on the device. Otherwise, data compression is performed if supported on the device.
<p>If *YES is specified on the <b>Data compression (DTACPR)</b> parameter and *DEV is specified on the <b>Data compaction (COMPACT)</b> parameter, both device data compaction and device data compression are performed if supported on the device.
<dd>No data compression is performed.
<dd>If the target device supports compression, hardware compression is performed. if compression is not supported, software compression is performed.
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<tr><td align="right"><a href="#SAVSYSBRM.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<div> <a name="SAVSYSBRM.COMPACT"></a>
<h3>Data compaction (COMPACT)</h3>
<p>Specifies whether data compaction is performed.
<dd>Device data compaction is performed if the data is saved to tape and all devices specified on the <b>Device (DEV)</b> parameter support the compaction feature.
<b>Note: </b>If *DEV is specified on both the <b>Data compression (DTACPR)</b> parameter and the <b>Data compaction (COMPACT)</b> parameter, only device data compaction is performed if device data compaction is supported on the device. Otherwise, data compression is performed if supported on the device.
<p>If *YES is specified on the <b>Data compression (DTACPR)</b> parameter and *DEV is specified on the <b>Data compaction (COMPACT)</b> parameter, both device data compaction and device data compression are performed if supported on the device.
<dd>No data compaction is performed.
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<tr><td align="right"><a href="#SAVSYSBRM.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<div> <a name="SAVSYSBRM.CTLGRP"></a>
<h3>Control group (CTLGRP)</h3>
<p>Specifies the name of the control group that you want to associate with the objects saved by this command. The control group name is stored with the media information and can be used with the <b>Control group (CTLGRP) </b>parameter on other BRMS commands to filter the media information or recover saved objects by control group.
<b>Note: </b>None of the attributes of the control group are used for the save.
<p>If you are using version control for the items you are saving, this save operation will be recorded as part of the specified version control. Version control is specified in the media policy associated with this control group and can be reviewed by using the Work with Media Policies display.
<dd>Do not specify a control group name for this command.
<dd>The name of the default archive control group.
<b>Note: </b>The BRMS Advanced feature (Option 2) is required to use this value.
<dd>The name of the default backup control group used to save all user data.
<dd>The name of the default system control group used to save all system data.
<dd>The name of the default system control group used to save the entire system.
<dd>Specify the name of the control group to be assigned to the items you are saving.
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<tr><td align="right"><a href="#SAVSYSBRM.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<div> <a name="SAVSYSBRM.ENDOPT"></a>
<h3>End of tape option (ENDOPT)</h3>
<p>Specifies, when tape is used, what positioning operation is automatically done on the volume after the save operation ends. If more than one volume is included, this parameter applies only to the last volume used; all other volumes are rewound and unloaded when the end of the volume is reached.
<p>If you specify *LEAVE and the device is a shared device, the device will not be varied off after the save operation. If you specify *LEAVE and the device is not a shared device, the device will be varied off after the save operation.
<dd>The volume is automatically rewound, but not unloaded, after the operation has ended.
<dd>The volume does not rewind or unload after the operation ends. It remains at the current position on the device.
<dd>The volume is automatically rewound and unloaded after the operation ends.
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<tr><td align="right"><a href="#SAVSYSBRM.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<div> <a name="SAVSYSBRM.USEOPTBLK"></a>
<h3>Use optimum block size (USEOPTBLK)</h3>
<p>Specifies whether or not the optimum block size is used for the save operation.
<dd>Use the value from the backup policy for the <b>Use optimum block size </b>parameter.
<dd>Use the value specified on the Work with Devices display for the <b>Use optimum block size </b>parameter.
<dd>The optimum block size supported by the device is not used. Save commands use the default block size supported by all device types. The tape volume can be duplicated to any media format using the Duplicate Tape (DUPTAP) command or the Duplicate Media using BRM (DUPMEDBRM) command.
<dd>The optimum block size supported by the device is used for Save commands. If the block size used is larger than a block size that is supported by all device types then:
<li>Performance may improve.
<li>The tape file that is created is only compatible with a device that supports the block size used. Commands such as Duplicate Tape (DUPTAP) and Duplicate Media using BRM (DUPMEDBRM) do not duplicate files unless the files are being duplicated to a device which supports the same block size that was used.
<li>The value for the Data Compression (DTACPR) parameter is ignored.
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<tr><td align="right"><a href="#SAVSYSBRM.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<div> <a name="SAVSYSBRM.OMIT"></a>
<h3>Omit (OMIT)</h3>
<p>Specifies whether configuration objects, security objects or additional basic user auxiliary storage pool information should be omitted during a system save.
<p><b>Single values</b>
<dd>Use the values specified in the items to omit for the *SAVSYS special value in the backup policy.
