Share servers with external drives

You can choose whether you want your stand-alone tape device assigned to an iSeries™ server when the tape device is varied on. Assigning a tape device reserves the tape device specifically for one system.

You can attach the 3480, 3490, 3490E, 3590, or 3592 tape devices to any of the following units:

Assign a stand-alone tape device to a server

To assign a tape device to a server do the following steps:
  1. Use the Work with Device Description (WRKDEVD *TAP) command to work with a tape device description.
  2. Select 2 (Change) for the tape device you want to work with.
  3. In the Assign device at vary on field, specify *YES and press Enter to assign the tape device to the system.
  4. Type VRYCFG (the Vary Configuration command) to vary off the tape device.
    Note: The Vary Configuration (VRYCFG) command can be run by using the VRYCFG command or by using the Work with Configuration Status (WRKCFGSTS) command. To use the Work with Configuration Status command, type WRKCFGSTS *DEV *TAP and press Enter.
  5. Type VRYCFG to vary on the tape device and assign it to a server.

If the tape device is being used by another server, a message is displayed that indicates the tape device is assigned elsewhere. The tape device must be varied off at the other server before it can be varied on at a new server.

Leave a tape device unassigned

To leave a tape device unassigned, do the following steps:
  1. Type WRKDEVD *TAP (the Work with Device Description command) to work with a tape device description. In the Assign device at vary on field, specify *NO and press Enter to leave the tape device unassigned.
    Note: A tape device that is unassigned can be varied on to both servers. You must control the tape application programs so that the two systems do not interfere with each other. The results of failing to control the tape application programs can be unpredictable.
  2. Type the following command and press Enter to vary off the tape device:
  3. Type the following command and press Enter to vary on the tape device:

Considerations for sharing a tape device between two servers

When a tape device is being shared by two iSeries servers, the tape device is only available on one server at a time. To use a drive, vary it on by using the following command and pressing Enter:


If you do not want to vary on tape devices during future initial program loads (IPLs), type the following command and press Enter:


After doing an IPL, to vary on only the controller, type the following on any command line and press Enter:

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