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<title>Add TCP/IP Interface (ADDTCPIFC)</title>
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<a name="ADDTCPIFC.Top_Of_Page"></a>
<h2>Add TCP/IP Interface (ADDTCPIFC)</h2>
<table width="100%">
<td valign="top" align="left"><b>Where allowed to run: </b>All environments (*ALL)<br>
<b>Threadsafe: </b>No
<td valign="top" align="right">
<a href="#ADDTCPIFC.PARAMETERS.TABLE">Parameters</a><br>
<a href="#ADDTCPIFC.COMMAND.EXAMPLES">Examples</a><br>
<a href="#ADDTCPIFC.ERROR.MESSAGES">Error messages</a></td>
<div> <a name="ADDTCPIFC"></a>
<p>The Add TCP/IP Interface (ADDTCPIFC) command is used to define a new interface to the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) configuration. The interfaces defined by the ADDTCPIFC command are logical interfaces. They are not physical interfaces. Each interface is associated with a line description. The line description is the physical connection from the local system to the TCP/IP network.
<p>The i5/OS TCP/IP implementation supports <i>multihoming</i>. This allows you to specify either a single interface or multiple interfaces per line description. You can have your system appear as any one or combination of the following:
<li>A single host on a network over a communications line
<li>Multiple hosts on the <u> same</u> network over the same communications line
<li>Multiple hosts on <u> different</u> networks over the same communications line
<li>Multiple hosts on the same network over multiple communications lines
<li>Multiple hosts on different networks over multiple communications lines
<li>In SNMP, the interface is a physical interface. The physical interface relates directly to an input/output processor (IOP).
<li>The interface table is shipped with a default interface of The line description value associated with the interface is *LOOPBACK. The host table is also shipped with an entry that has an internet address of and host names of LOOPBACK and LOCALHOST.
<li>A maximum of 16K interfaces can be defined and up to 2K interfaces can be active on any one line with the Start TCP/IP Interface (STRTCPIFC) command at any given time. This is true for all line types (for example; token-ring, Ethernet, frame relay, and so forth).
<p><b>Attention:</b> Before attempting to start an X.25 interface, ensure that the remote system information (RSI) for non-DDN X.25 interfaces that use a permanent virtual circuit (PVC) is configured. Use the Add TCP/IP Remote System Information (ADDTCPRSI) command to do this. Incoming data from a remote system on the X.25 network is not processed unless an RSI entry for the PVC is configured on the X.25 interface before the interface is started.
<li>You must have input/output system configuration (*IOSYSCFG) special authority to run this command.
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<tr><td align="right"><a href="#ADDTCPIFC.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
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<h3><a name="ADDTCPIFC.PARAMETERS.TABLE">Parameters</a></h3>
<table border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
<!-- col1="10" col2="15" col3="30" col4="10" -->
<th bgcolor="aqua" valign="bottom" align="left">Keyword</th>
<th bgcolor="aqua" valign="bottom" align="left">Description</th>
<th bgcolor="aqua" valign="bottom" align="left">Choices</th>
<th bgcolor="aqua" valign="bottom" align="left">Notes</th>
<td valign="top"><a href="#ADDTCPIFC.INTNETADR"><b>INTNETADR</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Internet address</td>
<td valign="top"><i>Character value</i></td>
<td valign="top">Required, Positional 1</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#ADDTCPIFC.LIND"><b>LIND</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Line description</td>
<td valign="top"><i>Name</i>, *LOOPBACK, *VIRTUALIP, *OPC</td>
<td valign="top">Required, Positional 2</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#ADDTCPIFC.SUBNETMASK"><b>SUBNETMASK</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Subnet mask</td>
<td valign="top"><i>Character value</i>, *HOST</td>
<td valign="top">Required, Positional 3</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#ADDTCPIFC.ALIASNAME"><b>ALIASNAME</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Alias name</td>
<td valign="top"><i>Simple name</i>, <b><u>*NONE</u></b></td>
<td valign="top">Optional</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#ADDTCPIFC.LCLIFC"><b>LCLIFC</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Associated local interface</td>
<td valign="top"><i>Character value</i>, <b><u>*NONE</u></b></td>
<td valign="top">Optional</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#ADDTCPIFC.TOS"><b>TOS</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Type of service</td>
<td valign="top">*MINDELAY, *MAXTHRPUT, *MAXRLB, *MINCOST, <b><u>*NORMAL</u></b></td>
<td valign="top">Optional</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#ADDTCPIFC.MTU"><b>MTU</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Maximum transmission unit</td>
<td valign="top">576-16388, <b><u>*LIND</u></b></td>
