Major code 83 (83xx)

Major Code 83 – Device error occurred (recoverable).

Description: An error occurred during an I/O operation, but the printer device is still usable. Recovery within your program might be possible.

Action: The following general actions can be taken for each 83xx return code. Other specific actions are given in each return code description.

  • Continue processing without the printer device.
  • Correct the problem and continue processing with the printer device. If the attempt to recover from the operation is unsuccessful, try it again only a limited number of times. (The number of times should be specified in your program.)
  • End.

Several return codes indicate that an error condition must be corrected by changing a value in the file. To change a parameter value for the file, use the Change Printer File (CHGPRTF) or Override with Printer File (OVRPRTF) command.

Description: A negative response was received to the last printer operation attempted by your program. The error might have been caused by the user pressing the Cancel key on the printer.

Action: Your program can try a different operation, or close the file and end. Refer to the device response code in the accompanying message to determine why the operation was rejected. Correct the error in your program before attempting to try the operation again.


Description: The operation just attempted by your program was rejected because a parameter was not valid, was out of limits, or was missing.

Action: Your program can bypass the failing step and continue, or close the file and end. Refer to the accompanying message to determine what parameter was incorrect. Correct the error in your program before attempting to try the operation again.


CPD4016 (Diagnostic)*
CPF5275 (Escape)
CPD4017 (Diagnostic)*
CPF5276 (Escape)*
CPD4027 (Diagnostic)*
CPF5288 (Escape)*
CPD4028 (Diagnostic)*
CPF5289 (Escape)*
CPD4029 (Diagnostic)*
CPF5324 (Escape)*
CPD4030 (Diagnostic)*
CPF5359 (Escape)*
CPD4041 (Diagnostic)*
CPF5363 (Escape)
CPF4909 (Notify)*
CPF5366 (Escape)*
CPF5108 (Escape)*
CPF5367 (Escape)*
CPF5148 (Escape)*
CPF5368 (Escape)*
CPF5273 (Escape)*
Description: The operation just issued by your program was not valid or an invalid combination of operations was specified.

Action: Your program can bypass the invalid operation and continue, or close the file and end. Refer to the accompanying message to determine why the operation was rejected. Correct the error in your program before attempting to try the failing operation again.


CPD4015 (Diagnostic)*
CPF5290 (Escape)*
CPD4018 (Diagnostic)*
CPF5320 (Escape)*
CPD4031 (Diagnostic)
CPF5321 (Escape)*
CPF4915 (Notify)*
CPF5322 (Escape)*
CPF5149 (Escape)*
CPF5323 (Escape)*
CPF5185 (Escape)*
CPF5325 (Escape)*
CPF5245 (Escape)*
CPF5362 (Escape)*
Description: A length that is not valid was specified on the operation.

On an output operation, your program has tried to send a data record having a length that exceeds the maximum record length allowed for the printer or the page size defined for the file. If you are using direct I/O, you have exceeded the maximum number of bytes allowed per page. The data has been truncated.

Action: Issue the output operation again with a smaller output length. The record length for a program-described printer file cannot exceed the page size. The record length for any printer file must be no greater than 32 767 characters.


Description: The designated page overflow line number has been reached.

Action: Your program should take whatever application-dependent action is appropriate. This might include printing page totals or a running foot line.


Description: Your program attempted to issue an operation using a record format that was not defined for the printer file, or the program omitted the record format name.

Action: Check the name of the record format in your program to be sure it is correct. Then check that the record format is defined properly in the DDS for the file.


Description: Your program sent invalid data to the printer. The data type might be incorrect for the field in which it is used.

Action: Check the name of the record format in your program to be sure it is correct. Verify that the data definition statements in your program match the output record defined in the DDS for the file. Correct the error in your program before attempting to repeat the failing operation.


CPD4014 (Diagnostic)*
CPF5075 (Notify)*
CPD4022 (Diagnostic)*
CPF5234 (Escape)*
CPD4026 (Diagnostic)*
CPF5246 (Escape)
CPD4035 (Diagnostic)*
CPF5261 (Escape)
CPD4516 (Informational)
CPF5297 (Escape)*
CPD4591 (Escape)
CPF5364 (Escape)
CPF4634 (Escape)
CPF5365 (Escape)
CPF4635 (Escape)
CPF5369 (Escape)
CPF4636 (Escape)
CPF5372 (Escape)
CPF4642 (Escape)
CPF5373 (Escape)
CPF4643 (Escape)
CPF5374 (Escape)
CPF4644 (Escape)
CPF5375 (Escape)
CPF4645 (Escape)
CPF5376 (Escape)
CPF4646 (Escape)
CPF5377 (Escape)
CPF4647 (Escape)
CPF5411 (Escape)