This topic provides information on configuring your CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, DVD-RAM devices, and optical medial libraries. iSeries™ servers come with a rack-mounted CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive.
As an option, you can order a DVD-RAM drive as a feature to replace your internal drive or to have it in addition to your internal drive. All optical drives are multi-user devices that multiple users can access concurrently.
Directly attached optical media libraries are attached to the iSeries system through the small computer system interface (SCSI). On i5/OS™, multiple users can access data on optical media libraries concurrently. These interfaces are available to access the data on the CD and DVD devices and optical media libraries:
In addition to IBM® optical libraries, you can now attach some non-IBM optical library devices to iSeries. For more information on which devices are supported and system configuration requirements, see the Optical Storage web site.