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<toc label="Control language (CL)" link_to="../rzahg/icnavx_toc.xml#rbam6/rbam6.xml" topic="rbam6clmain.htm">
<topic href="rbam6clmain.htm" label="CL">
<topic href="rbam6aboutcl.htm" label="About control language (CL)"/>
<topic href="rbam6whatsnew.htm" label="What's new for V5R4"/>
<topic href="rbam6printingme.htm" label="Printable PDFs"/>
<topic href="../clfinder/finder.htm" label="CL command finder"/>
<topic href="../clfinder/name_finder.htm" label="Alphabetic list of commands"/>
<topic href="rbam6clconcepts.htm" label="CL concepts">
<topic href="intro.htm" label="System operation control">
<topic href="intcl.htm" label="Control language"/>
<topic href="intmnu.htm" label="Menus"/>
<topic href="intmsg.htm" label="Messages">
<topic href="intmsgd.htm" label="Message descriptions"/>
<topic href="intmsgq.htm" label="Message queues"/>
<topic href="rbam6alphalist.htm" label="Commands">
<topic href="rbam6hownamed.htm" label="Command names">
<topic href="clabbr.htm" label="Abbreviations of CL commands and keywords">
<topic href="intcmdverb.htm" label="CL command verb abbreviations"/>
<topic href="intcmdab.htm" label="CL command abbreviations"/>
<topic href="intcmdkwrd.htm" label="CL command keyword abbreviations"/>
<topic href="rbam6comparts.htm" label="Command parts">
<topic href="rbam6commandsyn.htm" label="Command syntax"/>
<topic href="rbam6label.htm" label="Command label"/>
<topic href="rbam6parms.htm" label="Command parameters"/>
<topic href="rbam6delimeters.htm" label="Command delimiters"/>
<topic href="rbam6commandcont.htm" label="Command continuation"/>
<topic href="rbam6entercom.htm" label="Command comments"/>
<topic href="intcd.htm" label="Command definition parts"/>
<topic href="rbam6gencodrulessum.htm" label="Command coding rules"/>
<topic href="intcmdinfodoc.htm" label="Command information and documentation">
<topic href="rbam6comdesform.htm" label="Command documentation format">
<topic href="rbam6environ.htm" label="Environment"/>
<topic href="rbam6runthread.htm" label="Threadsafe classification"/>
<topic href="rbam6cmddescriptions.htm" label="Command description"/>
<topic href="rbam6parmsumtbl.htm" label="Parameters"/>
<topic href="rbam6cmdexamples.htm" label="Command coding examples"/>
<topic href="rbam6cmderror.htm" label="Error messages"/>
<topic href="intcmdhelp.htm" label="Command help"/>
<topic href="rbam6hlpprt.htm" label="Print command descriptions on the server"/>
<topic href="prompters.htm" label="Command prompters"/>
<topic href="rbam6onos400obj.htm" label="Commands operating on i5/OS objects"/>
<topic href="rbam6onmultobj.htm" label="Commands operating on multiple objects"/>
<topic href="intpgm.htm" label="CL programs and procedures">
<topic href="proce.htm" label="Procedure"/>
<topic href="clmod.htm" label="Module"/>
<topic href="clpr.htm" label="Program"/>
<topic href="clser.htm" label="Service program"/>
<topic href="parameters.htm" label="Parameters">
<topic href="rbam6parmvalues.htm" label="Parameter values">
<topic href="rbam6constvalues.htm" label="Constant value">
<topic href="rbam6charstrings.htm" label="Character string"/>
<topic href="rbam6hexvalues.htm" label="Hexadecimal values"/>
<topic href="rbam6datevalues.htm" label="Date values"/>
<topic href="rbam6decimalvalues.htm" label="Decimal values"/>
<topic href="rbam6logicalvalues.htm" label="Logical values"/>
<topic href="rbam6fltpntcon.htm" label="Floating-point constants"/>
<topic href="rbam6variables.htm" label="Variable name"/>
<topic href="rbam6express.htm" label="Expressions"/>
<topic href="rbam6vallsts.htm" label="List of values"/>
<topic href="rbam6key.htm" label="Parameters in keyword and positional form"/>
<topic href="rbam6reqopt.htm" label="Required, optional, and key parameters"/>
<topic href="rbam6expand.htm" label="Commonly used parameters">
<topic href="rbam6autexpand.htm" label="AUT parameter"/>
<topic href="rbam6clexpand.htm" label="CLS parameter"/>
<topic href="rbam6countryexpand.htm" label="COUNTRY parameter"/>
<topic href="rbam6filetypeexpand.htm" label="FILETYPE parameter"/>
<topic href="rbam6frcratioexpand.htm" label="FRCRATIO parameter"/>
<topic href="rbam6igcfeatexpand.htm" label="IGCFEAT parameter"/>
<topic href="rbam6jobexpand.htm" label="JOB parameter"/>
<topic href="rbam6labelexpand.htm" label="LABEL parameter"/>
<topic href="rbam6licopt.htm" label="LICOPT parameter"/>
<topic href="rbam6maxactexpand.htm" label="MAXACT parameter"/>
<topic href="rbam6objexpand.htm" label="OBJ parameter"/>
<topic href="rbam6objtypeexpand.htm" label="OBJTYPE parameter"/>
