Troubleshoot: Web Services Invocation Framework

If you encounter a problem that you think might be related to WSIF, you can check for error messages in the WebSphere Application Server administrative console, and in the application server stdout.log file. You can also enable the application server debug trace to provide a detailed exception dump.

A list of the main known restrictions that apply when using WSIF is provided in WSIF - Known restrictions.

Here is a checklist of major WSIF activities, with advice on common problems associated with each activity:

Create service
Handcrafted WSDL can cause numerous problems. To help ensure that your WSDL is valid, use a tool such as WebSphere Studio to create your service.

Compile code (client and service)
Check that the build path against code is correct, and that it contains the correct levels of JAR files. Create a valid EAR file for your service in preparation for deployment to a Web server.

Deploy service
When you install and deploy the service EAR file, check carefully any messages given when the service is deployed.

Server setup and start
Make sure that the WebSphere Application Server - Express server.policy file (in the /properties directory) has the correct security settings. For more information, see Enabling security for WSIF.

WSIF setup
Check that the file is correctly set up.

Here is a list of common errors, and information on their probable causes: