Update an entry using the IBM Telephone Directory V5.2 administrator pages

Use this topic to update entries.

To update an entry using the IBM® Telephone Directory V5.2 administrator pages, perform the following steps:
  1. Access the IBM Telephone Directory V5.2 administrator pages by entering the following URL in your Web browser:

    where your.server.name is the name of the server where IBM Telephone Directory V5.2 is installed and port is the port number that was specified during installation.

  2. Click IBM Telephone Directory.
  3. Click the Directory Management tab.
  4. In the Search for field, specify your search criteria.
  5. In the entry, click Update Entry.
  6. Update the appropriate fields as necessary, and click Update to save your changes.

    See Add an entry using the IBM Telephone Directory V5.2 administrator pages for more information on the fields you can specify.