After you have created these objects on your system, you might want
to drop them to save on system resource. You need Delete authority to perform
these tasks.
Note: To keep the information in these tables, create a third
schema and copy the tables and views to it.
- First, drop INVENTORY_LIST table from LIBRARY1:
- In the iSeries™ Navigator window,
expand the system that you want to use.
- Expand Databases and the database that
you want to work with.
- Expand Schemas and select LIBRARY1.
- Select Tables.
- Right-click INVENTORY_LIST and select Delete or
press the Delete key.
- On the Object deletion confirmation window, select Delete.
INVENTORY_LIST table is dropped.
- Next, delete SUPPLIERS from LIBRARY1, and delete LIBRARY1:
- Right-click SUPPLIERS and select Delete or
press the Delete key.
- On the Object deletion confirmation window, select Yes.
- A new window opens, indicating that the view, LOWER_COST, is
dependent on SUPPLIERS. The view should also be deleted. Click Delete.
- SUPPLIERS and LOWER_COST are deleted. Now that LIBRARY1 is empty,
delete it by right-clicking it and selecting Delete.
- On the Object deletion confirmation window, select Yes.
LIBRARY1 is deleted.
- Finally, delete SAMPLELIB:
- Navigate to SAMPLELIB in the Schemas menu.
- Right-click SAMPLELIB and select Delete.
- On the Object deletion confirmation window, select Delete.
- A new window opens, indicating that the table INVENTORY_LIST
and view RECENT_ORDERS are dependent on INVENTORY_LIST. These should also
be deleted. Click Yes.