<topic href="rbam6outputexpand.htm" label="OUTPUT parameter"/>
<topic href="rbam6prttxtexpand.htm" label="PRTTXT parameter"/>
<topic href="rbam6replaceexpand.htm" label="REPLACE parameter"/>
<topic href="rbam6scheduleexpand.htm" label="JOBPTY, OUTPTY, and PTYLMT scheduling priority parameters"/>
<topic href="rbam6sevexpand.htm" label="SEV parameter"/>
<topic href="rbam6splnbrexpand.htm" label="SPLNBR parameter"/>
<topic href="rbam6textexpand.htm" label="TEXT parameter"/>
<topic href="rbam6volexpand.htm" label="VOL parameter"/>
<topic href="rbam6waitfileexpand.htm" label="WAITFILE parameter"/>
<topic href="rbam6probas.htm" label="Parameter values used for testing and debugging">
<topic href="rbam6progvardes.htm" label="Program-variable description"/>
<topic href="rbam6basingpointerdes.htm" label="Basing-pointer description"/>
<topic href="rbam6subscriptdes.htm" label="Subscript description"/>
<topic href="rbam6qualnamedes.htm" label="Qualified-name description"/>
<topic href="rbam6clprograms.htm" label="Control language elements">
<topic href="rbam6charsetval.htm" label="CL character sets and values">
<topic href="rbam6charset.htm" label="Character sets">
<topic href="rbam6dbcexpand.htm" label="Double-byte character text in CL commands"/>
<topic href="rbam6charuse.htm" label="Special character use"/>
<topic href="rbam6symops.htm" label="Symbolic operators"/>
<topic href="rbam6predefval.htm" label="Predefined values"/>
<topic href="rbam6xpressincom.htm" label="Expressions in CL commands">
<topic href="rbam6arithexp.htm" label="Arithmetic expressions"/>
<topic href="rbam6charstrngexp.htm" label="Character string expressions">
<topic href="rbam6charstrexpexmp.htm" label="Example: Character string expressions"/>
<topic href="rbam6charstrexmp2.htm" label="Example: Use character strings and variables"/>
<topic href="rbam6relatexp.htm" label="Relational expressions"/>
<topic href="rbam6logicexp.htm" label="Logical expressions"/>
<topic href="rbam6opsinexp.htm" label="Operators in expressions"/>
<topic href="rbam6operpriority.htm" label="Priority of operators when evaluating expressions"/>
<topic href="rbam6builtinfunc.htm" label="Built-in functions for CL"/>
<topic href="rbam6nameincom.htm" label="Naming within commands">
<topic href="rbam6folddocnames.htm" label="Folder and document names"/>
<topic href="rbam6objects.htm" label="Objects">
<topic href="rbam6libraries.htm" label="Library objects"/>
<topic href="rbam6objecttypes.htm" label="External object types"/>
<topic href="rbam6simpqual.htm" label="Simple and qualified object names"/>
<topic href="rbam6genobj.htm" label="Generic object names"/>
<topic href="rbam6objnamrules.htm" label="Object naming rules">
<topic href="rbam6commnames.htm" label="Communication names (*CNAME)"/>
<topic href="rbam6genericnames.htm" label="Generic names (*GENERIC)"/>
<topic href="rbam6names.htm" label="Names (*NAME)"/>
<topic href="rbam6pathnames.htm" label="Path names (*PNAME)"/>
<topic href="rbam6snames.htm" label="Simple Names (*SNAME)"/>
<topic href="rbam6uniquenamerules.htm" label="Additional rules for unique names"/>
<topic href="rbam6clfiles.htm" label="Database and device files used by CL commands"/>
<topic href="clpro.htm" label="CL programming">
<topic href="creat.htm" label="Create a CL procedure">
<topic href="inter.htm" label="Interactive entry"/>
<topic href="batch.htm" label="Batch entry"/>
<topic href="parts.htm" label="Parts of a CL procedure"/>
<topic href="clsimpleproc.htm" label="Example: Simple CL procedure"/>
<topic href="comds.htm" label="Commands used in CL procedures">
<topic href="clcmd.htm" label="Common commands used in CL procedures"/>
<topic href="workp.htm" label="Use CL procedures"/>
<topic href="workv.htm" label="Use variables">
<topic href="declv.htm" label="Declare a variable"/>
<topic href="basedv.htm" label="Use based variables"/>
<topic href="definedv.htm" label="Use defined variables"/>
<topic href="usvar.htm" label="Specify a list or qualified name using a variable"/>
<topic href="lower.htm" label="Case of characters in variables"/>
<topic href="varrr.htm" label="Variables replacing reserved or numeric parameter values"/>
<topic href="valuv.htm" label="Change the value of a variable"/>
<topic href="tralb.htm" label="Trailing blanks on command parameters"/>
<topic href="clpms.htm" label="Write comments in CL procedures"/>
<topic href="contp.htm" label="Control processing within a CL procedure">
<topic href="gotoc.htm" label="GOTO command and labels"/>
<topic href="ifcmd.htm" label="IF command"/>
<topic href="elsec.htm" label="ELSE command"/>
