Configuring a PC5250 printer session to use the host print transform causes the conversion of the iSeries server SCS printer data stream to the printer data stream to be done on the iSeries server. This is especially beneficial if several different printer emulation packages are being used (for example, PC5250, RUMBA/400, WSF, and others) because all of the output would look very similar. This also provides control over how the output is printed by enabling you to retrieve, change, and create your own Workstation Customization Table (WSCST).
When the printer session is started, these parameters are passed from the personal computer to the iSeries server. The printer device description is created or changed to reflect the values passed from the PC5250 Emulation program. Any changes must be made by changing the printer's emulation session on the personal computer instead of using the CHGDEVPRT command.
Maintaining printer customization
Before you do the work of creating a workstation customizing object for a printer, try printing jobs using the host print transform support. You might not need to create a customizing object for the printer due to the extended support provided by the host print transform.
See Workstation Customization
Programming, SC41-5605
for detailed information on customizing