This topic describes the command parameters associated with INSLNXSVR.
Network server description (NWSD)
The network server description is created using the values specified in this command. This name is also used as the prefix for the system and install drives, as well as the Point-to-Point Virtual Ethernet line description. By default, this is the name used as the computer name of the Linux server that is installed as well as the TCP host name for the Linux server.
This is a required parameter.
Specify the name of the network server. The network server name can be up to eight characters. The following characters are allowed in NWSD names:
• Alphabetical characters A through Z
• Digits 0 through 9
Resource name (RSRCNAME)
Specifies the resource name that identifies the hardware that the network server description uses. Use the Work with Hardware Resources (WRKHDWRSC) command with *CMN specified for the TYPE parameter to help determine the resource name. Specify the resource name of the communications adapter. The resource name represents the File Server IOA.
This is a required parameter.
Specify the resource name. The maximum length of the resource name is 10 characters.
Linux server distribution (LNXSVRDST)
Specifies the version of Linux server to install on this network server. At the time of writing, the valid options are *RHEL3, *RHEL4, *SLES8 or *SLES9. This might change as newer Linux distributions become available.
This is a required parameter.
Specify the Linux server distribution version to install. You can use F4 while prompting the command to see the complete list of allowed values for this parameter.
Linux source directory (LNXSRCDIR)
This parameter is only used to install RHEL 3. This parameter is not used with RHEL 4, SLES 8 or SLES 9 because these versions install from the media located in the optical drive of an IXA-attached xSeries server.
Specifies the directory associated with the Linux server CD-ROM image that is used as the source for the install. The directory name may reference an optical volume ('/QOPT/volume'), a folder ('/QDLS/folder'), or an integrated file system (IFS) directory ('/dir1/dir2'). An example of a CD-ROM volume path name would be '/QOPT/RHEL_3 I386/’.
To find out the name of a volume on an optical device, use the command: DSPOPT VOL(*MOUNTED) DEV(device-name). If you do not know the name of the optical device, use the command: WRKCFGSTS CFGTYPE(*DEV) CFGD(*OPT)
To find out the name of a path in an IFS directory, use the Work with Object Links (WRKLNK) command. WRKLNK will show the directory object path names on the system.
The default directory path name to use is determined by searching the QOPT file system (/QOPT directory in IFS). The path name for the first volume in QOPT that contains a DOSUTILS directory with a LOADLIN.EXE file in it is used as the default.
Specify the Linux server source directory path name to use for the install.
You can use F4 while prompting the command to see a list of path names for optical volumes that are allowed values for this parameter. Folder or IFS path names that are not optical volumes are also allowed, but are not listed when using F4.
TCP/IP port configuration (TCPPORTCFG)
Specifies the Linux TCP/IP configuration values that are specific to a port on the network server. This information consists of four parts including the identification of the network server port, the internet address, the subnet mask and the default gateway assigned to the port.
Virtual Ethernet port (VRTETHPORT)
Specify the TCP/IP configuration for the virtual Ethernet used by the file server.
Single values
Specifies that there is no Linux TCP/IP port configuration.
Other values (up to 4 repetitions)
Element 1: Port
Specifies the network server virtual Ethernet port number to be configured. Specify one of the following values:
The network server virtual Ethernet port 'n' is configured, where 'n' can have a value of 0 through 9.
Element 2: Linux internet address
Specify the Linux internet address for the port in the form, nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, where nnn is a are decimal numbers ranging from 0 through 255. The internet address selected must be unique across all NWSD objects and the system's TCP/IP configuration.
Element 3: Linux subnet mask
Specifies the subnet mask for the Linux internet address in the form, nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, where nnn is a decimal number ranging from 0 through 255.
Element 4: Associated port
Specifies the resource name that describes the port that is used to establish a connection between a Linux network server and the network.
An associated port resource name is not associated with the line.
Specify the resource name.
TCP/IP local domain name (TCPDMNNAME)
Specifies the local domain name associated with the network server.
A domain name can be a text string having 2 to 255 characters. Domain names consist of one or more labels separated by periods. Each label can contain up to 63 characters. The following characters are allowed in domain names:
• Alphabetical characters A through Z
• Alphabetical characters a through z
• Digits 0 through 9
• Minus sign (-)
• Period (.). Periods are only allowed when they separate labels of domain style name (refer to RFC 1034).
Uppercase and lowercase characters are allowed, but no significance is attached to the case. The case is maintained as entered. The first and last character of the host name must be an alphabetic character or a digit.
Specifies that the local domain name for the network server should be the same value as is configured for the system.
Specify a TCP domain name to be associated with the network server.
TCP/IP name server system (TCPNAMSVR)
Specifies the internet address of the name server system that is used by the network server. Typically, this is the same value as it is for the system.
Single values
The name server system used by the network server should be the same as for the system.
There is no name server to be used by the network server.
Other values (up to 3 repetitions)
Specify an internet address for the name server system to be used by the network server. Up to three remote name server systems can be specified. The name server systems are used in the order they are specified.
Server storage space sizes (SVRSTGSIZE)
Specifies the size of the server storage spaces, in megabytes.
Element 1: Install source size
Specifies the size of the storage space that holds the files used to install the Linux server.
Specifies that the size should be calculated based on the space required to hold the install source. Typically, a storage space of 200 megabytes is created for the install source disk.
Specifies the install source size value in megabytes. The size must be at least 200 megabytes but no larger than 2047 megabytes.
The Integrated Server Support code is copied to the install source drive. The size specified for the install source drive must be large enough to hold this data.
Element 2: System size
Specifies the size, in megabytes, of the storage space that the Linux server operating system is installed on.
