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<TITLE>i5/OS <sup>(TM)</sup> system value finder--results</TITLE>
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<H2>i5/OS <sup>(TM)</sup> system value finder</H2>
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//System value tasks
mycat[0][0][0] = "<FONT SIZE='+1'><STRONG>System Value Tasks<\/STRONG><\/FONT>";
mycat[0][0][1] = "Use the links below to find information about completing basic system value tasks, or read the <A HREF='tasks0.html'>system value tasks overview<\/A>.";
mycat[0][1][0] = "<A HREF='rzakztask01.html'>Compare<\/A>";
mycat[0][1][1] = "Compare system values on one system to those on another in your network.";
mycat[0][2][0] = "<A HREF='rzakztask02.html'>Compare and update<\/A>";
mycat[0][2][1] = "Compare system values on one system to those on another in your network--then update the second system to match your model system.";
mycat[0][3][0] = "<A HREF='rzakztask03.html'>Change<\/A>";
mycat[0][3][1] = "Change your system values.";
mycat[0][4][0] = "<A HREF='rzakztask04.html'>Display<\/A>";
mycat[0][4][1] = "See the system values on your system.";
mycat[0][5][0] = "<A HREF='rzakztask05.html'>Send<\/A>";
mycat[0][5][1] = "Send system valuess from one system to another in your network.";
mycat[0][6][0] = "<A HREF='rzakztask02.html'>Store<\/A>";
mycat[0][6][1] = "Store your system values in Inventory.";
//Auditing system values
mycat[1][0][0] = "<FONT SIZE='+1'><STRONG>Auditing<\/STRONG><\/FONT>";
mycat[1][0][1] = "Use the links below to find information about individual auditing system values or read the <A HREF='rzakzauditingoverview.htm'>auditing system values overview<\/A>.";
mycat[1][1][0] = "QAUDCTL";
mycat[1][1][1] = "Sets action auditing and security auditing level.";
mycat[1][1][2] = "rzakzqaudctlaudlvl.htm";
mycat[1][2][0] = "QAUDENDACN";
mycat[1][2][1] = "Sets what action the system will take when audit records cannot be sent to the auditing journal because of errors that occur when the journal entry is sent.";
mycat[1][2][2] = "rzakzqaudenacn.htm";
mycat[1][3][0] = "QAUDFRCLVL";
mycat[1][3][1] = "Sets the number of journal entries written to the auditing journal before the journal entry data moves to auxiliary storage.";
mycat[1][3][2] = "rzakzqaudfrclvl.htm";
mycat[1][4][0] = "QCRTOBJAUD";
mycat[1][4][1] = "Sets the default auditing value used when objects are created into a library.";
mycat[1][4][2] = "rzakzqcrtobjaud.htm";
mycat[1][5][0] = "QAUDLVL";
mycat[1][5][1] = "This system value is located under QAUDCTL.";
mycat[1][5][2] = "rzakzqaudctlaudlvl.htm";
mycat[1][6][0] = "QAUDLVL2";
mycat[1][6][1] = "Specifies additional auditing level actions. This system value is associated with QAUDLVL.";
mycat[1][6][2] = "rzakzqaudctlaudlvl.htm";
//Date and time system values
mycat[2][0][0] = "<FONT SIZE='+1'><STRONG>Date and Time<\/STRONG><\/FONT>";
mycat[2][0][1] = "Use the links below to find information about individual date and time system values or read the <A HREF='rzakzdateoverview.htm'>date and time system values overview<\/A>.";
mycat[2][1][0] = "QDATE";
mycat[2][1][1] = "Sets the system date. This system value also contains QDAYOFWEEK, QDAY, QMONTH, and QYEAR.";
mycat[2][1][2] = "rzakzqdate.htm";
mycat[2][2][0] = "QLEAPADJ";
mycat[2][2][1] = "Sets the leap year adjustment for the system.";
mycat[2][2][2] = "rzakzqleapadj.htm";
mycat[2][3][0] = "QUTCOFFSET";
mycat[2][3][1] = "Indicates the difference in hours and minutes between coordinated universal time (UTC) and the current local system time.";
mycat[2][3][2] = "rzakzqutcoffset.htm";
mycat[2][4][0] = "QTIME";
mycat[2][4][1] = "Sets the time for the system. This system value also contains QHOUR, QMINUTE, and QSECOND.";
mycat[2][4][2] = "rzakzqtime.htm";
mycat[2][5][0] = "QHOUR";
mycat[2][5][1] = "This system value is located under QTIME.";
mycat[2][5][2] = "rzakzqtime.htm";
mycat[2][6][0] = "QMINUTE";
mycat[2][6][1] = "This system value is located under QTIME.";
mycat[2][6][2] = "rzakzqtime.htm";
mycat[2][7][0] = "QSECOND";
mycat[2][7][1] = "This system value is located under QTIME.";
mycat[2][7][2] = "rzakzqtime.htm";
