There are many commands that you can use to control
spooling writers.
- Start Diskette Writer (STRDKTWTR): Starts a spooling
writer to a specified diskette device to process spooled files on that device.
- Start Printer Writer (STRPRTWTR): Starts a spooling
writer to a specified printer device to process spooled files on that device.
- Start Remote Writer (STRRMTWTR): Starts a spooling
writer that sends spooled files from an output queue to a remote server.
- Change Writer (CHGWTR): Allows you to change some
writer attributes, such as form type, number of file separator pages, or output
queue attributes.
- Hold Writer (HLDWTR): Stops a writer at the end of
a record, at the end of a spooled file, or at the end of a page.
- Release Writer (RLSWTR): Releases a previously held
writer for additional processing.
- End Writer (ENDWTR): Ends a spooling writer and makes
the associated output device available to the server.
Note: You can define some functions to provide additional spooling support.
Example source and documentation for the commands, files, and programs for
these functions are part of library QUSRTOOL, which is an optionally installed
part of i5/OS™.