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<h2>catsplf - Concatenate and print spool files</h2>
<p><strong>catsplf -j</strong> <em>qualified-job</em> <strong>[-aen]</strong> <em>splfname splfnum</em></p>
<p><strong>catsplf -p</strong> <em>pid</em> <strong>[-aen]</strong> <em>splfname splfnum</em></p>
<p>The <strong>catsplf</strong> utility reads the specified spool
file and writes it to standard output.</p>
<p>In the first synopsis form, <strong>catsplf</strong> finds the spool files associated
with the job specified by <em>qualified-job</em>.</p>
<p>In the second synopsis form, <strong>catsplf</strong> finds the spool files associated
with the job specified by <em>pid</em>.</p>
<dd>Print all of the spool files associated with the specified job.</dd>
<dd>Number the output lines starting at 1 and display a dollar sign ($) at the
end of each line.</dd>
<dt><strong>-j</strong> <em>qualified-job</em></dt>
<dd>Find the spool files associated with the job identified by <em>qualified-job</em>,
where <em>qualified-job</em> is a string in the form <em>number</em>/<em>user</em>/<em>name</em>.
The <em>number</em> is a six-digit decimal number, <em>user</em> is the user profile under which
the job was started, and <em>name</em> is the name of job.</dd>
<dd>Number the output lines starting at 1.</dd>
<dt><strong>-p</strong> <em>pid</em></dt>
<dd>Find the spool files associated with the job identified by <em>pid</em>,
where <em>pid</em> is the decimal process ID of the job.</dd>
<p>The <em>splfname</em> operand specifies the name of the spool file and the
<em>splfnum</em> operand specifies the number of the spool file. Both operands
are required to uniquely identify a spool file.</p>
<p><strong>Exit Status</strong></p>
<li>0 when successful</li>
<li>&gt;0 when unsuccessful</li>
<p><strong>Related information</strong></p>
<li><a href="cat.htm">cat - Concatenate and print files</a></li>
<li><a href="rfile.htm">Rfile - Read or write record files</a></li>
<li><a href="zcat.htm">zcat - Expand and concatenate data</a></li>
<li>Print the spool file named QPRINT and number 1 for a job using a
qualified job name.
catsplf -j 386687/SHELLTST/QZSHCHLD QPRINT 1
<li>Print the spool file named QPRINT and number 1 for a job using a pid.
catsplf -p 942 QPRINT 1
<li>Print all of the spool files for a job.
catsplf -a -j 386687/SHELLTST/QZSHCHLD