mycat[2][8][0] = "QDAYOFWEEK";
mycat[2][8][1] = "This system value is located under QDATE.";
mycat[2][8][2] = "rzakzqdate.htm";
mycat[2][9][0] = "QDAY";
mycat[2][9][1] = "This system value is located under QDATE.";
mycat[2][9][2] = "rzakzqdate.htm";
mycat[2][10][0] = "QMONTH";
mycat[2][10][1] = "This system value is located under QDATE.";
mycat[2][10][2] = "rzakzqdate.htm";
mycat[2][11][0] = "QYEAR";
mycat[2][11][1] = "This system value is located under QDATE.";
mycat[2][11][2] = "rzakzqdate.htm";
mycat[2][12][0] = "QCENTURY";
mycat[2][12][1] = "This system value is located under QDATE.";
mycat[2][12][2] = "rzakzqdate.htm";
mycat[2][13][0] = "QDATETIME";
mycat[2][13][1] = "Specifies the system's date (QDATE) and time (QTIME).";
mycat[2][13][2] = "rzakzqdate.htm";
mycat[2][14][0] = "QTIMZON";
mycat[2][14][1] = "Specifies the system's time zone.";
mycat[2][14][2] = "rzakzqtimzon.htm";
mycat[2][15][0] = "QTIMADJ";
mycat[2][15][1] = "Identifies the time adjustment software to use.";
mycat[2][15][2] = "rzakzqtimadj.htm";
mycat[3][0][0] = "<FONT SIZE='+1'><STRONG>Devices<\/STRONG><\/FONT>";
mycat[3][0][1] = "Use the links below to find information about individual devices system values or read the <A HREF='rzakzdevicesoverview.htm'>devices system values overview<\/A>.";
mycat[3][1][0] = "QAUTOCFG";
mycat[3][1][1] = "Automatically configures locally attached devices.";
mycat[3][1][2] = "rzakzqautocfg.htm";
mycat[3][2][0] = "QAUTORMT";
mycat[3][2][1] = "Automatically configures remote controllers.";
mycat[3][2][2] = "rzakzqautormt.htm";
mycat[3][3][0] = "QAUTOVRT";
mycat[3][3][1] = "Automatically configures virtual devices.";
mycat[3][3][2] = "rzakzqautovrt.htm";
mycat[3][4][0] = "QDEVNAMING";
mycat[3][4][1] = "The naming convention for locally attached devices.";
mycat[3][4][2] = "rzakzqdevnaming.htm";
mycat[3][5][0] = "QDEVRCYACN";
mycat[3][5][1] = "Specifies what action to take when an I/O error occurs for an interactive job's workstation.";
mycat[3][5][2] = "rzakzqdevrcyacn.htm";
mycat[4][0][0] = "<FONT SIZE='+1'><STRONG>International<\/STRONG><\/FONT>";
mycat[4][0][1] = "Use the links below to find information about individual international system values or read the <A HREF='rzakzinternationaloverview.htm'>international system values overview<\/A>.";
mycat[4][1][0] = "QDATFMT";
mycat[4][1][1] = "Sets the system date format. This system value also contains QDATSEP and QTIMSEP.";
mycat[4][1][2] = "rzakzqdatfmt.htm";
mycat[4][2][0] = "QDATSEP";
mycat[4][2][1] = "This system value is found under QDATFMT and sets the character separator for dates.";
mycat[4][2][2] = "rzakzqdatfmt.htm";
mycat[4][3][0] = "QDECFMT";
mycat[4][3][1] = "Sets the decimal format.";
mycat[4][3][2] = "rzakzqdecfmt.htm";
mycat[4][4][0] = "QTIMSEP";
mycat[4][4][1] = "This system value is found under QDATFMT and sets the character separator for time.";
mycat[4][4][2] = "rzakzqdatfmt.htm";
mycat[4][5][0] = "QCCSID";
mycat[4][5][1] = "The system value for coded character set identifiers.";
mycat[4][5][2] = "rzakzqccsid.htm";
mycat[4][6][0] = "QCHRID";
mycat[4][6][1] = "Sets the default character set and code page.";
mycat[4][6][2] = "rzakzqchrid.htm";
mycat[4][7][0] = "QCHRIDCTL";
mycat[4][7][1] = "The character identifier control attribute.";
mycat[4][7][2] = "rzakzqchridctl.htm";
mycat[4][8][0] = "QCNTRYID";
mycat[4][8][1] = "The system value for the country/region identifier.";
mycat[4][8][2] = "rzakzqcntryid.htm";
mycat[4][9][0] = "QCURSYM";
mycat[4][9][1] = "Sets the currency symbol.";
mycat[4][9][2] = "rzakzqcursym.htm";
mycat[4][10][0] = "QIGCCDEFNT";
mycat[4][10][1] = "The system value for the double-byte coded font name.";
mycat[4][10][2] = "rzakzqigccdefnt.htm";
mycat[4][11][0] = "QIGCFNTSIZ";
mycat[4][11][1] = "The system value for the double-byte coded character font point size.";
mycat[4][11][2] = "rzakzqigcfntsiz.htm";
mycat[4][12][0] = "QKBDTYPE";
mycat[4][12][1] = "Specifies the language character set for the keyboard.";
mycat[4][12][2] = "rzakzqkbdtype.htm";
mycat[4][13][0] = "QLANGID";
mycat[4][13][1] = "The system value for the language identifier.";
mycat[4][13][2] = "rzakzqlangid.htm";