<topic href="embif.htm" label="Embedded IF commands"/>
<topic href="docmd.htm" label="DO command and DO groups"/>
<topic href="dountilcmd.htm" label="DOUNTIL command"/>
<topic href="dowhilecmd.htm" label="DOWHILE command"/>
<topic href="doforcmd.htm" label="DOFOR command"/>
<topic href="iteratecmd.htm" label="ITERATE command"/>
<topic href="leavecmd.htm" label="LEAVE command"/>
<topic href="callsubrc.htm" label="CALLSUBR command"/>
<topic href="selectcmd.htm" label="SELECT command and SELECT groups"/>
<topic href="subrc.htm" label="SUBR command and Subroutines"/>
<topic href="expr.htm" label="*AND, *OR, and *NOT operators"/>
<topic href="rbam6addr.htm" label="%ADDRESS built-in function"/>
<topic href="binar.htm" label="%BINARY built-in function"/>
<topic href="rbam6offset.htm" label="%OFFSET built-in function"/>
<topic href="subst.htm" label="%SUBSTRING built-in function"/>
<topic href="switc.htm" label="%SWITCH built-in function">
<topic href="ifcd.htm" label="%SWITCH with the IF command"/>
<topic href="chgv.htm" label="%SWITCH with the Change Variable (CHGVAR) command"/>
<topic href="monms.htm" label="Monitor Message (MONMSG) Command"/>
<topic href="valvz.htm" label="Retrieve values that can be used as variables">
<topic href="retsv.htm" label="Retrieve system values">
<topic href="svqtime.htm" label="Example: Retrieve QTIME system value"/>
<topic href="convd.htm" label="QDATE system value"/>
<topic href="retconfig.htm" label="Retrieve configuration source"/>
<topic href="retstatus.htm" label="Retrieve configuration status"/>
<topic href="retna.htm" label="Retrieve network attributes">
<topic href="rtvne.htm" label="Example: Use RTVNETA"/>
<topic href="retja.htm" label="Retrieve job attributes">
<topic href="rtvjo.htm" label="Example: Use RTVJOBA"/>
<topic href="retup.htm" label="Retrieve user profile attributes">
<topic href="rtvus.htm" label="Example: Use RTVUSRPRF"/>
<topic href="retmd.htm" label="Retrieve member description information">
<topic href="rtmbr.htm" label="Example: Use RTVMBRD"/>
<topic href="crpro.htm" label="Compile CL procedures">
<topic href="logcd.htm" label="Log CL procedure commands"/>
<topic href="compi.htm" label="CL module compiler listings"/>
<topic href="errco.htm" label="Common errors when compiling"/>
<topic href="pdump.htm" label="Obtain a procedure dump"/>
<topic href="modat.htm" label="Display module attributes"/>
<topic href="pgmat.htm" label="Display program attributes"/>
<topic href="retcs.htm" label="Return code summary"/>
<topic href="clcompiling.htm" label="Compile source programs for a previous release">
<topic href="clcompprev.htm" label="Previous-release (*PRV) libraries"/>
<topic href="clcompinstall.htm" label="Install CL compiler support for a previous release"/>
<topic href="cflow.htm" label="Control flow and communicate between programs and procedures">
<topic href="passc.htm" label="Pass control">
<topic href="callc.htm" label="Use the CALL command"/>
<topic href="callp.htm" label="Use the CALLPRC command"/>
<topic href="retur.htm" label="Use the RETURN command"/>
<topic href="passp.htm" label="Pass parameters">
<topic href="ucall.htm" label="CALL command"/>
<topic href="comer.htm" label="Common errors when calling programs and procedures">
<topic href="dataerrorc.htm" label="Data type errors using the CALL command"/>
<topic href="dataerror.htm" label="Data type errors"/>
<topic href="dperr.htm" label="Decimal length and precision errors"/>
<topic href="clerr.htm" label="Character length errors"/>
<topic href="clpgcomm.htm" label="Communicate between programs and procedures">
<topic href="qcomm.htm" label="Use data queues">
<topic href="remdq.htm" label="Remote data queues"/>
<topic href="compq.htm" label="Comparisons with using database files as queues"/>
<topic href="simiq.htm" label="Similarities to message queues"/>
<topic href="prerq.htm" label="Prerequisites for using data queues"/>
<topic href="mangq.htm" label="Manage the storage used by a data queue"/>
<topic href="alloq.htm" label="Allocate data queues"/>
<topic href="explq.htm" label="Examples: Use a data queue">
<topic href="dqex1.htm" label="Example: Wait up to two hours to receive data from data queue"/>
<topic href="dspficf.htm" label="Example: Wait for input from a display file and an ICF file"/>
<topic href="dspfdq.htm" label="Example: Wait for input from a display file and a data queue"/>
<topic href="dqoutput.htm" label="Create data queues associated with an output queue"/>
<topic href="dtaas.htm" label="Use data areas">
<topic href="lclda.htm" label="Local data area"/>