<td valign="top">Optional</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#ADDTCPIFC.AUTOSTART"><b>AUTOSTART</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">Autostart</td>
<td valign="top"><b><u>*YES</u></b>, *NO</td>
<td valign="top">Optional</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#ADDTCPIFC.PVCLGLCHLI"><b>PVCLGLCHLI</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">PVC logical channel identifier</td>
<td valign="top">Values (up to 64 repetitions): <i>Character value</i></td>
<td valign="top">Optional</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#ADDTCPIFC.IDLVCTTIMO"><b>IDLVCTTIMO</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">X.25 idle circuit timeout</td>
<td valign="top">1-600, <b><u>60</u></b></td>
<td valign="top">Optional</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#ADDTCPIFC.MAXSVC"><b>MAXSVC</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">X.25 maximum virtual circuits</td>
<td valign="top">0-64, <b><u>64</u></b></td>
<td valign="top">Optional</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#ADDTCPIFC.DDN"><b>DDN</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">X.25 DDN interface</td>
<td valign="top">*YES, <b><u>*NO</u></b></td>
<td valign="top">Optional</td>
<td valign="top"><a href="#ADDTCPIFC.BITSEQ"><b>BITSEQ</b></a></td>
<td valign="top">TRLAN bit sequencing</td>
<td valign="top"><b><u>*MSB</u></b>, *LSB</td>
<td valign="top">Optional</td>
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<tr><td align="right"><a href="#ADDTCPIFC.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<div> <a name="ADDTCPIFC.INTNETADR"></a>
<h3>Internet address (INTNETADR)</h3>
<p>Specifies an internet address that the local system responds to on this interface. An interface is associated with a line description. The internet address is specified in the form <i>nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn</i>, where <i>nnn</i> is a decimal number ranging from 0 through 255. An internet address is not valid if it has a value of all binary ones or all binary zeros for the network identifier (ID) portion or the host ID portion of the address. If the internet address is entered from a command line, the address must be enclosed in apostrophes.
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<div> <a name="ADDTCPIFC.LIND"></a>
<h3>Line description (LIND)</h3>
<p>Specifies the name of the line description associated with the new interface. The line description must be defined before the TCP/IP interface can be added.
<p>The following conditions are based on the interface type that the user defines:
<dd>The name must be previously defined on the Create Line Description (Token-Ring Network) (CRTLINTRN) command.
<dd>The name must be previously defined on the Create Line Description (X.25) (CRTLINX25) command.
<dd>The name must be previously defined on the Create Line Description (Ethernet) (CRTLINETH) command.
<dd>The name must be previously defined on the Create Line Description (DDI Network) (CRTLINDDI) command.
<dt><b>Frame relay</b></dt>
<dd>The name must be previously defined on the Create Line Description (Frame Relay Network) (CRTLINFR) command.
<dd>The name must be previously defined on the Create Line Description (Wireless Network) (CRTLINWLS) command.
<dd>The name must be previously defined on the Create Line Description (CRTLINTDLC) command.
<p>TCP/IP can also be used on certain line descriptions attached to these network interfaces (NWI):
<li>A frame relay NWI using a frame relay, token ring, Ethernet, or DDI line description.
<li>The frame relay NWI is created using the Create Network Interface Frame Relay Network (CRTNWIFR) command.
<li>The line description is created using the appropriate Create Line command and attached to the frame relay NWI by specifying the NWI and NWIDLCI parameters.
<dd>This special value is used if and only if the first octet of the interface internet address is 127. This value indicates that the interface being added by this ADDTCPIFC command is the loopback or LOCALHOST interface. Because processing associated with loopback does not extend to a physical line, there is no line description associated with a loopback address.
<dd>The virtual interface is a circuitless interface. It is used in conjunction with the associated local interface (LCLIFC) when adding standard interfaces. This special value is used to accommodate any of the following cases:
<li>Load balancing. This is the means of having a fixed source IP address regardless of which interface the traffic is being distributed.
<li>Frame-relay multi-access network to define the local network IP address. This allows for multiple virtual circuits to share the same IP network.
<li>Alternate method of network access translation (NAT). This eliminates the need for a NAT box by assigning a globally unique single IP address directly to the box without the need to define an entire network.
<li>Unnumbered networks. This provides a means of associating a local source IP address for an unnumbered point-to-point network.
<dd>This special value is used if you are adding an OptiConnect interface over TCP/IP. This interface is attached to the optical bus (OptiConnect).
<dd>Specify the line description to be used for this interface.
