Converting PostScript data streams is performed differently from converting image data streams. PostScript conversion might require font files in order to rasterize the data.
PostScript data streams are converted by using a separate job named QIMGSERV. The QIMGSERV job runs in the QSYSWRK subsystem, and uses the QIMGJOBD job description with a priority of 5. The QIMGSERV job is started by either the writer job or the job that calls the Convert Image API. The QIMGSERV job and the job that starts the QIMGSERV job communicate with each other so that control is automatic.
In order to convert PostScript files effectively, PostScript fonts are required to convert text and symbols into bit-mapped images. Below are lists of fonts supplied by IBM® for use with the image print transform function. Each set of fonts is located in the integrated file system in the specified directory. For each font name, there is a corresponding font file containing rasterization information. This mapping information is stored in the file.
The following table shows the Latin Fonts that are stored in the /QIBM/ProdData/OS400/Fonts/PSFonts/Latin directory.
Font | Associated file |
TimesNewRoman | TNR.PFB |
TimesNewRoman-Bold | TNRB.PFB |
TimesNewRoman-BoldItalic | TNRBI.PFB |
TimesNewRoman-Italic | TNRI.PFB |
Helvetica | HEL.PFB |
Helvetica-Bold | HELB.PFB |
Helvetica-BoldItalic | HELBI.PFB |
Helvetica-Italic | HELI.PFB |
Courier | COU.PFB |
Courier-Bold | COUB.PFB |
Courier-BoldItalic | COUBI.PFB |
Courier-Italic | COUI.PFB |
The following table shows the symbol fonts that are stored in the /QIBM/ProdData/OS400/Fonts/PSFonts/Symbols directory.
Font | Associated file |
CourierSymbols | COU_S.PFB |
CourierSymbols-Bold | COU_SB.PFB |
HelveticaSymbols | HEL_S.PFB |
HelveticaSymbols-Bold | HEL_SB.PFB |
TimesNewRomanSymbols | TNR_S.PFB |
TimesNewRomanSymbols-Bold | TNR_SB.PFB |
User-supplied fonts
To enhance the capabilities of the image print transform function when converting PostScript data streams, you can add your own font files to be used in conjunction with the IBM-supplied fonts included in i5/OS. These fonts are called user supplied fonts. The user supplied font mapping file,, is stored in the directory as /QIBM/UserData/OS400/Fonts.
It behaves the same way as the file that is included in i5/OS. An important difference is that the image print transform function will search for fonts by looking first at the user supplied font mapping file, and then at the i5/OS font mapping file.
To add a user supplied font, do the following:
font MyNewFont /QIBM/UserData/OS400/Fonts/PSFonts/MNF.PFBwhere MyNewFont is the name of the font, and MNF.PFB is the associated font file.
To delete a user supplied font, simply remove the line mapping the font name to its associated file in the file, and remove the font file from i5/OS.
Font substitutions
When a font requested within a PostScript data stream is not available on i5/OS, a font substitution can be defined if there is a similar font available. A font substitution is the mapping of a font name to a font that is available and very similar (in terms of its rasterization properties) to the font file being replaced. You can also specify a font substitution if an existing font mapping is producing undesirable output.
The following table shows the font substitution mappings that are defined for Latin Fonts.
Font | Associated file |
Courier-BoldOblique | COUBI.PFB |
Courier-Oblique | COUI.PFB |
Helvetica-BoldOblique | HELBI.PFB |
Helvetica-Oblique | HELI.PFB |
Times-Bold | TNRB.PFB |
Times-BoldItalic | TNRBI.PFB |
Times-Italic | TNRI.PFB |
Times-Roman | TNR.PFB |
The following font symbol substitution is also defined.
Font | Associated file |
Symbol | TNR_S.PFB |
To define a font substitution, do the following:
QIBM/UserData/OS400/FontsIf this file does not exist, you need to create it.
font Courier /QIBM/UserData/OS400/Fonts/PSFonts/HEL.PFB