<topic href="grpda.htm" label="Group data area"/>
<topic href="pipda.htm" label="Program Initialization Parameter (PIP) data area"/>
<topic href="remdta.htm" label="Remote data areas"/>
<topic href="crtda.htm" label="Create a data area"/>
<topic href="dalal.htm" label="Data area locking and allocation"/>
<topic href="disda.htm" label="Display a data area"/>
<topic href="chgda.htm" label="Change a data area"/>
<topic href="retda.htm" label="Retrieve a data area"/>
<topic href="excop.htm" label="Examples: Retrieve a data area">
<topic href="daex1.htm" label="Example: Retrieve data area ORDINFO"/>
<topic href="daex2.htm" label="Example: Retrieve data area DA1"/>
<topic href="daex3.htm" label="Example: Retrieve data area DA2"/>
<topic href="crdae.htm" label="Example: Change and retrieve a data area"/>
<topic href="cmdinfodoc.htm" label="Define and document commands">
<topic href="defcm.htm" label="Define commands">
<topic href="rbam6comdefstate.htm" label="Command definition statements">
<topic href="rbam6createuserdefinedcommands.htm" label="Create user-defined commands"/>
<topic href="ovhdc.htm" label="Command definition process">
<topic href="comcrtcmd.htm" label="Create Command (CRTCMD) command"/>
<topic href="comdefobj.htm" label="Command definition object"/>
<topic href="valid.htm" label="Validity checking"/>
<topic href="comprover.htm" label="Prompt override program"/>
<topic href="comprocesspgm.htm" label="Command processing program"/>
<topic href="comexitiasp.htm" label="Command exit programs and independent ASPs"/>
<topic href="comauth.htm" label="Authority needed for defining commands"/>
<topic href="crtcmdex.htm" label="Example: Create a command"/>
<topic href="hdfcd.htm" label="Define a command">
<topic href="cmdst.htm" label="Use the CMD statement"/>
<topic href="defpr.htm" label="Define parameters">
<topic href="nkdpr.htm" label="Name the keyword for the parameter"/>
<topic href="prtyp.htm" label="Parameter types"/>
<topic href="lprvl.htm" label="Length of parameter value"/>
<topic href="defvl.htm" label="Default values"/>
<topic href="exdpr.htm" label="Example: Define a parameter"/>
<topic href="dtpr.htm" label="Data type and parameter restrictions"/>
<topic href="dflst.htm" label="Define lists for parameters">
<topic href="dslst.htm" label="Define a simple list">
<topic href="defslclhll.htm" label="Use CL or HLL for simple lists"/>
<topic href="slrx.htm" label="Use REXX for simple lists"/>
<topic href="dmlst.htm" label="Define a mixed list">
<topic href="defmlclhll.htm" label="Use CL or HLL for mixed lists"/>
<topic href="mlrx.htm" label="Use REXX for mixed lists"/>
<topic href="dlist.htm" label="Define lists within lists">
<topic href="defdlclhll.htm" label="Use CL or HLL for lists within lists"/>
<topic href="llrx.htm" label="Use REXX for lists within lists"/>
<topic href="dqnam.htm" label="Define a qualified name">
<topic href="defqlclhll.htm" label="Use CL or HLL for a qualified name"/>
<topic href="qnrx.htm" label="Use REXX for a qualified name"/>
<topic href="ddrel.htm" label="Define a dependent relationship"/>
<topic href="pmtpc.htm" label="Possible choices and values"/>
<topic href="pmtc.htm" label="Use prompt control">
<topic href="condp.htm" label="Conditional prompting"/>
<topic href="addpmt.htm" label="Additional parameters"/>
<topic href="pop.htm" label="Key parameters and prompt override programs">
<topic href="promptoverpgm.htm" label="Use a prompt override program">
<topic href="keyparm.htm" label="Identify key parameters"/>
<topic href="wrtpop.htm" label="Write a prompt override program">
<topic href="paramprompt.htm" label="Parameters passed to the prompt override program"/>
<topic href="passinfo.htm" label="Information returned from the prompt override program"/>
<topic href="errorsover.htm" label="Allow for errors in a prompt override program"/>
<topic href="spypop.htm" label="Specify the prompt override program when creating or changing commands"/>
<topic href="sampop.htm" label="Example: Use a prompt override program"/>
<topic href="ccmds.htm" label="Create commands">
<topic href="cdslt.htm" label="Command definition source listing"/>
<topic href="cdefs.htm" label="Command errors when processing command definition statements"/>
<topic href="dcdef.htm" label="Display a command definition"/>
<topic href="ccdcp.htm" label="Effect of changing the command definition of a command in a procedure or program">
<topic href="chgcmddef.htm" label="Change command defaults"/>
<topic href="chgcmddefex.htm" label="Examples: Change command defaults"/>
