Use this information to configure iSeries™ Access for Web for WebSphere® Portal
- Express for Multiplatforms Version 5.0.2 (iSeries).
To configure iSeries Access for Web for WebSphere Portal - Express for Multiplatforms
Version 5.0.2 (iSeries),
do the following:
- Sign on to your server.
- Start the WebSphere Portal Web serving environment:
- Run the server command STRTCPSVR *HTTP HTTPSVR(*ADMIN).
- Open your browser to http://:2001.
- Select IBM® Web Administration for iSeries.
- Navigate to your HTTP server and start it if it is not already
- Navigate to your WebSphere Portal server and start
it if it is not already running.
- Wait for the application server to show a status of running.
- Minimize the browser window.
- Use the appropriate iSeries Access for Web configuration
- To use the CL command, run this command:
WPUSRID(wp_user_ID) WPPWD(wp_password)
WPURL('your_server_name:port/wps/config') WPDFTPAG(*CREATE)
- To use the script command, run these server commands:
cd /QIBM/ProdData/Access/Web2/install
cfgaccweb2 -appsvrtype *WP50 -wasinst was_instance_name
-wpusrid wp_user_ID -wppwd wp_password
-wpurl your_server_name:port/wps/config -wpdftpag *CREATE
The configuration commands use these variables:- was_instance_name
- The name of the WebSphere Express application server instance you
are using.
- wp_user_id
- the WebSphere Portal
user ID that has administrator-level authority to perform configuration changes
to WebSphere Portal.
- wp_password
- The password for the user ID specified in the WPUSRID parameter.
- your_server_name:port/wps/config
- The universal resource locator (URL) to access the WebSphere Portal configuration servlet.
- Tells the command to create the default iSeries Access for Web portal pages and
add iSeries Access
for Web portlets to those pages.
For more information about any of these values, refer to the
help text for the appropriate field.
- Return to the Web administration browser interface window you minimized
in step 2.g. Stop and
restart the WebSphere Portal
application server.
- Open your browser to http://<your_server_name>:port/wps/portal.
Be sure the case matches the example.
- Sign on to portal.
- Select the new My iSeries tabbed page.
- Navigate through the displayed iSeries Access for Web pages and portlets.
In this example, only the CFGACCWEB2 command
is used to configure iSeries Access for Web. For more information about
using all the iSeries Access
for Web CL commands, use the CL command finder.