You can replace unprintable characters in your data before the data is written to the printer or to a spooled file by specifying RPLUNPRT(*YES) on the CRTPRTF, CHGPRTF, or OVRPRTF command. The replacement of an unprintable character depends on the printer being used and the hexadecimal value of the unprintable character.
The RPLUNPRT value must be selected before the spooled file is created. Once a spooled file is in an output queue, changing the RPLUNPRT value has no effect on that particular spooled file.
For most characters in this range, the printer signals an unrecoverable error and the spooled file either is held in the output queue or is not processed. Some characters in this range control forms action and character representation on the printer and, as a result, additional skipping or spacing might occur. If control characters are placed in the data, system functions such as displaying or copying spooled files and restarting or backing up a printer might produce results that cannot be predicted.
If the hexadecimal value of the unprintable character is hex 40 through hex FE, a message is sent to the message queue associated with the printer. The message gives you the option to end the writer, hold the spooled file, ignore the error and continue printing, or select a page number where printing should be restarted. If the ignore option is taken, then unprintable characters continue to be reported. If the option to start again (specify page number) is taken, all unprintable characters are replaced with blanks and you receive no more notification for unprintable characters.
Considerations for the 4245, 5262, 6252, and 6262 printers
The printer translates lowercase characters to uppercase characters when using a print band that does not contain lowercase characters. If your print job contains other characters that are not on the print band, they can be translated to blanks by specifying RPLUNPRT(*YES) for the printer file.
A print band is selected by switches on the 5262 operator's panel. The operator must select both a language ID and a band image using these switches.
The 4245, 6252, and 6262 Printers detect the print band the printer is using.
When a print band changes for a print job, no inquiry message is sent to the message queue associated with the printer writer. You can specify a different form type for that job, such as blank payroll forms or blank invoices. A message to change the form type is sent to the printer writer message queue to notify the operator of the change to the print band.