mycat[4][14][0] = "QLOCALE";
mycat[4][14][1] = "Sets the locale for the system.";
mycat[4][14][2] = "rzakzqlocale.htm";
mycat[4][15][0] = "QSETJOBATR";
mycat[4][15][1] = "Sets certain job attributes using the value in a locale.";
mycat[4][15][2] = "rzakzqsetjobatr.htm";
mycat[4][16][0] = "QSRTSEQ";
mycat[4][16][1] = "Specifies the default sort sequence to be used by the system.";
mycat[4][16][2] = "rzakzqsrtseq.htm";
mycat[4][17][0] = "QIGC";
mycat[4][17][1] = "Specifies if the double-byte coded character (DBCS) version of the system is installed.";
mycat[4][17][2] = "rzakzqigc.htm";
mycat[5][0][0] = "<FONT SIZE='+1'><STRONG>Jobs<\/STRONG><\/FONT>";
mycat[5][0][1] = "Use the links below to find information about individual jobs system values or read the <A HREF='rzakzjobsoverview.htm'>jobs system values overview<\/A>.";
mycat[5][1][0] = "QACTJOB";
mycat[5][1][1] = "Sets the initial number of active jobs for which auxiliary memory (or storage) is to be allocated during restart (IPL).";
mycat[5][1][2] = "rzakzqactjob.htm";
mycat[5][2][0] = "QADLTOTJ";
mycat[5][2][1] = "Specifies the additional number of jobs for which auxiliary memory (or storage) is to be allocated when the intial number of jobs (the system value QTOTJOB) is reached. This system value is found with QADLACTJ.";
mycat[5][2][2] = "rzakzqadlactj.htm";
mycat[5][3][0] = "QJOBSPLA";
mycat[5][3][1] = "This system value no longer effects the operating system.";
mycat[5][3][2] = "rzakzqjobspla.htm";
mycat[5][4][0] = "QDSCJOBITV";
mycat[5][4][1] = "Indicates the length of time in minutes that an interactive job can be disconnected before it ends.";
mycat[5][4][2] = "rzakzqdscjobitv.htm";
mycat[5][5][0] = "QINACTITV";
mycat[5][5][1] = "Specifies the inactive job time-out interval in minutes.";
mycat[5][5][2] = "rzakzqinactitv.htm";
mycat[5][6][0] = "QINACTMSGQ";
mycat[5][6][1] = "Specifies the action the system takes when an interactive job has been inactive for an interval of time specified by the system value QINACTITV.";
mycat[5][6][2] = "rzakzqinactmsgq.htm";
mycat[5][7][0] = "QJOBMSGQMX";
mycat[5][7][1] = "Specifies the maximum size of a message queue in megabytes.";
mycat[5][7][2] = "rzakzqjobmsgqmx.htm";
mycat[5][8][0] = "QMAXSPLF";
mycat[5][8][1] = "Specifies the maximum number of printer output files allowed for a job.";
mycat[5][8][2] = "rzakzqmaxsplf.htm";
mycat[5][9][0] = "QMLTTHDACN";
mycat[5][9][1] = "Controls the action to be taken when a function that may not be threadsafe is invoked in a job that is running with multiple threads (multithreaded job action).";
mycat[5][9][2] = "rzakzqmltthdacn.htm";
mycat[5][10][0] = "QJOBMSGQFL";
mycat[5][10][1] = "Specifies how the system should handle the job message queue when it is considered full.";
mycat[5][10][2] = "rzakzqjobmsgqfl.htm";
mycat[5][11][0] = "QMAXJOB";
mycat[5][11][1] = "Sets the maximum number of jobs allowed on the system.";
mycat[5][11][2] = "rzakzqmaxjob.htm";
mycat[5][12][0] = "QTOTJOB";
mycat[5][12][1] = "Sets the total number of jobs that can be allocated. This system value is found under QACTJOB. ";
mycat[5][12][2] = "rzakzqactjob.htm";
mycat[5][13][0] = "QADLACTJ";
mycat[5][13][1] = "Sets the amount of additional storage that can be allocated. This system value also found with QADLTOTJ.";
mycat[5][13][2] = "rzakzqadlactj.htm";
mycat[5][14][0] = "QSPLFACN";
mycat[5][14][1] = "Specifies whether or not spooled files are kept with a job or detached from the job.";
mycat[5][14][2] = "rzakzqsplfacn.htm";
mycat[5][15][0] = "QENDJOBLMT";
mycat[5][15][1] = "Specifies the amount of time for application cleanup during the immediate ending of a job.";
mycat[5][15][2] = "rzakzqendjoblmt.htm";
mycat[5][16][0] = "QALWJOBITP";
mycat[5][16][1] = "Allows jobs to be interrupted.";
mycat[5][16][2] = "rzakzqalwjobitp.htm";
mycat[5][17][0] = "QLOGOUTPUT";
mycat[5][17][1] = "Specifies how the job log will be produced when a job completes.";
mycat[5][17][2] = "rzakzqlogoutput.htm"
//Library lists
mycat[6][0][0] = "<FONT SIZE='+1'><STRONG>Library Lists<\/STRONG><\/FONT>";
