Add a tape library to a LAN

Several steps must be taken to add a LAN to your library.

To add the LAN host to the 3494 library, you will need the LAN connection information from the iSeries™ server.

To receive that information, use the following command:


The command displays the following information.

Field Description
Communication protocol APPC
Host transaction program name QMLD/QMLDSTRCC
Host network identifier APPN
Host location name SYSNAME
Host adapter address 0123456789AB

Add the LAN host to the 3494 library using the communication protocol given by the Display LAN Media Library (DSPLANMLB) command.

If you rename the Default local location name or the Local control point name on your iSeries server, the communication protocol type you use changes. You need to restart the 3494 library for these changes to take effect.

Related concepts
Create a data link