Users on your iSeries™ system might want to establish dial-out connections
to systems that require user validation.
The connection dialog script on your iSeries server must send a user ID and
a password to the remote system. iSeries servers provide a secure method
for storing that password. The password does not need to be stored in the
connection dialog script.
Note: - your system decrypts the password before sending it. SLIP passwords, like
FTP and TELNET passwords, are sent unencrypted (“in the clear”). However,
unlike with FTP and TELNET, the SLIP password is sent before the systems establish
TCP/IP mode.
- Because SLIP uses a point-to-point connection in asynchronous mode, the
security exposure when sending unencrypted passwords is different from the
exposure with FTP and TELNET passwords. Unencrypted FTP and TELNET passwords
might be sent as IP traffic on a network and are, therefore, vulnerable to
electronic sniffing. The transmission of your SLIP password is as secure as
the telephone connection between the two systems. 2. The default file for
storing SLIP connection dialog scripts is QUSRSYS/QATOCPPSCR. The public authority
for this file is *USE, which prevents public users from changing the default
connection dialog scripts.
When you create a connection profile for a remote session that
requires validation, do the following: