Security limits

This topic contains the values for the system limits that are related to security, such as limits on the length of passwords and the number of user profiles on a system.

Table 1. Security limits
Security limits Value
Maximum number of entries for a user profile1, 2, 3 10 000 000
Maximum number of objects that can be secured by an authorization list 2 097 070
Maximum number of private authorities to an authorization list4 9 999 999
Maximum number of entries in a validation list 2 147 483
Maximum number of user profiles on a system Approximately 340 000
Maximum length of a password 128
Maximum number of profile handles in a job Approximately 20 000
Maximum number of profile tokens on the system Approximately 2 000 000
Maximum amount of storage in the system and basic user ASPs, or in each Independent ASP, for permanent objects owned by a single user profile 8 terabytes
  1. A user profile contains four categories of entries: 1) every object owned by the profile, 2) every private authority the profile has to other objects, 3) every private authority to objects owned by this profile that other profiles have, and 4) every object for which this profile is the primary group. The sum of these categories equals the total number of entries for the profile.
  2. The operating system maintains internal user profiles that own objects that are shared or cannot be assigned to a single individual user (for example, QDBSHR owns shared database objects such as database formats, access paths, and so on). These internal user profiles are subject to the same limits as any other user profile on the system.
  3. Using authorization lists or group profiles reduces the number of private authorities and helps avoid this limit (see the Security topic in the Information Center).
  4. Limit is due to the maximum number of entries allowed for the user profile that owns the authorization list (one less because a category 01 entry is used for the ownership of the authorization list).