You can access DB2® UDB for iSeries™ data
through client interfaces on the server.
Access data with Java
You can access DB2 UDB for iSeries data
in your Java™ programs with the Developer Kit for Java™ Database
Connectivity (JDBC) driver.
Access data with Domino Domino® for iSeries is a Domino® server
product that lets you integrate data from DB2 UDB for iSeries databases
and Domino® databases
in both directions.
Access data with Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)
You use the iSeries Access for Windows® ODBC
Driver to enable your ODBC client applications to effectively share data with
each other and with the server.
Access data with iSeries Access for Windows OLE DB Provider
The iSeries Access
for Windows® OLE
DB Provider, along with the Programmer's Toolkit, makes iSeries client/server
application development quick and easy from the Windows® client PC.
Access data with Net.Data
Net.Data is an application that runs on a server and allows you to easily create dynamic Web documents that are called Web macros. Web macros that are created for Net.Data have the simplicity of HTML with the functionality of CGI-BIN applications.
Access data through a Linux partition
IBM and a variety of Linux® distributors have partnered to integrate
the Linux® operating
system with the reliability of the iSeries server.
Access data using Distributed Relational Database (DRDA)
A distributed relational database consists of a set of SQL
objects that are spread across interconnected computer systems. Each relational
database has a relational database manager to manage the tables in its environment.