To develop an effective strategy for managing and
maintaining service tools user IDs, you need to configure and change service
tools user IDs, recover or reset QSECOFR passwords, and save or restore service
tools security data.
Configure service tools user IDs
You can create, change, delete, and display service tools user IDs from dedicated service tools (DST) or system service tools (SST).
Recover or reset QSECOFR passwords
When IBM® ships
a server, both a QSECOFR i5/OS™ user
profile and a QSECOFR service tools user ID are supplied. These are not the
same. They exist in different locations and are used to access different functions.
Save and restore service tools security data
The service tools security data is saved as part of
a save system using the (SAVSYS) command or save Licensed
Internal Code operation. The service tools security data can also be saved
manually from DST. You can work with service tools security data from DST.