- Access an existing Java bean Web archive (WAR) file that you want to use as a Web service. A Java bean in a Web container requires the following:
- It must have a public default constructor.
- It must have exposed public methods.
- It must not save a client-specific state between method calls.
- It must be a public, non-final, and non-abstract class.
- It must not define a finalize() method.
Develop a service endpoint interface.
The service endpoint interface defines which methods should be made available as a Web service.
Develop a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file.
A WSDL file contains information that describes your Web service so it can be accessed.
Develop Web service deployment descriptor templates from the WSDL file.
Configure the webservices.xml deployment descriptor.
Configure the ibm-webservices-bnd.xmi deployment descriptor.