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<tr><td align="right"><a href="#ADDTCPIFC.Top_Of_Page">Top</a></td></tr>
<div> <a name="ADDTCPIFC.SUBNETMASK"></a>
<h3>Subnet mask (SUBNETMASK)</h3>
<p>Specifies the subnet mask, which is a bit mask that defines the part of the network where this interface attaches. The mask is a 32-bit combination that is logically ANDed with the internet address to determine a particular subnetwork. The bits of the mask set to the value one (1) determine the network and subnetwork portions of the address. The bits set to the value zero (0) determine the host portion of the address.
<b>Note: </b>The network portion must be equal to one bits in the subnetmask. The host portion of an address must be at least two bits wide.
<dd>The subnet mask value used will be Specify this value for use with Proxy ARP (Address Resolution Protocol).
<dd>Specify the mask for the network subnet field and host address field of the internet address that defines a subnetwork. The subnet mask is in the form, <i>nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn</i>, where <i>nnn</i> is a decimal number ranging from 0 through 255. The subnet mask must mask off all bits of the network class's network ID portion of the internet address. For example, could define a subnet mask for an interface with a Class B internet address. In this example, the first two octets must be 1 bits because these octets define the network ID portion of the Class B internet address. The third octet of this subnet mask defines the actual subnet mask ID portion of the interface's internet address. It is also all 1 bits. This leaves the fourth octet to define the host ID portion of the interface's internet address.
<b>Note: </b>The bits that identify the subnetwork are not required to be adjacent in the address. However, it is strongly advised that the subnet bits be contiguous and located in the most significant bits of the host address.
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<div> <a name="ADDTCPIFC.ALIASNAME"></a>
<h3>Alias name (ALIASNAME)</h3>
<p>Specifies a name that can be used in place of the internet address. The name must be unique among all of the interfaces on the system.
<dd>No alias name is associated with the TCP/IP interface you are currently defining.
<dd>Specify an alias for the interface. The alias name must be 25 characters or less.
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<div> <a name="ADDTCPIFC.LCLIFC"></a>
<h3>Associated local interface (LCLIFC)</h3>
<p>Use this parameter to associate the interface you are currently defining with an existing local TCP/IP interface.
<p>The associated local interface (LCLIFC) is used to allow 'transparent subnetting' (also known as 'Proxy Arp') between the associated interfaces, to define Frame Relay unnumbered networks or for load balancing.
<p>Condition for using the LCLIFC for unnumbered networks:
<li>The line type of the interface you are adding MUST be Frame Relay.
<p>Conditions for using LCLIFC for transparent subnetting:
<li>The network of the associated local interface must be broadcast capable.
<li>The interface you are adding must be defined as a subnet of the network you are associating it with (using LCLIFC).
<p>Condition for using the LCLIFC for load balancing:
<li>This is the means of having a fixed source IP address regardless of which interface the traffic is being distributed.
<li>The line type of the associated local interface must be *VIRTUALIP.
<b>Note: </b>You can only use LCLIFC to associate this interface to another interface that is already defined. Once associated, the interface defined in LCLIFC must always be started prior to starting this interface.
<dd>No TCP/IP interface is associated with the interface you are currently defining.
<dd>Specify the internet address of the interface you want to associate with the interface you are currently defining.
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<div> <a name="ADDTCPIFC.TOS"></a>
<h3>Type of service (TOS)</h3>
<p>Specifies the type of service to be used. The type of service defines how the internet hosts and routers should make trade-offs between throughput, delay, reliability, and cost.
<p>*NORMAL: Normal service is used for delivery of data.
<p>*MINDELAY: Minimize delay means that prompt delivery is important for data on this connection.
<p>*MAXTHRPUT: Maximize throughput means that a high data rate is important for data on this connection.
<p>*MAXRLB: Maximize reliability means that a higher level of effort to ensure delivery is important for data on this connection.
<p>*MINCOST: Minimize monetary cost means that lower cost is important for data on this connection.
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<div> <a name="ADDTCPIFC.MTU"></a>
<h3>Maximum transmission unit (MTU)</h3>
<p>Specifies the maximum size (in bytes) of IP datagrams that can be transmitted through this interface. A datagram is a basic unit of information passed over an internet network. The minimum size of any maximum transmission unit value is 576 bytes.
<dd>The MTU is determined by the information specified in the line description. If *LIND is specified, the MTU will be equal to the largest amount of data that can be transmitted on the line.
<dd>Specify a value for the maximum transmission unit in bytes. The maximum MTU that can be specified for this interface depends on the type of physical connection to the network. The following table lists the maximum MTU values that can be specified based on the line type:
<dt><b>Token ring (4 meg)</b></dt>
<dt><b>Token ring (16 meg)</b></dt>
<dt><b>Ethernet 802.3</b></dt>
<dt><b>Ethernet Version 2</b></dt>
<dt><b>Frame relay</b></dt>
<dt><b>Wireless 802.3</b></dt>
<dt><b>Wireless Version 2</b></dt>
<dt><b>Twinax (TDLC)</b></dt>
<li>The actual MTU value used for an interface is resolved during interface activation. This value is the minimum of either the specified MTU value for the interface or the largest amount of data that can be transmitted on the line.
<li>It is suggested (not required) that the same MTU values be used for all interfaces on the same network. However, all interfaces <u> must</u> have an MTU that does not exceed the value used when *LIND is specified for the interface MTU.
<li>To view the MTU value actually used for an interface, do the following:
<li>Use the ADDTCPIFC command to add the interface.
<li>Use the Start TCP/IP Interface (STRTCPIFC) command to activate the interface.
<li>Use the Work with TCP/IP Status (WRKTCPSTS or NETSTAT) command to view the actual MTU value of the interface in bytes.
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<div> <a name="ADDTCPIFC.AUTOSTART"></a>
<h3>Autostart (AUTOSTART)</h3>
<p>Specifies whether the interface is automatically started when the TCP/IP stack is activated with the Start TCP/IP (STRTCP) command.
<dd>The interface is automatically started when TCP/IP is started.
<dd>The interface is not started when TCP/IP is started.
<b>Note: </b>The Start TCP/IP Interface (STRTCPIFC) command can be used to start an interface any time after TCP/IP has been activated.
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<div> <a name="ADDTCPIFC.PVCLGLCHLI"></a>
<h3>PVC logical channel identifier (PVCLGLCHLI)</h3>
<p>Specifies the permanent virtual circuit (PVC) logical channel identifiers that can be established on an X.25 interface by the TCP/IP protocol stack. Up to 64 unique channel identifiers may be specified. These logical channel identifiers must be included in the X.25 line description that is specified with the LIND parameter on the ADDTCPIFC command.
<p>With this parameter you can share the line with other communications software, such as Systems Network Architecture (SNA). It prevents the TCP/IP protocol stack from monopolizing the PVCs defined for the line.
<li>This parameter is valid only for an interface defined on a X.25 line description.
<li>PVCs cannot be used in a DDN network.
<li>When specifying PVCs for an X.25 interface, all interfaces on the same X.25 network should have the same set of PVC logical channel identifiers specified. This is especially important if one or more remote system information (RSI) entries will use a PVC to connect to the RSI entry's remote system on the X.25 network.
<li>If the RSI entries are defined such that two or more remote internet addresses can be reached across the same PVC, that PVC is shared.
<li>The sum of the maximum switched virtual circuits (MAXSVC) and the number of PVCs cannot exceed 64.
<dd>Specify the PVC logical channel identifier value. The value may be from 001 to FFF. Up to 64 PVC logical channel identifiers can be specified.
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<div> <a name="ADDTCPIFC.IDLVCTTIMO"></a>
<h3>X.25 idle circuit timeout (IDLVCTTIMO)</h3>
<p>Specifies the duration (in seconds) that TCP/IP waits before clearing an idle virtual circuit established on an X.25 interface. Clearing an idle virtual circuit frees resources on the network. TCP/IP automatically reestablishes virtual circuits when required to send or receive data. Virtual circuits are transparent to a TCP/IP client and have no noticeable effect on TCP connections.
<b>Note: </b>This parameter is valid only for switched virtual circuits (SVCs) on an interface defined on an X.25 line description. It is not valid for permanent virtual circuits (PVCs).
<dd>The idle virtual circuit timeout is 60 seconds.
<dd>Specify the idle virtual circuit timeout. Valid values range from 1 through 600 seconds.
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<div> <a name="ADDTCPIFC.MAXSVC"></a>
<h3>X.25 maximum virtual circuits (MAXSVC)</h3>
<p>Specifies the maximum number of concurrent switched virtual circuits (SVC) that can be established on an X.25 interface by the TCP/IP protocol stack.
<p>With this parameter you can share the line with other communications software such as Systems Network Architecture (SNA). It prevents the TCP/IP protocol stack from monopolizing the SVCs defined for the line. This parameter is valid only for an interface defined on an X.25 line description.
<b>Note: </b>The sum of the maximum switched virtual circuits (MAXSVC) and the number of PVCs cannot exceed 64.
<dd>If 64 is specified, the number of SVCs that are configured is the sum of the number of *SVCIN, *SVCOUT and *SVCBOTH SVCs defined for the line description (LIND) that is used by this interface. This is the maximum number of SVCs that can be authorized for processing by the TCP/IP protocol stack.
