
The following commands can be used to work with jobs.

CL command Description
Start of changeADDJOBSCDEEnd of change Start of changeSchedule batch jobs by adding an entry to the job schedule.End of change
CHGJOB Change some of the attributes of a job such as the default printer device or output queue.
CHGJOBD Change the values of a job description. If you have the correct level of authority, you can change other user's job description values.
CRTJOBD Create job descriptions. When a user signs on, the values in the job description determine which output queue and printer device are used.
HLDJOB Makes a job ineligible for processing by the system.
RLSJOB Makes a job eligible for processing after that job is held from processing.
WRKJOB Allows you to work with or change information concerning a user job.
WRKJOBD Change the attributes of a user's job description. You must have special authority to change the values of a job description other than your own.