DB2 UDB for iSeries will enforce
the validity of the constraint during any DML (data manipulation language)
statement. Certain operations (such as restore of the dependent table), however,
cause the validity of the constraint to be unknown. In this case, DML statements
may be prevented until
DB2 UDB for iSeries has
verified the validity of the constraint.
- Unique constraints are implemented with indexes. If an index that implements
a unique constraint is invalid, the Edit Rebuild of Access Paths (EDTRBDAP)
command can be used to display any indexes that currently require rebuild.
- If DB2 UDB for iSeries does not currently
know whether a referential constraint or check constraint is valid, the constraint
is considered to be in a check pending state. The Edit Check Pending Constraints
(EDTCPCST) command can be used to display any indexes that currently require