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<toc label="Cryptography" link_to="../rzahg/icnavx_toc.xml#rzajc/rzajc1.xml" topic="rzajcoverview.htm">
<topic href="rzajcoverview.htm" label="Cryptography">
<topic href="rzajcwhatsnew.htm" label="What's new for V5R4"/>
<topic href="rzajcprintme.htm" label="Printable PDF"/>
<topic href="rzajcconcepts.htm" label="Cryptography concepts"/>
<topic href="rzajcco4758.htm" label="4764 and 4758 Cryptographic Coprocessors">
<topic href="rzajchwconcepts.htm" label="Cryptographic hardware concepts"/>
<topic href="rzajcfeatures.htm" label="Features"/>
<topic href="rzajcscen4758.htm" label="Cryptographic Coprocessor scenarios">
<topic href="rzajcprivatekeys4758.htm" label="Scenario: Protect private keys with cryptographic hardware"/>
<topic href="rzajccustomapp4758.htm" label="Scenario: Write an i5/OS application to use the Cryptographic Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajcplan4758.htm" label="Plan for the Cryptographic Coprocessor">
<topic href="rzajcrequirements.htm" label="Requirements"/>
<topic href="rzajcsecureaccess.htm" label="Secure access">
<topic href="rzajcterrytable.htm" label="Object authorities that are required for SAPI"/>
<topic href="rzajcsetup.htm" label="Configure the Cryptographic Coprocessor">
<topic href="rzajcdevicedescript.htm" label="Create a device description"/>
<topic href="rzajcnamefiles.htm" label="Name files to key store file"/>
<topic href="rzajcrolesprofiles.htm" label="Create and define roles and profiles">
<topic href="rzajccrtroleprfc.htm" label="Example: ILE C program for creating roles and profiles for your Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajcsetdefaultc.htm" label="Example: ILE C program for enabling all access control points in the default role for your Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajccrtroleprfrpg.htm" label="Example: ILE RPG program for creating roles or profiles for your Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajcsetdefaultrpg.htm" label="Example: ILE RPG program for enabling all access control points in the default role for your Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajcchgprofc.htm" label="Example: ILE C program for changing an existing profile for your Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajcchgprofrpg.htm" label="Example: ILE RPG program for changing an existing profile for your Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajcsetclock.htm" label="Set the environment ID and clock">
<topic href="rzajcseteidc.htm" label="Example: ILE C program for setting the environment ID on your Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajcseteidrpg.htm" label="Example: ILE RPG program for setting the environment ID on your Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajcsetclockc.htm" label="Example: ILE C program for setting the clock on your Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajcsetclockrpg.htm" label="Example: ILE RPG program for setting the clock on your Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajccontrolvector.htm" label="Load a function control vector">
<topic href="rzajcloadfcvc.htm" label="Example: ILE C program for loading a function control vector for your Cryptographic Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajcloadfcvrpg.htm" label="Example: ILE RPG program for loading a function control vector for your Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajcclearfcvc.htm" label="Example: ILE C program for clearing a function control vector from your Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajcclearfcvrpg.htm" label="Example: ILE RPG program for clearing a function control vector from your Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajcmasterkey.htm" label="Load and set a master key">
<topic href="rzajcloadkmc.htm" label="Example: ILE C program for loading a master key into your Cryptographic Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajcloadkmrpg.htm" label="Example: ILE RPG program for loading a master key into your Cryptographic Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajcrenkeystotxt.htm" label="Example: ILE C program for re-encrypting keys for your Cryptographic Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajcprereqssl.htm" label="Configure the Cryptographic Coprocessor for use with DCM and SSL"/>
<topic href="rzajcprereqcustomapps.htm" label="Configure the Cryptographic Coprocessor for use with i5/OS applications"/>
<topic href="rzajcmigrate4758.htm" label="Migrate to the Cryptographic Coprocessor">
<topic href="rzajcmigrateprpq.htm" label="Migrate key store files from the IBM CCA Services for OS/400 PRPQ">
<topic href="rzajcexporttsstxt.htm" label="Example: EXPORTing keys"/>
<topic href="rzajcimporttsstxt.htm" label="Example: IMPORTing keys"/>
<topic href="rzajcmigratedomain.htm" label="Migrate Cryptographic Support for system cross-domain key files">
<topic href="rzajcimporter.htm" label="Using IMPORTER key-encrypting keys"/>
<topic href="rzajcworking.htm" label="Manage the Cryptographic Coprocessor">
<topic href="rzajclogging.htm" label="Log on or off of the Cryptographic Coprocessor">
<topic href="rzajclogonc.htm" label="Example: ILE C program for logging on to your Cryptographic Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajclogonrpg.htm" label="Example: ILE RPG program for logging on to your Cryptographic Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajclogoffc.htm" label="Example: ILE C program for logging off of your Cryptographic Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajclogoffrpg.htm" label="Example: ILE RPG program for logging off of your Cryptographic Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajcquerying.htm" label="Query status or request information">
