Create a survey

See this topic for information on creating a new survey.

The Create Survey pages are used to create a personalized survey and save your information. You can specify who is and is not allowed to take a survey by requiring users to log in or you can also submit the survey anonymously (no login required). All fields marked with an * are required and must be answered.

To create a survey using IBM® Survey Creator application, perform these steps:

  1. To access the IBM Survey Creator owner pages, enter the following URL in your Web browser:

    where is the name of the server where IBM Survey Creator is installed and port is the port number for this application server.

  2. Click IBM Survey Creator.
  3. Click Create Survey.
  4. On the Create Survey page, specify properties for your survey.
    • Survey Element fields:
      • Hidden description - This text describes the survey or provides general comments about the survey.
      • Title - This text is the name of the survey located at the top of the page.
      • Introduction - This text provides an introduction about the survey and appears under the survey title.
      • Closing - This text appears at the bottom of your survey after the last question.
      • Destination URL upon survey completion - The text for this field represents a URL value ( that a user taking the survey is directed to upon the successful receipt of the survey. If this field is left blank, the IBM Survey Creator application presents a Thank You page and does not direct the survey taker to a Web site.
    • Security fields:
      • Additional owners - This field lists additional users who have survey owner authority for the survey.
      • Require participant to login before taking a survey - Select this property if you want to require survey users to login before taking the survey. Users that are required to login can only take the survey once. If the field is left unselected, survey takers do not login and can take the survey multiple times.
      • Restricted participants - This field lists the users restricted from taking or participating in a survey. To restrict users, click Add and search for users that you want to restrict. To remove users from this list, click Remove.
      • Allowed Participants - This field lists the users who can take a survey. You can search the directory to add people to the list by clicking Add or you can click Remove to remove a selected user.
  5. Click Create.
  6. Your survey is created. To complete your survey, you need to add questions.

For information about adding, updating, and removing questions, see these topics:

For more information about defining who can and can not take your survey, see this topic: