Start the CIMOM job

Pegasus on the iSeries™ server is included in i5/OS™ V5R3 or later, and includes the supported set of providers for i5/OS, the CIM schema, and the Pegasus CIMOM.

All Pegasus functions run under a single TCP/IP server job, QYCMCIMOM. QYCMCIMOM runs in the QSYSWRK subsystem, and is not started by default. To start the CIMOM job, perform the following steps:

  1. Work with the CIMOM job in iSeries Navigator by selecting Network > Servers > TCP/IP
  2. Select CIMOM You can use this window to start or stop the CIMOM, and to determine whether the CIMOM starts with TCP/IP by default.
    Note: You can also start the CIMOM job from the command-line interface using the command STRTCPSVR *CIMOM.
You can end the CIMOM job using the command ENDTCPSVR *CIMOM.