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<title>Change User Trace (CHGUSRTRC)</title>
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<a name="CHGUSRTRC.Top_Of_Page"></a>
<h2>Change User Trace (CHGUSRTRC)</h2>
<table width="100%">
<td valign="top" align="left"><b>Where allowed to run: </b>All environments (*ALL)<br>
<b>Threadsafe: </b>Yes
<td valign="top" align="right">
<a href="#CHGUSRTRC.PARAMETERS.TABLE">Parameters</a><br>
<a href="#CHGUSRTRC.COMMAND.EXAMPLES">Examples</a><br>
<a href="#CHGUSRTRC.ERROR.MESSAGES">Error messages</a></td>
<div> <a name="CHGUSRTRC"></a>
<p>The Change User Trace Buffer (CHGUSRTRC) command changes the user trace buffer associated with the specified job. Each user trace buffer is a user space (*USRSPC) object in library QUSRSYS by the name QP0Znnnnnn, where 'nnnnnn' is the job number of the job using the user trace.
<p>The user trace supports user-generated trace records written using the Qp0zUprintf, Qp0zDump, Qp0zDumpStack, and Qp0zDumpTargetStack APIs. Refer to the System API Reference information in the iSeries Information Center at http://www.ibm.com/eserver/iseries/infocenter, <b>OS/400 UNIX-type APIs</b> for more information on the Problem Determination APIs.
<p>The trace records written to the user trace buffer with the Problem Determination APIs can be formatted and placed into a file or written to the <b>stdout</b> file by using the DMPUSRTRC (Dump User Trace Buffer) CL command.
<p>User trace buffer spaces can be deleted by using the DLTUSRTRC (Delete User Trace Buffer) CL command.
<table width="100%">
<tr><td align="right"><a href="#CHGUSRTRC.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<hr size="2" width="100%">
<h3><a name="CHGUSRTRC.PARAMETERS.TABLE">Parameters</a></h3>
<table border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
<!-- col1="10" col2="15" col3="30" col4="10" -->
<th bgcolor="aqua" valign="bottom" align="left">Keyword</th>
<th bgcolor="aqua" valign="bottom" align="left">Description</th>
<th bgcolor="aqua" valign="bottom" align="left">Choices</th>
<th bgcolor="aqua" valign="bottom" align="left">Notes</th>
<td valign="top" rowspan="4"><a href="#CHGUSRTRC.JOB"><b>JOB</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Job name</td>
<td valign="top">Single values: <b><u>*</u></b><br>Other values: <i>Qualified job name</i></td>
<td valign="top" rowspan="4">Optional, Key, Positional 1</td>
<td valign="top">Qualifier 1: Job name</td>
<td valign="top"><i>Name</i></td>
<td valign="top">Qualifier 2: User</td>
<td valign="top"><i>Name</i></td>
<td valign="top">Qualifier 3: Number</td>
<td valign="top">000000-999999</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#CHGUSRTRC.CLEAR"><b>CLEAR</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Clear trace buffer</td>
<td valign="top"><b><u>*NO</u></b>, *YES</td>
<td valign="top">Optional</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#CHGUSRTRC.MAXSTG"><b>MAXSTG</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Maximum storage to use</td>
<td valign="top">10-16382, <b><u>*SAME</u></b></td>
<td valign="top">Optional</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#CHGUSRTRC.TRCFULL"><b>TRCFULL</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Trace full</td>
<td valign="top">*WRAP, *STOPTRC, <b><u>*SAME</u></b></td>
<td valign="top">Optional</td>
<table width="100%">
<tr><td align="right"><a href="#CHGUSRTRC.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<div> <a name="CHGUSRTRC.JOB"></a>
<h3>Job name (JOB)</h3>
<p>Specifies the job for which the user trace buffer is being changed.
<p>The possible values are:
<dd>The user trace buffer for the job that the command is running in is changed.
<dd>Specify the name of the job whose user trace buffer is being changed. If no user name or job number qualifier is given, all of the jobs currently in the system are searched for the simple job name. If duplicates of the specified name are found, a qualified job name must be specified.
<dd>Specify the name of the user of the job whose user trace buffer is being changed.
<dd>Specify the six-digit number of the job whose user trace buffer is being changed.
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<tr><td align="right"><a href="#CHGUSRTRC.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<div> <a name="CHGUSRTRC.CLEAR"></a>
<h3>Clear trace buffer (CLEAR)</h3>
<p>Specifies whether all trace records currently stored in the user trace buffer space should be removed.
<p>The possible values are:
<dd>No trace records are removed from the user trace buffer.
<dd>All trace records currently stored in the user trace buffer are removed.
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<tr><td align="right"><a href="#CHGUSRTRC.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<div> <a name="CHGUSRTRC.MAXSTG"></a>
<h3>Maximum storage to use (MAXSTG)</h3>
<p>Specifies the size, in kilobytes, that the user trace buffer will be created to (if it doesn't exist) or resized to (if it exists). If this parameter is specified, *YES must also be specified for the CLEAR parameter.
<p>The possible values are:
<dd>The user trace size is not changed. The default size (300 kilobytes) is used to create the user trace buffer when the first user trace API is called.
<dd>Specify the maximum amount of storage, in kilobytes, used to store user trace records. One kilobyte equals 1024 bytes.
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<tr><td align="right"><a href="#CHGUSRTRC.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<div> <a name="CHGUSRTRC.TRCFULL"></a>
<h3>Trace full (TRCFULL)</h3>
<p>Specifies whether the trace records wrap (replace oldest records with new records) or whether the trace stops when all of the storage specified by the MAXSTG parameter has been used.
<p>The possible values are:
<dd>The current attribute does not change. The default when a user trace buffer space is created is TRCFULL(*WRAP).
<dd>When the trace file is full, the trace wraps to the beginning. The oldest trace records are written over by new ones as they are collected.
<dd>Tracing stops when the trace buffer space is full of trace records.
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<tr><td align="right"><a href="#CHGUSRTRC.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<hr size="2" width="100%">
<div><h3><a name="CHGUSRTRC.COMMAND.EXAMPLES">Examples</a> </h3>
<p><b>Example 1: Changing the User Trace Buffer Size for the Current Job</b>
<p>This command changes the user trace buffer size for the current job to 100 kilobytes.
<p><b>Example 2: Clearing the User Trace Buffer for a Specific Job</b>
<p>This command clears the user trace buffer for job WS1, which is associated with the user profile DEPT2, and has the job number 123581.
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<tr><td align="right"><a href="#CHGUSRTRC.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<hr size="2" width="100%">
<div><h3><a name="CHGUSRTRC.ERROR.MESSAGES">Error messages</a> </h3>
<p><b><u>*ESCAPE Messages</u></b>
<dd>A User Trace option could not be changed for job &amp;3/&amp;2/&amp;1.
<dd>Job &amp;3/&amp;2/&amp;1 not unique.
<dd>Job &amp;3/&amp;2/&amp;1 not found.
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