<topic href="wcppg.htm" label="Write a command processing program or procedure">
<topic href="wcpclhll.htm" label="CL or HLL command processing program"/>
<topic href="wcprexx.htm" label="REXX command processing procedure"/>
<topic href="wvchk.htm" label="Write a validity checking program"/>
<topic href="exdcc.htm" label="Examples: Define and create commands">
<topic href="cappg.htm" label="Example: Call application programs"/>
<topic href="sdvfl.htm" label="Example: Substitute a default value"/>
<topic href="doptq.htm" label="Example: Display an output queue"/>
<topic href="msgcd.htm" label="Example: Display messages from IBM-supplied commands more than once"/>
<topic href="excrtabb.htm" label="Example: Create abbreviated change job command"/>
<topic href="expl2.htm" label="Example: Create abbreviated printer writer command"/>
<topic href="dfsmb.htm" label="Example: Delete files and source members"/>
<topic href="dpgob.htm" label="Example: Delete program objects"/>
<topic href="doccmd.htm" label="Document commands">
<topic href="cmdhlprel.htm" label="Commands and command help"/>
<topic href="clhelp.htm" label="Write command help">
<topic href="genuim.htm" label="Generate UIM source for command help"/>
<topic href="shrhlp.htm" label="Share common help"/>
<topic href="orghlp.htm" label="Organize help text into help modules"/>
<topic href="clhtml.htm" label="Generate HTML source for command documentation"/>
<topic href="proxycmds.htm" label="Proxy commands"/>
<topic href="clpgcmdAPIs.htm" label="Use command-related APIs">
<topic href="excmd.htm" label="QCAPCMD program"/>
<topic href="execp.htm" label="QCMDEXC program">
<topic href="excdb.htm" label="QCMDEXC program with DBCS data"/>
<topic href="chckp.htm" label="QCMDCHK program"/>
<topic href="allow.htm" label="Prompt for user input at runtime">
<topic href="prmpt.htm" label="Use the i5/OS prompter within a CL procedure or program"/>
<topic href="secpr.htm" label="Use selective prompting for CL commands"/>
<topic href="qcaex.htm" label="Use QCMDEXC with prompting in CL procedures and programs"/>
<topic href="pmenu.htm" label="Enter program source">
<topic href="dsppg.htm" label="Use the Start Programmer Menu (STRPGMMNU) command">
<topic href="exitp.htm" label="Use the EXITPGM parameter"/>
<topic href="cmdanalyz.htm" label="Use command analyzer exit points"/>
<topic href="apgmdbcs.htm" label="Application programming for DBCS data">
<topic href="ddds.htm" label="Design DBCS application programs"/>
<topic href="cdds.htm" label="Convert alphanumeric programs to process DBCS data"/>
<topic href="dbcscl.htm" label="Use DBCS data in a CL program"/>
<topic href="loadrunap.htm" label="Load and run an application from tape or optical media">
<topic href="venresp.htm" label="Example: QINSTAPP program"/>
<topic href="tfrct.htm" label="Transfer control to improve performance">
<topic href="tfr.htm" label="Example: Use the Transfer Control (TFRCTL) command"/>
<topic href="tfrpp.htm" label="Pass parameters using TRFCTL"/>
<topic href="sampl.htm" label="Examples: CL programs and procedures">
<topic href="iprog.htm" label="Example: Initial program for setup (programmer)"/>
<topic href="savea.htm" label="Example: Save specific objects in an application (system operator)"/>
<topic href="rterm.htm" label="Example: Recovery from abnormal end (system operator)"/>
<topic href="timeo.htm" label="Example: Time out while waiting for input from a device display"/>
<topic href="datearith.htm" label="Example: Perform date arithmetic"/>
<topic href="debugprog.htm" label="Debug CL programs and procedures">
<topic href="dbgile.htm" label="Debug ILE programs">
<topic href="dbpgm.htm" label="Debug commands"/>
<topic href="ppgmobj.htm" label="Prepare a program object for a debug session">
<topic href="rootsrc.htm" label="Use a root source view"/>
<topic href="listingvw.htm" label="Use a listing view"/>
<topic href="stmtvw.htm" label="Use a statement view"/>
<topic href="strtiledb.htm" label="Start the ILE source debugger"/>
<topic href="addpgmdb.htm" label="Add program objects to a debug session"/>
<topic href="rmpgmdg.htm" label="Remove program objects from a debug session"/>
<topic href="vwpgmsrc.htm" label="View the program source">
<topic href="chmod.htm" label="Change a module object"/>
<topic href="chvwmod.htm" label="Change the view of a module object"/>
<topic href="srbp.htm" label="Set and remove breakpoints">
<topic href="srubp.htm" label="Set and remove unconditional breakpoints"/>
<topic href="srcbp.htm" label="Set and remove conditional breakpoints"/>
<topic href="wrkbreak.htm" label="Use the Work with Breakpoints display"/>
