Plan system security

System security entails controlling user access and their privileges, maintaining information integrity, monitoring processes and access, auditing system functions, and providing backup and recovery of security related information.

On the i5/OS™, system security is integrated into the operating system through use of system values. System values control how a given function will perform based on how the value is defined. Security system values are categorized based on the functions that they perform. For example, security system values can manage the level of security on your system and signon and password controls.

Using security system values require that a user or administrator have the appropriate authority to change and update these values. In some cases, the authorities for these security values are different. For each security system value described in these sections the necessary authority is provided.

Security system values can be set through the i5/OS character-based interface or through iSeries™ Navigator, a graphical user interface which provides easy management of most i5/OS functions. This information provides names of system values for both iSeries Navigator and its equivalent in the character-based interface.

In addition this topic provides descriptions of these security system values, recommendations for common installations, and a form to record your system value decisions.

To complete system security planning, review these topics on security-related system values and record your choices on the System Value Selection form. See the following topics regarding security related system values:

Related concepts
Security levels