<dd>Specify the number of SVCs that TCP/IP protocol stack can use simultaneously. The valid values range from 0 through 64.
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<div> <a name="ADDTCPIFC.DDN"></a>
<h3>X.25 DDN interface (DDN)</h3>
<p>Specifies whether the X.25 interface is connected to the Defense Data Network (DDN). The DDN network is a special type of X.25 network used by TCP/IP customers with special security needs.
<b>Note: </b>This parameter is valid only for switched virtual circuits (SVCs) on an interface defined on an X.25 line description. It is not valid for permanent virtual circuits (PVCs).
<p>If you specify multiple interfaces to the same X.25 network, the DDN value should be equal for all of those interfaces. This is not enforced by the ADDTCPIFC or CHGTCPIFC commands.
<p>If the X.25 network is on the DDN network, do not define the remote system information for any of the remote systems on the network. The remote system information for the DDN X.25 network is determined from the destination IP address.
<dd>The X.25 interface is not connected to the Defense Data Network.
<dd>The X.25 interface is connected to the Defense Data Network.
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<div> <a name="ADDTCPIFC.BITSEQ"></a>
<h3>TRLAN bit sequencing (BITSEQ)</h3>
<p>Specifies the order, most or least significant bit first, in which the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) places the bits in the hardware address. This parameter is valid only for a token-ring local area network (TRLAN) line.
<b>Note: </b>All interfaces defined to a single token-ring line must have the same BITSEQ value. This is checked by the ADDTCPIFC code to ensure consistent values.
<dd>The most significant bit is placed first.
<dd>The least significant bit is placed first.
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<div><h3><a name="ADDTCPIFC.COMMAND.EXAMPLES">Examples</a> </h3>
<p><b>Example 1: Adding a Non-AUTOSTART Interface</b>
<p>Let's assume that an Ethernet line has been created named COTTAGELAN using the CRTLINETH command, this command adds the interface to the TCP/IP configuration. This interface uses the line description named COTTAGELAN. It is not automatically started when the STRTCP command is run. This interface must be started using the Start TCP/IP Interface (STRTCPIFC) command. The STRTCPIFC can be issued either directly from a command line or by using option 9 from either of the following lists:
<li>The Work with TCP/IP Interface Status list. Use menu option 1 from the menu displayed when the Work With TCP/IP Status (WRKTCPSTS) command is issued to display this list.
<li>The Work with TCP/IP Interfaces list. Use menu option 1 from the menu displayed when the Configure TCP/IP (CFGTCP) command is issued to display this list.
<p><b>Example 2: Adding an AUTOSTART Interface</b>
<p>Let's assume that an X.25 line has been created named COTTAGEX25 using the CRTLINX25 command, this command adds interface to the TCP/IP configuration. This interface uses the line description named COTTAGEX25. When TCP/IP is started using the Start TCP/IP (STRTCP) command, the interface is automatically started. The idle virtual circuit timeout is 45 seconds. The maximum number of concurrent SVCs allowed to be used by TCP/IP on this interface is 15. This interface is connected to the Defense Data Network. You do not need to define any remote system information (RSI) entries for this X.25 network because it is a DDN network.
<p><b>Example 3: Adding an Interface for a Twinax Line that is using an Associated Local Interface</b>
<p>This command will add a TCP/IP interface for the twinax line named TDLCLINE. This interface will be associated with local interface This means that the devices attached to twinax line can take advantage of 'appearing' to be on the same network as the local interface (transparent subnetting). No special routing is required to ensure packets from the twinax connnected hosts can travel to the local network. Also, hosts on the network can also reach the twinax hosts without any additional routing on the host systems.
<p><b>Example 4: Adding an Interface with an Alias</b>
<p>This command will add a TCP/IP interface for the Ethernet line named ETHLINE. This interface will have the alias name TEST_NETWORK. When starting or ending this interface, the alias name of TEST_NETWORK can be used in place of the IP address.
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<div><h3><a name="ADDTCPIFC.ERROR.MESSAGES">Error messages</a> </h3>
<p><b><u>*ESCAPE Messages</u></b>
<dd>&amp;1 member record length not correct.
<dd>Error occurred processing member &amp;1 of &amp;2/&amp;3.
<dd>Internet address &amp;1 not valid.
<dd>Internet address &amp;1 not valid.
<dd>Internet address &amp;1 not valid.
<dd>&amp;2 &amp;1 not added successfully.
<dd>&amp;2 &amp;1 not added.
<dd>*IOSYSCFG authority required to use &amp;1.
<dd>Internal system error in program &amp;1.
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