To make receiving resources and Advanced Function Presentation™ data stream (AFPDS) data as easy as possible, you should be aware of the following:
The length of the records in the physical data file should be the number that you and the S/390 site agreed to; for example, 4000 bytes.
When resource data is received from S/390, convert the resources to a format that can be used by i5/OS™. These commands are in the Create AFP™ resources topic.
Create a physical file
Many types of resources are sent to the iSeries server. Administratively, it is more convenient to store the different types of resources in separate physical files. That is, put all the font data in a physical file that contains only fonts, the overlay data in a physical file that contains only overlays, and so on.
This command creates a physical file that can receive resources and AFPDS data:
Examples of using the Work with Network Files (WRKNETF) and Receive Network File (RCVNETF) commands
Use the Work with Network Files (WRKNETF) and Receive Network File (RCVNETF) commands to receive, delete, browse, or submit (print) files.
This command lets you work with the network files for USR1 and prints the output with the job's spooled output. This command can only be issued by USR1, a member of the USR1 group, or a user with security officer authority.
This command lets you work with the network files for all users and is written to the first member of the specified database file. If the file exists in a library on the library list, the existing file is used; otherwise, the file is created in library QGPL. If the file did not exist, or did not contain any members, a member with the same name as the file is added to the file. Otherwise, the first member of the file is cleared and used. Only a user with security officer authority can issue this command.
This command receives the network file SCRIPT, member $REPORT, into a physical file named MYFILE in library MYLIB. The new member in MYFILE is $REPORT.
Related tasks
Print data sent to iSeries from S/390
Receive AFP resources from another system
Send data from zSeries® to iSeries servers
Related reference
Create Physical File (CRTPF) CL command
Receive Network File (RCVNETF) CL command
Work with Network Files (WRKNETF) CL command