mycat[6][0][1] = "Use the links below to find information about individual library lists system values or read the <A HREF='rzakzlibraryoverview.htm'>library lists system values overview<\/A>.";
mycat[6][1][0] = "QSYSLIBL";
mycat[6][1][1] = "Specifies the default for the system part of the library list.";
mycat[6][1][2] = "rzakzqsyslibl.htm";
mycat[6][2][0] = "QUSRLIBL";
mycat[6][2][1] = "Specifies the default for the user part of the library list.";
mycat[6][2][2] = "rzakzqusrlibl.htm";
//Messages and service
mycat[7][0][0] = "<FONT SIZE='+1'><STRONG>Messages and Service<\/STRONG><\/FONT>";
mycat[7][0][1] = "Use the links below to find information about individual messages and service system values or read the <A HREF='messagesoverview.htm'>messages and service system values overview<\/A>.";
mycat[7][1][0] = "QACGLVL";
mycat[7][1][1] = "Specifies the accounting level.";
mycat[7][1][2] = "rzakzqacglvl.htm";
mycat[7][2][0] = "QCFGMSGQ";
mycat[7][2][1] = "Specifies the message queue the system uses when sending messages for lines, controllers, and devices.";
mycat[7][2][2] = "rzakzqcfgmsgq.htm";
mycat[7][3][0] = "QHSTLOGSIZ";
mycat[7][3][1] = "Specifies the maximum number of records for each version of the history log.";
mycat[7][3][2] = "rzakzqhstlogsiz.htm";
mycat[7][4][0] = "QPRBFTR";
mycat[7][4][1] = "Specifies the problem filter name.";
mycat[7][4][2] = "rzakzqprbftr.htm";
mycat[7][5][0] = "QPRBHLDITV";
mycat[7][5][1] = "Specifies the problem log entry hold interval.";
mycat[7][5][2] = "rzakzqprbhlditv.htm";
mycat[7][6][0] = "QSRVDMP";
mycat[7][6][1] = "Specifies whether or not to create a service log for unmonitored escape messages.";
mycat[7][6][2] = "rzakzqsrvdmp.htm";
mycat[7][7][0] = "QSTSMSG";
mycat[7][7][1] = "The system value for status messages.";
mycat[7][7][2] = "rzakzqstsmsg.htm";
mycat[7][8][0] = "QRMTSRVATR";
mycat[7][8][1] = "Controls the system's ability for remote system service problem analysis.";
mycat[7][8][2] = "rzakzqrmtsrvatr.htm";
mycat[7][9][0] = "QSFWERRLOG";
mycat[7][9][1] = "The system value for the software error log.";
mycat[7][9][2] = "rzakzqsfwerrlog.htm";
mycat[8][0][0] = "<FONT SIZE='+1'><STRONG>Passwords<\/STRONG><\/FONT>";
mycat[8][0][1] = "Use the links below to find information about individual password system values or read the <A HREF='rzakzpasswordoverview.htm'>password system values Overview<\/A>.";
mycat[8][1][0] = "QPWDEXPITV";
mycat[8][1][1] = "Specifies the password expiration interval.";
mycat[8][1][2] = "rzakzqpwdexpitv.htm";
mycat[8][2][0] = "QPWDLMTAJC";
mycat[8][2][1] = "Limits adjacent digits in a password.";
mycat[8][2][2] = "rzakzqpwdlmtajc.htm";
mycat[8][3][0] = "QPWDLMTCHR";
mycat[8][3][1] = "Limits the use of certain characters in a password.";
mycat[8][3][2] = "rzakzqpwdlmtchr.htm";
mycat[8][4][0] = "QPWDLMTREP";
mycat[8][4][1] = "Limits the use of repeating characters in a password.";
mycat[8][4][2] = "rzakzqpwdlmtrep.htm";
mycat[8][5][0] = "QPWDMAXLEN";
mycat[8][5][1] = "Specifies the maximum length of a password.";
mycat[8][5][2] = "rzakzqpwdmaxlen.htm";
mycat[8][6][0] = "QPWDMINLEN";
mycat[8][6][1] = "Specifies the minimum length of a password.";
mycat[8][6][2] = "rzakzqpwdminlen.htm";
mycat[8][7][0] = "QPWDPOSDIF";
mycat[8][7][1] = "Limits password character positions.";
mycat[8][7][2] = "rzakzqpwdposdif.htm";
mycat[8][8][0] = "QPWDRQDDGT";
mycat[8][8][1] = "Specifies whether a digit is required in a new password.";
mycat[8][8][2] = "rzakzqpwdrqddgt.htm";
mycat[8][9][0] = "QPWDRQDDIF";
mycat[8][9][1] = "Controls duplicate passwords and limits how often a user can repeat the use of a password.";
mycat[8][9][2] = "rzakzqpwdrqddif.htm";
mycat[8][10][0] = "QPWDLVL";
mycat[8][10][1] = "Sets the level for password characteristics.";
mycat[8][10][2] = "rzakzqpwdlvl.htm";
mycat[8][11][0] = "QPWDVLDPGM";
mycat[8][11][1] = "Provides the ability for a user-written program to do additional validation on passwords.";
mycat[8][11][2] = "rzakzqpwdvldpgm.htm";
mycat[9][0][0] = "<FONT SIZE='+1'><STRONG>Performance<\/STRONG><\/FONT>";
mycat[9][0][1] = "Use the links below to find information about individual performance system values or read the <A HREF='rzakzperformanceoverview.htm'>performance system values overview<\/A>.";
