Depending on how you plan to use independent disk pools, you must satisfy the following physical planning requirements:
High-speed link (HSL) cables must be used to attach the expansion units to the servers in the cluster.
The expansion unit must be physically adjacent in the HSL loop to the alternate system or expansion unit owned by the alternative system. You can include a maximum of two servers (cluster nodes) on each HSL loop, though each server can be connected to multiple HSL loops. You can include a maximum of four expansion units on each HSL loop, though a maximum of three expansion units can be included on each loop segment. On an HSL loop containing two servers, two segments exist, separated by the two servers. All expansion units on one loop segment must be contained in the same device cluster resource group (CRG).
The switchable expansion unit must be SPCN-cabled to the system unit that will initially serve as the primary node for the switchable hardware group (device CRG). The primary node might be a primary or secondary logical partition within the system unit. If using logical partitions, the system buses in the intended expansion unit must be owned and dedicated by the partition involved in the cluster.