In order to run Linux on certain iSeries™ servers, processor multitasking must be disabled in i5/OS®.
Processor multitasking causes the iSeries processor to cache information when switching between tasks. This function is not supported by Linux in certain iSeries servers. An IPL of the server is required to activate the change. To disable processor multitasking from an i5/OS command line, change the QPRCMLTTSK server value to 0 (CHGSYSVAL QPRCMLTTSK '0') in the primary partition. If a logical partition is started without disabling the multitasking function, the IPL of the logical partition will fail with server reference code (SRC) B2pp 8105 000010AE.
Before creating a logical partition, disable processor multitasking on servers with the following feature codes:
Servers | Feature codes requiring QPRCMLTTSK (0) |
820 |
830 |
840 |