mycat[9][1][0] = "QCMNRCYLMT";
mycat[9][1][1] = "Specifies communications recovery limits.";
mycat[9][1][2] = "rzakzqcmnrcylmt.htm";
mycat[9][2][0] = "QPASTHRSVR";
mycat[9][2][1] = "Specifies the number of target display station pass-through server jobs that are available to process system display station pass-through, Client Access workstation function (WSF), and other 5250 emulation programs on programmable workstations.";
mycat[9][2][2] = "rzakzqpasthrsvr.htm";
mycat[9][3][0] = "QCMNARB";
mycat[9][3][1] = "Specifies communications arbiters.";
mycat[9][3][2] = "rzakzqcmnarb.htm";
mycat[9][4][0] = "QDYNPTYADJ";
mycat[9][4][1] = "Controls whether the priority of interactive jobs is dynamically adjusted to maintain high performance of batch job processing on servers.";
mycat[9][4][2] = "rzakzqdynptyadj.htm";
mycat[9][5][0] = "QDYNPTYSCD";
mycat[9][5][1] = "Allows you to turn on and turn off the dynamic priority scheduler.";
mycat[9][5][2] = "rzakzqdynptyscd.htm";
mycat[9][6][0] = "QPFRADJ";
mycat[9][6][1] = "Sets automatic performance adjustment. Indicates whether the system should adjust values during restart (IPL) and dynamically for system pool sizes and activity levels.";
mycat[9][6][2] = "rzakzqpfradj.htm";
mycat[9][7][0] = "QQRYDEGREE";
mycat[9][7][1] = "Specifies the parallel processing option.";
mycat[9][7][2] = "rzakzqqrydegree.htm";
mycat[9][8][0] = "QBASACTLVL";
mycat[9][8][1] = "Specifies the base memory (or storage) pool activity level.";
mycat[9][8][2] = "rzakzqbasactlvl.htm";
mycat[9][9][0] = "QBASPOOL";
mycat[9][9][1] = "Specifies the minimum size of the base memory (or storage) pool.";
mycat[9][9][2] = "rzakzqbaspool.htm";
mycat[9][10][0] = "QMAXACTLVL";
mycat[9][10][1] = "Specifies the maximum activity level of the system.";
mycat[9][10][2] = "rzakzqmaxactlvl.htm";
mycat[9][11][0] = "QMCHPOOL";
mycat[9][11][1] = "Specifies the size of the machine memory (or storage) pool.";
mycat[9][11][2] = "rzakzqmchpool.htm";
mycat[9][12][0] = "QTSEPOOL";
mycat[9][12][1] = "Specifies the time slice end pool.";
mycat[9][12][2] = "rzakzqtsepool.htm";
mycat[9][13][0] = "QQRYTIMLMT";
mycat[9][13][1] = "Specifies the query processing time limit.";
mycat[9][13][2] = "rzakzqqrytimlmt.htm";
mycat[9][14][0] = "QLIBLCKLVL";
mycat[9][14][1] = "Specifies whether or not you prevent other jobs from deleting or renaming the libraries in the search list.";
mycat[9][14][2] = "rzakzqliblcklvl.htm";
mycat[9][15][0] = "QDBFSTCCOL";
mycat[9][15][1] = "Sets the database file statistics level.";
mycat[9][15][2] = "rzakzqdbfstccol.htm";
mycat[9][16][0] = "QTHDRSCAFN";
mycat[9][16][1] = "Specifies the thread level and level of affinity.";
mycat[9][16][2] = "rzakzqthdrscafn.htm";
mycat[9][17][0] = "QTHDRSCADJ";
mycat[9][17][1] = "Specifies whether the system dynamically makes adjustments to the affinity of threads currently running on the system or not.";
mycat[9][17][2] = "rzakzqthdrscadj.htm";
//Power control
mycat[10][0][0] = "<FONT SIZE='+1'><STRONG>Power Control<\/STRONG><\/FONT>";
mycat[10][0][1] = "Use the links below to find information about individual power control system values or read the <A HREF='rzakzpoweroverview.htm'>power control system values overview<\/A>.";
mycat[10][1][0] = "QUPSDLYTIM";
mycat[10][1][1] = "Specifies the uninterruptible power supply delay time.";
mycat[10][1][2] = "rzakzqupsdlytim.htm";
mycat[10][2][0] = "QUPSMSGQ";
mycat[10][2][1] = "Specifies the name of a message queue that is to receive uninterruptible power supply messages.";
mycat[10][2][2] = "rzakzqupsmsgq.htm";
mycat[11][0][0] = "<FONT SIZE='+1'><STRONG>Printing<\/STRONG><\/FONT>";
mycat[11][0][1] = "Use the links below to find information about individual printing system values or read the <A HREF='rzakzprintingoverview.htm'>printing system values overview<\/A>.";
mycat[11][1][0] = "QPRTDEV";
mycat[11][1][1] = "Specifies the default printer description.";
mycat[11][1][2] = "rzakzqprtdev.htm";
mycat[11][2][0] = "QPRTKEYFMT";
mycat[11][2][1] = "Specifies the print key format.";
mycat[11][2][2] = "rzakzqprtkeyfmt.htm";