<topic href="rzajcquerytxt.htm" label="Example: Querying the status of your Cryptographic Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajccfgtxt.htm" label="Example: Requesting information from your Cryptographic Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajcinitialstore.htm" label="Initialize a key store file">
<topic href="rzajcinzpkeystc.htm" label="Example: ILE C program for initializing a key store for your Cryptographic Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajcinzpkeystrpg.htm" label="Example: ILE RPG program for initializing a key store for your Cryptographic Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajccreatekeys.htm" label="Create DES and PKA keys">
<topic href="rzajckeygentxt.htm" label="Example: Creating a DES key with your Cryptographic Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajcpkakeygentxt.htm" label="Example: Creating a PKA key with your Cryptographic Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajcciphering.htm" label="Encrypt or decrypt a file">
<topic href="rzajcencfiletxt.htm" label="Example: Encrypting data with your Cryptographic Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajcworkpin.htm" label="Work with PINs">
<topic href="rzajcpinsamptxt.htm" label="Example: Working with PINs on your Cryptographic Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajcsignfile.htm" label="Generate and verify a digital signature">
<topic href="rzajcsignfiletxt.htm" label="Example: Signing a file with your Cryptographic Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajcverfilesigtxt.htm" label="Example: Verifying a digital signature with your Cryptographic Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajcmultiplecoprocessors.htm" label="Manage multiple Cryptographic Coprocessors">
<topic href="rzajccrpallocc.htm" label="Example: ILE C program for allocating a Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajccrpallocrpg.htm" label="Example: ILE RPG program for allocating a Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajccrpdeallocc.htm" label="Example: ILE C program for deallocating a Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajccrpdeallocrpg.htm" label="Example: ILE RPG program for deallocating a Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajccloningkeys.htm" label="Clone master keys">
<topic href="rzajcsetmofnc.htm" label="Example: ILE C program for setting the min and max values for master key shares in your Cryptographic Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajcsetmofnrpg.htm" label="Example: ILE RPG program for setting the min and max values for master key shares in your Cryptographic Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajcgenretainc.htm" label="Example: ILE C program for generating a retained key pair for cloning master keys"/>
<topic href="rzajcgenretainrpg.htm" label="Example: ILE RPG program for generating a retained key pair for cloning master keys"/>
<topic href="rzajcreghashc.htm" label="Example: ILE C program for registering a public key hash"/>
<topic href="rzajcreghashrpg.htm" label="Example: ILE RPG program for registering a public key hash"/>
<topic href="rzajcregpubkeyc.htm" label="Example: ILE C program for registering a public key certificate"/>
<topic href="rzajcregpubkeyrpg.htm" label="Example: ILE RPG program for registering a public key certificate"/>
<topic href="rzajccertkeyc.htm" label="Example: ILE C program for certifying a public key token"/>
<topic href="rzajccertkeyrpg.htm" label="Example: ILE RPG program for certifying a public key token"/>
<topic href="rzajcgetsharec.htm" label="Example: ILE C program for obtaining a master key share"/>
<topic href="rzajcgetsharerpg.htm" label="Example: ILE RPG program for obtaining a master key share"/>
<topic href="rzajcputsharec.htm" label="Example: ILE C program for installing a master key share"/>
<topic href="rzajcputsharerpg.htm" label="Example: ILE RPG program for installing a master key share"/>
<topic href="rzajclistretainc.htm" label="Example: ILE C program for listing retained keys"/>
<topic href="rzajclistretainrpg.htm" label="Example: ILE RPG program for listing retained keys"/>
<topic href="rzajcdltrtnkeyc.htm" label="Example: ILE C program for deleting retained keys"/>
<topic href="rzajcdltrtnkeyrpg.htm" label="Example: ILE RPG program for deleting retained keys"/>
<topic href="rzajctroubleshooting.htm" label="Troubleshoot the Cryptographic Coprocessor">
<topic href="rzajcreinitializing.htm" label="Reinitialize the Cryptographic Coprocessor">
<topic href="rzajcreinittxtc.htm" label="Example: ILE C program for reinitializing the Cryptographic Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajcreinittxtrpg.htm" label="Example: ILE RPG program for reinitializing your Cryptographic Coprocessor"/>
<topic href="rzajchardware.htm" label="Use the Hardware Service Manager"/>
<topic href="rzajcaccel2058.htm" label="2058 Cryptographic Accelerator">
<topic href="rzajcfeats2058.htm" label="Features"/>
<topic href="rzajcssl2058.htm" label="Scenario: Enhance system SSL performance"/>
<topic href="rzajcplan2058.htm" label="Plan for the 2058 Cryptographic Accelerator"/>
<topic href="rzajcconfig2058.htm" label="Configure the 2058 Cryptographic Accelerator"/>
<topic href="rzajcrelativeinfo.htm" label="Related information for cryptographic hardware"/>