
Read the following for an overview of the printing function and related concepts.

Basic printing terminology
Provides a description of some of the common printing terms used in this topic.

Provides a high-level overview of the printing process.

Printer file
Provides a description of a printer file.

Spooled files and output queues
Provides a description of spooled files, output queues, and how they relate.

Printer writer program
Provides a description of printer writer programs.

Printer data streams
Provides a description of printer data streams.

Printer device description
Provides a description of printer device descriptions.

Job description
Provides a description of how job descriptions relate to printing.

Workstation description
Provides a description of how workstation descriptions relate to printing.

User profile
Provides a description of how user profiles relate to printing.

System values
Provides a description of how system values relate to printing.

Controlling printing to output queue or printer
Provides a description of the various elements that control how printer output is routed to its destination.

Printer attachment methods
Provides a description of various ways to attach printers to the iSeries server.

Remote system printing
Provides a description of sending spooled files to remote systems using remote output queues.

Provides information about fonts that are supported on the iSeries server.

Double-byte character set (DBCS) support
Provides information that you might need to know if you print double-byte characters.

Internet Printing Protocol (IPP)
Provides a description of some printing functions that manage print information from a variety of remote sites by sending print information over the Internet or Intranet

Network print server
Provides a description of the i5/OS network print server.

Communications network printing functions
Provides a description of some printing functions that are available on the iSeries server when it is part of a communications network.

Host print transform
Provides a description of the host print transform function.

Image print transform
Provides a description of the image print transform function.

Provides a description of additional considerations related to specific situations.