<topic href="brclear.htm" label="Use the BREAK and CLEAR debug commands"/>
<topic href="nlss.htm" label="National Language Sort Sequence (NLSS)"/>
<topic href="brexam.htm" label="Examples: Conditional breakpoint"/>
<topic href="rmbreak.htm" label="Remove all breakpoints"/>
<topic href="cldbinstruction.htm" label="Use instruction stepping">
<topic href="clstepovr.htm" label="Use F10 (Step) or F22 (Step into)"/>
<topic href="clstepthrdg.htm" label="Use the STEP debug command"/>
<topic href="eval.htm" label="Display variables">
<topic href="dsplogvar.htm" label="Example: Display logical variable"/>
<topic href="dspcharvar.htm" label="Examples: Display character variable"/>
<topic href="dspdecvar.htm" label="Example: Display decimal variable"/>
<topic href="dsphexvar.htm" label="Example: Display Variables as hexadecimal values"/>
<topic href="chgvarval.htm" label="Change the value of variables">
<topic href="chglogvar.htm" label="Example: Change logical variable"/>
<topic href="chgcharvar.htm" label="Examples: Change character variable"/>
<topic href="chgdecvar.htm" label="Examples: Change decimal variable"/>
<topic href="attrv.htm" label="Display variable attributes"/>
<topic href="equat.htm" label="Equate a name with a variable, expression, or command"/>
<topic href="dgnlss.htm" label="Source debug and i5/OS globalization">
<topic href="wrksrcvw.htm" label="Work with *SOURCE view"/>
<topic href="rmsteps.htm" label="Operations that temporarily remove steps"/>
<topic href="opm.htm" label="Debug OPM programs">
<topic href="stdbg.htm" label="Start debug mode">
<topic href="addbg.htm" label="Add programs to debug mode"/>
<topic href="prodl.htm" label="Prevent updates to database files in production libraries"/>
<topic href="pgmin.htm" label="Display the call stack">
<topic href="pgmac.htm" label="Program activations"/>
<topic href="unmsg.htm" label="Handle unmonitored messages"/>
<topic href="brkpt.htm" label="Use breakpoints">
<topic href="adbkp.htm" label="Add breakpoints to programs"/>
<topic href="addcbrkpt.htm" label="Add conditional breakpoints"/>
<topic href="rmbkp.htm" label="Remove breakpoints from programs"/>
<topic href="trace.htm" label="Use traces">
<topic href="adtrc.htm" label="Add traces to programs"/>
<topic href="instp.htm" label="Use instruction stepping"/>
<topic href="usbkp.htm" label="Use breakpoints within traces"/>
<topic href="rmtrs.htm" label="Remove trace information from the system"/>
<topic href="rmtrp.htm" label="Remove traces from programs"/>
<topic href="dspfu.htm" label="Display testing information"/>
<topic href="dspva.htm" label="Display the values of variables"/>
<topic href="chgva.htm" label="Change the values of variables"/>
<topic href="usejobdg.htm" label="Use a job to debug another job">
<topic href="debugbatch.htm" label="Debug batch jobs submitted to a job queue"/>
<topic href="debugbatchns.htm" label="Debug batch jobs not started from job queues"/>
<topic href="debugrun.htm" label="Debug a running job"/>
<topic href="debuginter.htm" label="Debug another interactive job"/>
<topic href="debugconsid.htm" label="Considerations when debugging one job from another job"/>
<topic href="dbgmi.htm" label="Debug at the machine interface level"/>
<topic href="tesec.htm" label="Security considerations"/>
<topic href="temprmdg.htm" label="Operations that temporarily remove breakpoints"/>
<topic href="objec.htm" label="Objects and libraries">
<topic href="intobj.htm" label="Objects">
<topic href="objty.htm" label="Object types and common attributes"/>
<topic href="funco.htm" label="Functions performed on objects">
<topic href="funcoauto.htm" label="Functions the system performs automatically"/>
<topic href="funcocmd.htm" label="Functions you can perform using commands"/>
<topic href="accob.htm" label="Libraries">
<topic href="ulibl.htm" label="Library lists">
<topic href="objuseliblist.htm" label="Use a library list"/>
<topic href="jlibl.htm" label="A job's library list"/>
<topic href="chglibl.htm" label="Change the library list"/>
<topic href="slibl.htm" label="Considerations for using a library list"/>
<topic href="disll.htm" label="Display a library list"/>
<topic href="objsearchliblists.htm" label="Search for objects using library lists">
<topic href="gname.htm" label="Use generic object names"/>
<topic href="smoso.htm" label="Search for multiple objects or a single object"/>
<topic href="uslib.htm" label="Use libraries">
<topic href="crlib.htm" label="Create a library"/>
<topic href="rglib.htm" label="Specify authority for libraries">
<topic href="oblib.htm" label="Object authority"/>
