Is CPM present? (GetCPMPresent)
You can have your program find out if the continuously powered
main storage (CPM) is present on the system. To do this, use the API GetCPMPresent (use
the uppercase and lowercase shown).
Is CPM enabled? (GetCPMEnabled)
You can have your program find out if the system has continuously
powered main storage (CPM) enabled. To do this, use the API GetCPMEnabled (use
the uppercase and lowercase shown).
Is the key inserted? (GetKeyInserted)
To have your program find out if the system has a keystick inserted,
use the API GetKeyInserted (use the uppercase and
lowercase shown).
Is the power on? (GetPowerOn)
To have your program find out whether you have the system powered
on, use the API GetPowerOn (use the uppercase and
lowercase shown).
Is SPCN present? (GetSPCNPresent)
You can have your program find out if the system powered control
network (SPCN) is present on the system. To do this, use the API GetSPCNPresent (use
the uppercase and lowercase shown).
Get the IPL mode (GetIPLMode)
To have your program find out the system IPL mode, use the API
GetIPLMode (use the uppercase and lowercase shown).
Get the IPL type (GetIPLType)
To have your program find out the system IPL type, use the API
GetIPLType (use the uppercase and lowercase shown).
Get the IPL speed (GetIPLSpeed)
To have your program find out the system IPL speed, use the API
GetIPLSpeed (use the uppercase and lowercase shown).
To have your program return the system powered control network
(SPCN) SRC, if available, use the API GetSPCNSRC (use
the uppercase and lowercase shown).
Get all SRCs 1 - 9 (GetSRCs)
To have your program return all the SRCs in word 1 through word
9, if available, use the API GetSRCs (use the uppercase
and lowercase shown).