Web services operations

Web services reduce programming complexity because application designers do not have to worry about implementing the services they invoke. Interactions in Web services are bound dynamically at runtime. A service requester describes the features of the required service and uses the service broker to find an appropriate service.

A Web services component has this life cycle:

  1. Creation
    The Web services provider creates the service component by defining its interfaces and invocation methods. WebSphere Application Server - Express supports Java beans, DB2 Universal Database stored procedures, and Bean Scripting Framework (BSF) scripts.

  2. Publication
    The Web services provider publishes the service component to a repository. The Web services broker categorizes the new Web service within its listing.

  3. Location
    The Web services requester looks up, or locates, a Web service component through the service broker.

  4. Invocation
    Once the service requester locates the service component, it invokes and implements it.

  5. Unpublication
    When the Web service provider decides that a Web service should no longer be available, it removes, or unpublishes, the Web service from the repository. The service broker likewise removes the service component from its listing.