<topic href="dalib.htm" label="Data authority"/>
<topic href="cblib.htm" label="Combined authority"/>
<topic href="secur.htm" label="Security considerations for objects">
<topic href="secdspaud.htm" label="Use the Display Audit Journal Entries (DSPAUDJRNE) command"/>
<topic href="defau.htm" label="Set default public authority"/>
<topic href="audit.htm" label="Set default auditing attribute"/>
<topic href="pllib.htm" label="Place objects in libraries"/>
<topic href="dclib.htm" label="Delete and clear libraries"/>
<topic href="dlnac.htm" label="Display library names and contents"/>
<topic href="dsprtv.htm" label="Display and retrieve library descriptions"/>
<topic href="hmltlng.htm" label="Change national language versions"/>
<topic href="objde.htm" label="Describe objects"/>
<topic href="disod.htm" label="Display object descriptions"/>
<topic href="retod.htm" label="Retrieve object descriptions">
<topic href="rtobjd.htm" label="Example: Use RTVOBJD"/>
<topic href="cinfo.htm" label="Creation information for objects"/>
<topic href="detob.htm" label="Detect unused objects on the system"/>
<topic href="moola.htm" label="Move objects from one library to another"/>
<topic href="cdupo.htm" label="Create duplicate objects"/>
<topic href="renob.htm" label="Rename objects"/>
<topic href="cmpdmp.htm" label="Compress or decompress objects">
<topic href="comob.htm" label="Restrictions for compression of objects"/>
<topic href="decom.htm" label="Temporarily decompressed objects"/>
<topic href="autod.htm" label="Automatic decompression of objects"/>
<topic href="delob.htm" label="Delete objects"/>
<topic href="allor.htm" label="Allocate resources">
<topic href="objlockstates.htm" label="Lock states for objects"/>
<topic href="dlsob.htm" label="Display the lock states for objects"/>
<topic href="acces.htm" label="Access objects in CL programs">
<topic href="except.htm" label="Access command definitions, files, and procedures">
<topic href="accesscmd.htm" label="Access command definitions"/>
<topic href="accessfile.htm" label="Access files"/>
<topic href="accessproc.htm" label="Access procedures"/>
<topic href="check.htm" label="Check for the existence of an object"/>
<topic href="wfile.htm" label="Work with files in CL procedures">
<topic href="objdatacmds.htm" label="Data manipulation commands"/>
<topic href="reffi.htm" label="Refer to files in a CL procedure"/>
<topic href="ocfil.htm" label="Open and close files in a CL procedure"/>
<topic href="decla.htm" label="Declare a file"/>
<topic href="srfil.htm" label="Send and receive data with a display file"/>
<topic href="cmenu.htm" label="Write a CL program to control a menu"/>
<topic href="ovrdf.htm" label="Override display files in a CL procedure"/>
<topic href="wmddf.htm" label="Work with multiple device display files"/>
<topic href="rddbf.htm" label="Receive data from a database file"/>
<topic href="ovrbf.htm" label="Override database files in a CL procedure or program"/>
<topic href="refof.htm" label="Refer to output files from display commands"/>
<topic href="wmsgs.htm" label="Messages">
<topic href="msghd.htm" label="Define message descriptions">
<topic href="cmsgf.htm" label="Create a message file">
<topic href="msgfiasp.htm" label="Message files in independent ASPs"/>
<topic href="dmsgf.htm" label="Determine the size of a message file"/>
<topic href="amsgf.htm" label="Add messages to a file">
<topic href="amsgi.htm" label="Assign a message identifier"/>
<topic href="dmsgt.htm" label="Define messages and message help"/>
<topic href="dsvam.htm" label="Define substitution variables"/>
<topic href="asevc.htm" label="Assign a severity code"/>
<topic href="msgvalid.htm" label="Specify validity checking for replies"/>
<topic href="immmsg.htm" label="Example: Send an immediate message and handling a reply">
<topic href="immsgdbcs.htm" label="Send immediate messages with double-byte characters"/>
<topic href="ddvfr.htm" label="Define default values for replies"/>
<topic href="esmsg.htm" label="Specify default message handling for escape messages">
<topic href="exdfp.htm" label="Example: Send last diagnostic message as an escape message"/>
<topic href="altid.htm" label="Specify the alert option"/>
<topic href="exdmg.htm" label="Example: Describe a message"/>
<topic href="dbmsg.htm" label="Define double-byte messages"/>
<topic href="vmsgf.htm" label="View messages"/>
<topic href="smfs.htm" label="Search for message file">
<topic href="smsg.htm" label="System message file searches"/>
<topic href="omsgf.htm" label="Override message files">