Specifies that the size should be calculated based on the space required to hold the Linux installation. Typically, a storage space of 12000 megabytes is created for the system disk.
Specifies the size of the system disk value in megabytes. The size must be at least 1024 megabytes but no larger than 1024000 megabytes.
Storage space ASP (SVRSTGASP)
Specifies the auxiliary storage pool (ASP) identifiers for the storage space that will contain the files used to install the Linux server and the storage space that will contain the Linux server operating system.
Element 1: Install source ASP
Specifies the auxiliary storage pool for the storage space that holds the files used to install the Linux server.
The storage space is created in auxiliary storage pool 1, the system auxiliary storage pool.
Specify the ASP identifier of the ASP to hold install files. Valid values depend on how many ASPs are defined on the system.
Element 2: System ASP
Specifies the auxiliary storage pool for the storage space that holds the Linux server operating system.
The storage space is created in auxiliary storage pool 1, the system auxiliary storage pool.
Specify the ASP identifier of the ASP to hold the operating system. Valid values depend on how many ASPs are defined on the system.
Server storage ASP device (STGASPDEV)
Specifies the auxiliary storage pool (ASP) device for the storage space that will contain the files used to install the Linux server and the storage space that will contain the Linux server operating system.
The ASP must have been activated (by varying on the ASP device) and have a status of 'Available'.
Element 1: Install source ASP device
Specifies the independent auxiliary storage pool device for the storage space that holds the files used to install the Linux server.
Specify the device name of the ASP to use for the network server storage space.
Element 2: System ASP device
Specifies the independent auxiliary storage pool device name for the storage space that holds the Linux server operating system.
Specify the device name of the ASP to use for the network server storage space.
Language version (LNGVER)
Specifies the installed language environment used to display Integrated Server Support text and messages. Note that a smaller set of languages are available for messages displayed during installation than for messages displayed after installation.
The installed language environment for Integrated Server Support text and messages is based on the language feature of the system's primary language.
Synchronize date and time (SYNCTIME)
Specifies whether the system should synchronize the network server date and time with the host system date and time.
The QTIMZON system value must be set to the correct value for time synchronization to work correctly.
The system synchronizes the file server date and time with the host system date and time at every vary on and at least every 30 minutes thereafter
The system synchronizes the file server date and time with the host system date and time when the network server description is varied on, but will not keep the date and time synchronized while the network server description is in a varied on state.
Restricted device resources (RSTDDEVRSC)
Specifies the system's device resource names that are restricted and cannot be used by the Linux server. The installation of RHEL 3 requires that at least one optical drive is not restricted.
Single values
No device resources are restricted from the network server. Therefore, any tape or optical device resources that exist on the system can be used.
All tape and optical resources are restricted from being used by the network server.
Other values (up to 10 repetitions)
All optical resources are restricted from being used by the network server.
All tape resources are restricted from being used by the network server.
Specify the name of the restricted device resource that cannot be used by the network server.
Shutdown timeout (SHUTDTIMO)
Specifies the server shutdown time-out value, in minutes. This is used to limit the amount of time that the servers operating system is allowed to shutdown before the server is varied offline.
The network server default shutdown time-out value is used.
Specify the time (in minutes) to wait. The system waits until the network servers operating system has shutdown successfully, or until the specified time passes before varying the network server offline.
Text 'description' (TEXT)
Specifies the text that briefly describes the objects created by this command.
Text is not specified.
Specify no more than 50 characters of text, enclosed in apostrophes.
Configuration file (CFGFILE)
Specifies the source file that contains configuration data, to be used in activating or further defining the server.
Single values
No configuration file is specified.
Qualifier 1: Configuration file
Specify the name of a source file containing the configuration data member(s) for the server. At the time the server is activated, all members in the file will be processed.
Qualifier 2: Library
All libraries in the job's library list are searched until the first match is found.
The current library for the job is searched. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.
Specify the name of the library to be used.
Virtual PTP Ethernet port (VRTPTPPORT)
Specifies the TCP/IP configuration for the virtual point-to-point Ethernet port.
1. The VRTPTPPORT parameter must be used for Integrated xSeries servers running on the host system.
2. The subnet mask that is used for both sides of the virtual point-to-point Ethernet port is by default. Therefore, the internet addresses that are chosen for both sides of the virtual point-to-point Ethernet port must have the same values for the first three parts of the internet addresses.
Element 1: Internet address
Specifies the internet address for the host side of the virtual point-to-point Ethernet connection. Specify one of the following values:
Specify *GEN to let the INSLNXSVR command configure a virtual point-to-point Ethernet port with a generated internet address.
Specify the host internet address for the virtual point-to-point Ethernet port in the form, xxx.yyy.zzz.nnn, where xxx, yyy, zzz, and nnn are decimal numbers ranging from 0 through 255. The internet address selected must be unique across all NWSD objects and the host TCP/IP configuration. The xxx.yyy.zzz value in the internet address must match the xxx.yyy.zzz value for the internet address of the Linux server side of the point-to-point Ethernet port.
Element 2: Linux internet address
Specifies the internet address for the Linux side of the virtual point-to-point Ethernet connection. Specify one of the following values:
Specify *GEN to let the INSLNXSVR command configure a virtual point-to-point Ethernet port with a generated internet address.
Specify the Linux server internet address for the virtual point-to-point Ethernet port in the form, xxx.yyy.zzz.nnn, where xxx, yyy, zzz, and nnn are decimal numbers ranging from 0 through 255. The internet address selected must be unique across all NWSD objects and the host TCP/IP configuration. The xxx.yyy.zzz value in the internet address must match the xxx.yyy.zzz value for the internet address of the host side of the point-to-point Ethernet port.