<dd>No omissions are to be made for this system save operation.
<p><b>Other values (up to 3 repetitions)</b>
<dd>All configuration objects are to be omitted for this system save operation.
<dd>All security objects are to be omitted for this system save operation.
<dd>Omit the BRMS save of additional authority information for objects in basic user auxiliary storage pools (2-32). This authority information includes the object owner, authority list and primary group.
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<div> <a name="SAVSYSBRM.CLEAR"></a>
<h3>Clear (CLEAR)</h3>
<p>Specifies whether uncleared volumes or save files encountered during the save operation are automatically cleared.
<dd>None of the uncleared volumes or save files encountered during the save operation are automatically cleared. If the save operation cannot proceed because an uncleared volume is encountered, an inquiry message is sent to the operator, allowing the ending of the save operation, or specifying that the currently selected volume be cleared so the operation can continue.
<p>If a save file is not cleared, the inquiry message is sent to the work station message queue for an interactive job, or to the operator for a batch job. All volumes used to perform the save operation should be cleared, or the save file must be empty, before the save command is issued.
<dd>All the uncleared volumes after the initial volume are automatically cleared. This option is not valid for save or restore operations to a save file. If the operation cannot proceed because the first volume is uncleared, an inquiry message is sent to the system operator, allowing him to end the operation or to specify that the currently selected volume be cleared so the operation can continue.
<dd>All the uncleared volumes or save files encountered during the save operation are automatically cleared. If tapes are used and a sequence number is specified, the volume is cleared and, starting with that sequence number, all volumes following the first volume are cleared.
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<div> <a name="SAVSYSBRM.STRCTLSBS"></a>
<h3>Start controlling subsystem (STRCTLSBS)</h3>
<p>Specifies whether the controlling subsystem should be automatically restarted when the system save is complete.
<dd>The controlling subsystem is restarted when the save operation is complete.
<dd>The controlling subsystem is not restarted when the save operation is complete.
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<div> <a name="SAVSYSBRM.EXPDATE"></a>
<h3>Expiration date (EXPDATE)</h3>
<p>Specifies the expiration that you want to use for output volumes created as a result of this save operation.
<dd>The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the <b>Media policy (MEDPCY)</b> parameter of this save command.
<b>Note: </b>If *NONE is specified in the <b>Media policy (MEDPCY)</b> parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter.
<dd>Output volumes from this save operation are assigned a permanent expiration.
<dd>Specify an expiration date with or without date separators that will be assigned to output volumes from this save operation.
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<tr><td align="right"><a href="#SAVSYSBRM.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<div> <a name="SAVSYSBRM.MOVPCY"></a>
<h3>Move policy (MOVPCY)</h3>
<p>Specifies the move policy that you want to use for output volumes created as a result of this save operation.
<dd>The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the <b>Media policy (MEDPCY)</b> parameter of this save command.
<b>Note: </b>If *NONE is specified in the <b>Media policy (MEDPCY)</b> parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter.
<dd>There is not a move policy associated with the output volumes that are created as a result of this save operation.
<dd>Specify a move policy that will be assigned to output volumes from this save operation.
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<div> <a name="SAVSYSBRM.MEDCLS"></a>
<h3>Media class (MEDCLS)</h3>
<p>Specifies the media class that you want to use for selection of output volumes used in this save operation.
<dd>The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the <b>Media policy (MEDPCY)</b> parameter of this save command.
<b>Note: </b>If *NONE is specified in the <b>Media policy (MEDPCY)</b> parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter.
<dd>There is not a media class associated with the output volumes that are selected for this save operation.
<dd>The value for the media class in the system policy will used to select output volumes for this save operation.
<dd>Specify a media class that will be used to select output volumes for this save operation.
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<div> <a name="SAVSYSBRM.LOC"></a>
<h3>Location (LOC)</h3>
<p>Specifies the location that you want to use for selection of output volumes used in this save operation.
<dd>The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the <b>Media policy (MEDPCY)</b> parameter of this save command.
<b>Note: </b>If *NONE is specified in the <b>Media policy (MEDPCY)</b> parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter.
<dd>Volumes from any location are selected as output volumes for this save operation.
<dd>Volumes from the home location are selected as output volumes for this save operation.
<dd>Specify the location from which volumes are selected as output volumes for this save operation.
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<div> <a name="SAVSYSBRM.VOLSEC"></a>
<h3>Secure volume (VOLSEC)</h3>
<p>Specifies whether you want to apply volume security to volumes in this media class. Volumes that are secured can only be read by users with the special authorities *ALLOBJ or *SAVSYS.
<dd>The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the <b>Media policy (MEDPCY)</b> parameter of this save command.
