SAV can be used to save HPOFS or Universal Disk Format (UDF) formatted volumes.
This function will not support the backup of a ISO9660 formatted media.
Select a volume or volumes to save. The SAV command prevents the implicit saving of all optical volume images in the QOPT file system when the OBJ parameter includes the entry ’/*’. The file system QOPT cannot be saved; however, volumes below the file system can be saved. If you want to save all volumes within the QOPT file system, ’/QOPT/*’ must be explicitly specified on the OBJ parameter. If all volumes are selected, be aware that this SAV operation could take a long time to complete depending on the number of volumes being saved. See the “Parameters” section for additional restrictions on the OBJ parameter.
In order to specify that a volume image is to be saved, you must specify a value of *STG on the SUBTREE parameter.
Saving an optical volume image to another optical volume is allowed; however, the target volume cannot be the opposite side of the saved volume.
The performance of SAV is comparable to DUPOPT, although it depends on the target device chosen.
Refer to the CL topic in the Programming category in the Information Center for a further explanation of parameter values and their meaning.
SAV DEV(’/qsys.lib/xyz.lib/xzysavfile.file’) OBJ((’/qopt/*’)) SUBTREE(*STG)
SAV DEV(’/qsys.lib/xyz.lib/xzysavfile.file’) OBJ((’qopt/vola*’) (’/qopt/volb*’)) SUBTREE(*STG)
SAV DEV(’/qsys.lib/tap01.devd’) OBJ((’/qopt/vol1’)) SUBTREE(*STG)