Reference information

The following are additional reference materials related to printing:

CL commands
Provides a list of CL commands that are related to printing.

Printer file parameter considerations
Provides more detailed information on certain printer file parameters.

Printer file return codes
Provides a description of return codes that are set in the I/O feedback area of the printer file.

Printer file feedback areas
Provides a description and layout of the open and I/O feedback areas associated with printer files.

AFP compatibility fonts and font substitution
Provides a description of fonts and how fonts are substituted in various situations.

QWP4019 program
Provides a description of the IBM-supplied program that enables some additional functions on 4019, 5319, and 3812 printers.

QPQCHGCF program
Provides a description of the IBM-supplied program that allows you to specify if double-byte coded fonts should be downloaded.