<b>Note: </b>If *NONE is specified in the <b>Media policy (MEDPCY)</b> parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter.
<dd>Volume security has not been applied to this media class. Volumes that do not have volume security can be read by anyone.
<dd>Only users with special authorities *ALLOBJ or *SAVSYS can read media volumes in this media class.
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<div> <a name="SAVSYSBRM.MINVOL"></a>
<h3>Require volumes (MINVOL)</h3>
<p>Specifies the minimum number of expired volumes that must be present before any save can be done using this media policy. The value can also be checked by user jobs using the Check Expired Media for BRM (CHKEXPBRM) command.
<b>Note: </b>If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NONE in this parameter. If you specify MINVOL(*MEDPCY), then the value of the <b>Required volumes </b>field in the referenced media policy must be *NONE.
<dd>The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the <b>Media policy (MEDPCY)</b> parameter of this save command.
<b>Note: </b>If *NONE is specified in the <b>Media policy (MEDPCY)</b> parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter.
<dd>There is no check done to determine the minimum number of required volumes before a save operation begins.
<dd>Specify the number of expired media volumes that must be available before any BRMS save operation will begin. The number can range from 1 to 9999.
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<div> <a name="SAVSYSBRM.MARKDUP"></a>
<h3>Mark volumes for duplication (MARKDUP)</h3>
<p>Specifies whether media volumes will be marked for duplication. When *YES is selected, all volumes used during a save operation are marked for duplication. You can use VOL(*SEARCH) on the Duplicate Media using BRM command to duplicate the saved items after the save has completed.
<b>Note: </b>If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NO in this parameter. If you specify MARKDUP(*MEDPCY), then the value of the <b>Mark for duplication </b>attribute in the referenced media policy must be *NO.
<dd>The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the <b>Media policy (MEDPCY)</b> parameter of this save command.
<b>Note: </b>If *NONE is specified in the <b>Media policy (MEDPCY)</b> parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter.
<dd>Volumes written to during a save operation will not be marked for duplication.
<dd>Volumes written to during the save operation will be marked for duplication.
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<div> <a name="SAVSYSBRM.MARKHST"></a>
<h3>Mark history for duplication (MARKHST)</h3>
<p>Specifies whether history items will be marked for duplication. When *YES is selected, all history items created during a save operation are marked for duplication. You must use VOL(*SCHHST) on the Duplicate Media using BRM command to duplicate the saved items.
<b>Note: </b>If the save operation that you are performing is saving data using media of class *ADSM (TSM server), you must specify *NO in this parameter. If you specify MARKHST(*MEDPCY), then the value of the <b>Mark history for duplication </b>attribute in the referenced media policy must be *NO.
<dd>The value for this parameter is specified in the media policy that is specified in the <b>Media policy (MEDPCY)</b> parameter of this save command.
<b>Note: </b>If *NONE is specified in the <b>Media policy (MEDPCY)</b> parameter, you cannot specify *MEDPCY in this parameter.
<dd>History items created during the save operation will not be marked for duplication.
<dd>History items created during the save operation will be marked for duplication.
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<div> <a name="SAVSYSBRM.ASPDEV"></a>
<h3>Auxiliary storage pool device (ASPDEV)</h3>
<p>Use this parameter to specify the auxiliary storage pools from which libraries and objects can be included in the save operation.
<dd>Specifies the save of the backup item is to include objects from the system (1) and basic user auxiliary storage pools (2-32) and all available primary, secondary and UDFS auxiliary storage pools.
<dd>Specifies libraries or objects from only the auxiliary storage pool group currently set for the job are included in the save. Libraries or objects from the system (1) and basic user auxiliary storage pools (2-32) are omitted from the save.
<dd>Specifies libraries or objects from only the system (1) and basic user auxiliary storage pools (2-32) are included in the save.
<dd>Specifies libraries or objects from the named auxiliary storage pool device are included in the save operation. This must be the name of a primary or secondary auxiliary storage pool. Libraries or objects from the system (1) and basic user auxiliary storage pools (2-32) are omitted from the save.
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<div><h3><a name="SAVSYSBRM.COMMAND.EXAMPLES">Examples</a> </h3>
<p>This command saves a copy of the Licensed Internal Code and the QSYS library. In this example, you are saving to device TAP09 using a media policy named SAVSYS.
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<div><h3><a name="SAVSYSBRM.ERROR.MESSAGES">Error messages</a> </h3>
<p><b><u>*ESCAPE Messages</u></b>
<dd>Feature not installed.
<dd>Feature not licensed.
<dd>Access denied for user &amp;1.
<dd>BRMS product initialization required.
<dd>All CPF37xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF.
<dd>All CPF38xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF.
<dd>All CPF98xx messages could be signaled. xx is from 01 to FF.
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