Web Services Description Language (WSDL) files are written in eXtensible Markup Language (XML). To learn more about XML, see Web services resources.
A WSDL contains the following parts:
Web service interface definition
This is where the elements are
contained, as well as the namespaces.
Web service implementation
This is where you find the definition of the service and ports.
A WSDL file describes a Web service with the following elements:
The description of the operations and their associated messages. PortTypes define abstract operations.
<portType name="EightBall"> <operation name="getAnswer"> <input message="ebs:IngetAnswerRequest"/> <output message="ebs:OutgetAnswerResponse"/> </operation> </portType>
The description of parameters (input and output) and return values.
<message name="IngetAnswerRequest"> <part name="meth1_inType" type="ebs:questionType"/> </message> <message name="OutgetAnswerResponse"> <part name="meth1_outType" type="ebs:answerType"/> </message>
The schema for describing XML complex types used in the messages.
<types> <xsd:schema targetNamespace="..."> <xsd:complexType name="questionType"> <xsd:element name="question" type="string"/> </xsd:complexType> <xsd:complexType name="answerType"> ... </types>
Bindings describe the protocol used to access a service, as well as the data formats for the messages defined by a particular portType.
<binding name="EightBallBinding" type="ebs:EightBall"> <soap:binding style="rpc" transport="schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"> <operation name="ebs:getAnswer"> <soap:operation soapAction="urn:EightBall"/> <input> <soap:body namespace="urn:EightBall" ... /> ...
The remaining parts, services and ports, indicate where you can find the WSDL.
Contains the Web service name and a list of the ports.
Contains the location of the Web service and the binding to used to access the service.
<service name="EightBall"> <port binding="ebs:EightBallBinding" name="EightBallPort"> <soap:address location="localhost:8080/axis/EightBall"/> </port> </service>