This article describes how to change a user group, explains why
it is important, and provides step-by-step instructions.
You will need to handle different types of changes to the characteristics
of a group in different ways. Following are some examples of changes and how
to deal with them.
Changing the group’s authority
You may discover that the group needs authority to objects that you did
not anticipate in your initial planning. Do the following:
- Use the Edit Object Authority (EDTOBJAUT) command to give the group the
correct access to the objects or to an appropriate authorization list. "Setting
up specific authorities" shows an example of how to do this. Every member
of the group gets authority to the object when you give the group authority.
- If you give the group authority to a confidential resource, you may want
to verify the current members of the group. Use the Display User Profile command
(DSPUSRPRF group-profile-name *GRPMBR) to list the group members.
Changing the customizing for the group
You may need to change the user environment setup for members of a group.
For example, if a department gets its own printer, you want the new printer
to be the default for the members of that department’s user group. Or, when
your system gets a new application installed, members of a user group may
want a different initial menu when they sign on.
The group profile provides a pattern that you can copy to create individual
profiles for group members. The customizing values in the group profile do
not affect the individual user profiles after you create them, however. For
example, changing a field, such as Printer device in the group profile, has
no affect on the group members. You need to change the Printer device field
in each individual user profile.
You can use the Work with User Profile display to change a parameter for
more than one user at a time. The example shows changing the output queue
for all members of a group:
- Type WRKUSRPRF *ALL and press the Enter key.
- If you see the Work with User Enrollment display, use F21 (Select assistance
level) to change to the Work with User Profile display.
Work with User Profiles
Type options, press Enter.
1=Create 2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete 5=Display
12=Work with objects by owner
Opt Profile Text
HARRISOK Harrison, Keith
2 HOGANR Hogan, Richard
JONESS Jones, Sharon
2 WILLISR Willis, Rose
Parameters for options 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 or command
===> PRTDEV(PRT02)
F3=Exit F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F16=Repeat position to F17=Position to
F21=Select assistance level F24=More keys
- Type a 2 (Change) next to each profile that you
want to change.
- On the parameter line at the bottom of the display, type the parameter
name and the new value. If you do not know the parameter name, press F4 (Prompt).
- Press the Enter key. You receive a confirmation message for each profile
that changed. Although changing a customizing field in the group profile has
no affect on the group members, it may help you in the future. The group profile
provides a pattern when you want to add members to the group later. It is
also a record of the standard field values for the group.
Giving the group access to a new application
When a user group needs access to a new application, you need to analyze
information about the group and about the application. Following is a suggested
- Look at the Application Description worksheet for the new application
and your diagram of applications, libraries, and user groups to see which
libraries the application uses. Add those libraries to the User Group Description
- Update your diagram of applications, libraries, and user groups to show
the new relationship between the user group and application.
- If the group’s initial library list should include the libraries, change
the group’s job description by using the Change Job Description (CHGJOBD)
command. See "Creating a job description" if you need help for working
with job descriptions.
Note: When you add libraries to the initial
library list in a job description, you do not need to change the user profiles
that use the job description. When the user signs on next, their initial library
list automatically adds those libraries.
- Evaluate whether you need to change either the initial program or the
initial menu for the group to provide access to the new application. You need
to make an individual change to the initial menu or program of each user profile
by using the CHGUSRPRF command.
- Review the Library Description forms for all the libraries that are used
by the application. Determine whether the public access that is available
for the libraries is sufficient for the group’s needs. If it is not, you may
need to give the group authority to the library, to specific objects, or to
authorization lists. Use the Edit Object Authority (EDTOBJAUT) and the Edit
Authorization List (EDTAUTL) commands to do this.