mycat[11][3][0] = "QPRTTXT";
mycat[11][3][1] = "Specifies print text.";
mycat[11][3][2] = "rzakzqprttxt.htm";
mycat[12][0][0] = "<FONT SIZE='+1'><STRONG>Restart<\/STRONG><\/FONT>";
mycat[12][0][1] = "Use the links below to find information about individual restart system values or read the <A HREF='rzakzrestartoverview.htm'>restart system values overview<\/A>.";
mycat[12][1][0] = "QABNORMSW";
mycat[12][1][1] = "The previous end of system indicator.";
mycat[12][1][2] = "rzakzqabnormsw.htm";
mycat[12][2][0] = "QDBRCVYWT";
mycat[12][2][1] = "The database recovery wait indicator.";
mycat[12][2][2] = "rzakzqdbrcvywt.htm";
mycat[12][3][0] = "QIPLDATTIM";
mycat[12][3][1] = "Specifies the date and time to automatically restart (IPL) the system.";
mycat[12][3][2] = "rzakzqipldattim.htm";
mycat[12][4][0] = "QIPLSTS";
mycat[12][4][1] = "The restart (IPL) status indicator.";
mycat[12][4][2] = "rzakzqiplsts.htm";
mycat[12][5][0] = "QIPLTYPE";
mycat[12][5][1] = "Indicates the type of restart (IPL) to perform.";
mycat[12][5][2] = "rzakzqipltype.htm";
mycat[12][6][0] = "QPWRDWNLMT";
mycat[12][6][1] = "Specifies the maximum amount of time an immediate power down can take before processing is ended (abnormal end).";
mycat[12][6][2] = "rzakzqpwrdwnlmt.htm";
mycat[12][7][0] = "QPWRRSTIPL";
mycat[12][7][1] = "Specifies an automatic restart (IPL) after restoring power.";
mycat[12][7][2] = "rzakzqpwrrstipl.htm";
mycat[12][8][0] = "QRMTIPL";
mycat[12][8][1] = "Specifies if remote power on and restart (IPL) can be started over a telephone line.";
mycat[12][8][2] = "rzakzqrmtipl.htm";
mycat[12][9][0] = "QSCPFCONS";
mycat[12][9][1] = "Specifies whether the restart (IPL) is to continue unattended or ends when the console is not operational when performing an attended restart (IPL).";
mycat[12][9][2] = "rzakzqscpfcons.htm";
mycat[12][10][0] = "QSTRPRTWTR";
mycat[12][10][1] = "Specifies whether or not printer writers were started. This system value is found under QIPLSTS.";
mycat[12][10][2] = "rzakzqstrprtwtr.htm";
mycat[12][11][0] = "QSTRUPPGM";
mycat[12][11][1] = "Specifies the start-up program, the program called from an autostart job when the controlling subsystem is started.";
mycat[12][11][2] = "rzakzqstruppgm.htm";
mycat[12][12][0] = "QCTLSBSD";
mycat[12][12][1] = "Specifies the controlling subsystem description.";
mycat[12][12][2] = "rzakzqctlsbsd.htm";
mycat[13][0][0]="<FONT SIZE='+1'><STRONG>Security<\/STRONG><\/FONT>";
mycat[13][0][1] = "Use the links below to find information about individual security system values or read the <A HREF='rzakzsecurityoverview.htm'>security system values overview<\/A>.";
mycat[13][1][0] = "QRETSVRSEC";
mycat[13][1][1] = "Determines whether the security data needed by a server to authenticate a user on a target system through client/server interfaces can be retained on a host system.";
mycat[13][1][2] = "rzakzqretsvrsec.htm";
mycat[13][2][0] = "QSECURITY";
mycat[13][2][1] = "Indicates the level of system security.";
mycat[13][2][2] = "rzakzqsecurity.htm";
mycat[13][3][0] = "QUSEADPAUT";
mycat[13][3][1] = "Defines which users can create programs with the use adopted authority (*USEADPAUT(*YES)) attribute.";
mycat[13][3][2] = "rzakzquseadpaut.htm";
mycat[13][4][0] = "QCRTAUT";
mycat[13][4][1] = "Allows the default public authority for create (CRTxxx) commands to be set system-wide.";
mycat[13][4][2] = "rzakzqcrtaut.htm";
mycat[13][5][0] = "QSHRMEMCTL";
mycat[13][5][1] = "Specifies whether or not to allow use of shared or mapped memory with write capability.";
mycat[13][5][2] = "rzakzqshrmemctl.htm";
mycat[13][6][0] = "QALWUSRDMN";
mycat[13][6][1] = "Specifies which libraries on the system may contain user domain *USRSPC (user space), *USRIDX (user index), and *USRQ (user queue) user objects.";
mycat[13][6][2] = "rzakzqalwusrdmn.htm";
mycat[13][7][0] = "QSCANFS";
mycat[13][7][1] = "Specifies whether objects in the root (/), QOpenSys, and user-defined file systems should be scanned by exit programs registered with any of the integrated file system scan-related exit points or not. ";
mycat[13][7][2] = "rzakzqscanfs.htm";
mycat[13][8][0] = "QSCANFSCTL";
