Valid SQL statements in an SQL package

Programs that connect to another server can use any of the SQL statements except the SET TRANSACTION statement.

Programs compiled using DB2® UDB for iSeries™ that refer to a system that is not DB2 UDB for iSeries can use executable SQL statements supported by that remote system. The precompiler will continue to issue diagnostic messages for statements it does not understand. These statements are sent to the remote system during the creation of the SQL package. The run-time support will return a SQLCODE of -84 or -525 when the statement cannot be run on the current application server. For example, multiple-row FETCH, blocked INSERT, and scrollable cursor support are allowed only in distributed programs where both the application requester and application server are i5/OS™ at Version 2 Release 2 or later, with the following exception. A non-iSeries application requester can issue read-only, insensitive scrollable cursor operations on a V5R3 iSeries application server. A further restriction in the use of multiple-row FETCH, blocked INSERT, and scrollable cursors is that the transmission of BLOB, CLOB and DBCLOB data is not allowed when using those functions.

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Considerations for Using Distributed Relational Database