<topic href="exomf.htm" label="Example: Override a message file"/>
<topic href="msgusequeues.htm" label="Use message queues">
<topic href="tmtmq.htm" label="Types of message queues"/>
<topic href="ccmsg.htm" label="Create or change a message queue">
<topic href="msgqiasp.htm" label="Message queues in independent ASPs"/>
<topic href="msghp.htm" label="Message queues in break mode"/>
<topic href="excdm.htm" label="Place a message queue in break mode automatically"/>
<topic href="jmsgq.htm" label="Job message queues">
<topic href="msgextqueue.htm" label="External message queue (*EXT)"/>
<topic href="msgcallqueue.htm" label="Call message queue"/>
<topic href="msgsu.htm" label="Send messages to a system user"/>
<topic href="msgcl.htm" label="Send messages from a CL program">
<topic href="iimsg.htm" label="Inquiry and informational messages"/>
<topic href="codim.htm" label="Completion and diagnostic messages"/>
<topic href="stmsg.htm" label="Status messages"/>
<topic href="enmsg.htm" label="Escape and notify messages"/>
<topic href="xsmsg.htm" label="Examples: Send messages"/>
<topic href="callid.htm" label="Identify a call stack entry">
<topic href="callcmdbase.htm" label="Use the command as a base"/>
<topic href="callidbyname.htm" label="Identify the base entry by name"/>
<topic href="callpgmasbase.htm" label="Use the program boundary as a base"/>
<topic href="callrecentasbase.htm" label="Use the most recently called procedure as a base"/>
<topic href="callcontrolasbase.htm" label="Use a control boundary as a base"/>
<topic href="callservicepgms.htm" label="Considerations for service programs"/>
<topic href="rmclp.htm" label="Receive messages into a CL procedure or program">
<topic href="rqmsg.htm" label="Receive request messages"/>
<topic href="wrppg.htm" label="Write request-processing procedures and programs"/>
<topic href="msgdeterm.htm" label="Determine if a request-processor exists"/>
<topic href="rmtcl.htm" label="Retrieve message descriptions from a message file"/>
<topic href="msgmq.htm" label="Remove messages from a message queue"/>
<topic href="monmg.htm" label="Monitor for messages in a CL program or procedure">
<topic href="wchmsg.htm" label="Watch for messages"/>
<topic href="dfthd.htm" label="CL handling for unmonitored messsages"/>
<topic href="ntmsg.htm" label="Monitor for notify messages"/>
<topic href="ssmsg.htm" label="Monitor for status messages"/>
<topic href="preventsmg.htm" label="Prevent the display of status messages"/>
<topic href="rcvmsgpgm.htm" label="Receive a message from a program or procedure that has ended"/>
<topic href="bhprg.htm" label="Use break-handling programs"/>
<topic href="msghandlereplies.htm" label="Handle replies to inquiry messages">
<topic href="sndrcpy.htm" label="Using a sender copy message to obtain a reply"/>
<topic href="fndjobrply.htm" label="Find the job that sent a reply"/>
<topic href="ussrl.htm" label="Use the system reply list"/>
<topic href="rpyexit.htm" label="Use reply handling exit program"/>
<topic href="subfi.htm" label="Use message subfiles in a CL program or procedure"/>
<topic href="mlogg.htm" label="Log messages">
<topic href="jblog.htm" label="Job log">
<topic href="jlwrite.htm" label="Write job log to a file"/>
<topic href="jlcontrolinfo.htm" label="Control information written in a job log"/>
<topic href="jlmsgfilter.htm" label="Job log message filtering"/>
<topic href="jlcontrolinfoex.htm" label="Example: Control information written in a job log"/>
<topic href="sndrcv.htm" label="Job log sender or receiver information"/>
<topic href="djobl.htm" label="Display the job log"/>
<topic href="ppjob.htm" label="Prevent the production of job logs"/>
<topic href="jlcon.htm" label="Job log considerations"/>
<topic href="cijls.htm" label="Interactive job log considerations"/>
<topic href="cbjls.htm" label="Batch job log considerations"/>
<topic href="jlfilter.htm" label="Filter the job log to a database file"/>
<topic href="joblg.htm" label="Use job log output files">
<topic href="djl.htm" label="Direct a job log"/>
<topic href="pjl.htm" label="Primary job log model"/>
<topic href="systl.htm" label="QHST history log">
<topic href="hlformat.htm" label="Format of the history log"/>
<topic href="pqhst.htm" label="Process the QHST file"/>
<topic href="qhstjob.htm" label="QHST job start and completion messages"/>
<topic href="dellf.htm" label="Delete QHST files"/>
<topic href="qsysm.htm" label="Use QSYSMSG message queue">
<topic href="msmqu.htm" label="Messages sent to QSYSMSG message queue"/>
<topic href="sprmq.htm" label="Example: Receive messages from QSYSMSG"/>