mycat[13][8][1] = "Specifies whether the default scan control options are used or specify specific scan control options.";
mycat[13][8][2] = "rzakzqscanfsctl.htm";
mycat[14][0][0] = "<FONT SIZE='+1'><STRONG>Sign-on<\/STRONG><\/FONT>";
mycat[14][0][1] = "Use the links below to find information about individual signon system values or read the <A HREF='rzakzsignoverview.htm'>signon system values overview<\/A>.";
mycat[14][1][0] = "QLMTDEVSSN";
mycat[14][1][1] = "Limits device sessions, or whether a user can sign on at more than one workstation.";
mycat[14][1][2] = "rzakzqlmtdevssn.htm";
mycat[14][2][0] = "QLMTSECOFR";
mycat[14][2][1] = "Limits QSECOFR device access, or controls whether users with *ALLOBJ or *SERVICE special authority need explicit authority to specific workstations.";
mycat[14][2][2] = "rzakzqlmtsecofr.htm";
mycat[14][3][0] = "QMAXSGNACN";
mycat[14][3][1] = "Specifies how the system reacts when the maximum number of consecutive incorrect sign on attempts (system value QMAXSIGN) is reached.";
mycat[14][3][2] = "rzakzqmaxsgnacn.htm";
mycat[14][4][0] = "QMAXSIGN";
mycat[14][4][1] = "Specifies the maximum number of incorrect sign-on attempts allowed.";
mycat[14][4][2] = "rzakzqmaxsign.htm";
mycat[14][5][0] = "QRMTSIGN";
mycat[14][5][1] = "Specifies how the system handles remote sign-on attempts.";
mycat[14][5][2] = "rzakzqrmtsign.htm";
mycat[14][6][0] = "QDSPSGNINF";
mycat[14][6][1] = "Controls whether the users sees an informational display at sign on that contains the date and time the user last signed on and the number of not valid sign-on attempts since the last sign on.";
mycat[14][6][2] = "rzakzqdspsgninf.htm";
mycat[15][0][0] = "<FONT SIZE='+1'><STRONG>Storage<\/STRONG><\/FONT>";
mycat[15][0][1] = "Use the links below to find information about individual storage system values or read the <A HREF='rzakzstorageoverview.htm'>storage system values overview<\/A>.";
mycat[15][1][0] = "QRCLSPLSTG";
mycat[15][1][1] = "Allows for automatic removal of empty spool database members.";
mycat[15][1][2] = "rzakzqrclsplstg.htm";
mycat[15][2][0] = "QSTGLOWACN";
mycat[15][2][1] = "Specifies the action to take when the available memory (or storage) in the system auxiliary memory pool (or storage pool) is below the lower limit for auxiliary storage.";
mycat[15][2][2] = "rzakzqstglowacn.htm";
mycat[15][3][0] = "QSTGLOWLMT";
mycat[15][3][1] = "Specifies the percent of the available memory (or storage) remaining in the system auxiliary storage pool when the auxiliary storage lower limit is reached.";
mycat[15][3][2] = "rzakzqstglowlmt.htm";
//System control
mycat[16][0][0] = "<FONT SIZE='+1'><STRONG>System and User Defaults<\/STRONG><\/FONT>";
mycat[16][0][1] = "Use the links below to find information about individual system control system values or read the <A HREF='rzakzsystemoverview.htm'>system control system values overview<\/A>.";
mycat[16][1][0] = "QMODEL";
mycat[16][1][1] = "Indicates the system model number.";
mycat[16][1][2] = "rzakzqmodel.htm";
mycat[16][2][0] = "QPRCFEAT";
mycat[16][2][1] = "Specifies the processor feature code level of the system.";
mycat[16][2][2] = "rzakzqprcfeat.htm";
mycat[16][3][0] = "QSPCENV";
mycat[16][3][1] = "Indicates default special environments.";
mycat[16][3][2] = "rzakzqspcenv.htm";
mycat[16][4][0] = "QASTLVL";
mycat[16][4][1] = "Specifies the assistance level, or the level of system displays available.";
mycat[16][4][2] = "rzakzqastlvl.htm";
mycat[16][5][0] = "QATNPGM";
mycat[16][5][1] = "Specifies the attention program.";
mycat[16][5][2] = "rzakzqatnpgm.htm";
mycat[16][6][0] = "QKBDBUF";
mycat[16][6][1] = "Specifies the keyboard buffering value to be used when a job is initialized.";
mycat[16][6][2] = "rzakzqkbdbuf.htm";
mycat[16][7][0] = "QSRLNBR";
mycat[16][7][1] = "Indicates the system serial number.";
mycat[16][7][2] = "rzakzqsrlnbr.htm";
mycat[16][8][0] = "QCONSOLE";
mycat[16][8][1] = "Identifies the console name.";
mycat[16][8][2] = "rzakzqconsole.htm";
mycat[16][9][0] = "QPRCMLTTSK";
mycat[16][9][1] = "Specifies whether processor multi-tasking is on, off, or determined by the system.";
mycat[16][9][2] = "rzakzqprcmlttsk.htm";
