Major Code 82 – Open operation failed.
Description: An attempt to open the printer file was not successful. The error might be recoverable or permanent, but is limited to the printer device. Recovery is unlikely until the problem causing the error has been corrected. Action: The following general actions can be taken for each 82xx return code. Other specific actions are given in each return code description. You can either:
Several return codes indicate that an error condition must be corrected by changing a value in the file. To change a parameter value for the file, use the Change Printer File (CHGPRTF) or the Override with Printer File (OVRPRTF) command. |
Action: Your printer might need to be varied off and then on again to clear the error. Your program can either:
Determine the cause of the failure from the accompanying message.
Action: Close the file. Communications with the printer cannot be resumed until the device has been reset to a varied-on state. If the device has been held, use the Release Communications Device (RLSCMNDEV) command to reset the device. If the device is in an error state, vary the device off and then on again. After the device is reset, normal operation can be started by opening the printer device file again.
Action: Close the file. Vary the device off and on again to clear the error. Open the file again to continue.
Action: Ensure that the printer with which your program is communicating is configured properly. Refer to the device response codes in the accompanying error message for additional information regarding the specific error detected.
Action: Your program can continue without the printer, attempt to use a different printer, or end.
Verify that the name of the printer was correctly specified in the DEV parameter on the CRTPRTF, CHGPRTF, OVRPRTF, or CRTPRTF command.
Action: Close both of the printer device files, then open the one that you want to use again.
Your program is attempting to open a device that is not a valid printer.
Action: Your program can continue without the printer, attempt to use a different printer, or close the file and end.
Verify that the name of the printer was specified correctly on the CHGPRTF or OVRPRTF command.
Action: Your program can continue without the printer, attempt to use a different printer, or end.
Close the file, correct the problem, and then issue the open operation again.
For authority errors, obtain authority to the device from your security officer or device owner. If the device is in service mode, the system service tools (SST) function is currently using the device. Wait until the device is available to issue the operation again.