mycat[17][0][0] = "<FONT SIZE='+1'><STRONG>Save and Restore<\/STRONG><\/FONT>";
mycat[17][0][1] = "Use the links below to find information about individual restore system values or read the <A HREF='rzakzrestoreoverview.htm'>restore system values overview<\/A>.";
mycat[17][1][0] = "QFRCCVNRST";
mycat[17][1][1] = "Specifies whether or not to convert program objects during the restore operation.";
mycat[17][1][2] = "rzakzqfrccvnrst.htm";
mycat[17][2][0] = "QALWOBJRST";
mycat[17][2][1] = "Specifies whether or not security-sensitive objects can be restored.";
mycat[17][2][2] = "rzakzqalwobjrst.htm";
mycat[17][4][0] = "QVFYOBJRST";
mycat[17][4][1] = "Sets object verification of objects without signatures and/or with signatures that are not valid.";
mycat[17][4][2] = "rzakzqvfyobjrst.htm";
mycat[17][5][0] = "QSAVACCPTH";
mycat[17][5][1] = "Specifies whether to save access paths when a save action is requested or not.";
mycat[17][5][2] = "rzakzqsavaccpth.htm";
////////// -->
//Miscellaneous system values no longer used and not in a category above
mycat[18][0][0] = "<FONT SIZE='+1'><STRONG>Obsolete<\/STRONG><\/FONT>";
mycat[18][0][1] = "These system value are no longer used by the operating system. For more information, see <a href='rzakznolongerused.htm'>Obsolete system values<\/a>.";
mycat[18][1][0] = "QAUTOSPRPT";
mycat[18][1][1] = "This system value is no longer used by the operating system. For more information, see <a href='rzakznolongerused.htm'>Obsolete system values<\/a>.";
mycat[18][1][2] = "rzakznolongerused.htm";
mycat[18][2][0] = "QADLSPLA";
mycat[18][2][1] = "This system value is no longer used by the operating system. For more information, see <a href='rzakznolongerused.htm'>Obsolete system values<\/a>.";
mycat[18][2][2] = "rzakznolongerused.htm";
mycat[18][3][0] = "QBOOKPATH";
mycat[18][3][1] = "This system value is no longer used by the operating system. For more information, see <a href='rzakznolongerused.htm'>Obsoletesystem values<\/a>.";
mycat[18][3][2] = "rzakznolongerused.htm";
mycat[18][4][0] = "QJOBMSGQTL";
mycat[18][4][1] = "This system value is no longer used by the operating system. For more information, see <a href='rzakznolongerused.htm'>Obsolete system values<\/a>.";
mycat[18][4][2] = "rzakznolongerused.htm";
mycat[18][5][0] = "QJOBMSGQSZ";
mycat[18][5][1] = "This system value is no longer used by the operating system. For more information, see <a href='rzakznolongerused.htm'>Obsolete system values<\/a>.";
mycat[18][5][2] = "rzakznolongerused.htm";
mycat[18][6][0] = "QSVRAUTITV";
mycat[18][6][1] = "This system value is no longer used by the operating system. For more information, see <a href='rzakznolongerused.htm'>Obsolete system values<\/a>.";
mycat[18][6][2] = "rzakznolongerused.htm";
//Load cookie data
re = /\s*/;
a = getCookieData(cookieName);
if (a == noVal) { //empty cookie
window.location = "rzakzfinder.htm";
a2 = a.split(re);
if (a.length > 0) {
zString = a; //Grab string (search or package name)
zString = zString.replace(/\+/g," "); //replace any pluses with spaces
} else {
window.location = "rzakzfinder.htm"; //must have a value!
var input = zString.toUpperCase();
var text1 = "<table COLS='2' WIDTH='100%'>";
var text2 = "<strong>Results for '" + zString + "'<\/strong><p>Your search for system values returned the information shown below. You can use the links that follow or <a href='rzakzfinder.htm'>search again<\/a>.<br><br><\/p>";
var text4 = "<strong>No matches found for '" + zString + "'<\/strong><p>Your search for system values did not find any results. Please <a href='rzakzfinder.htm'>try again<\/a>.<\/p><\/table>";
var text5 = "<tr><td colspan='2' align='center'><br><br><hr><\/td><\/tr><\/table>";
counter = 0;
for (var i=1; i < mycat.length; i++) {
for (var j=0; j < mycat[i].length; j++) {
if (mycat[i][j][0] != 0 && (j != 0)) {
if ((mycat[i][j][0].indexOf(input)) >= 0) {
if (counter == 0) {
var text3 = "<tr><td width='15' valign='top'><front size='3'><a href='" + mycat[i][j][2] + "'>" + mycat[i][j][0] + "<\/a><\/td><td valign='top'>" + mycat[i][j][1] + "<\/td><\/tr>"
counter = 1;
if (counter == 0) {
} else {