Delete disk drives for a logical partition

You will need to use an i5/OS® command to delete disk drives in a logical partition.

Before you can delete a disk drive, you must unlink it from the NWSD. Once you have unlinked it, you can delete it. See Unlink disk drives from a logical partition for more information.

Delete disk drives for a logical partition with iSeries™ Navigator

To delete the disk drive, do the following:
  1. Click Network > Windows Administration > Disk Drives.
  2. Right-click the disk drive that you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. Click Delete on the confirmation panel.

Delete disk drives for a logical partition with CL commands

Follow these steps to delete the disk drive using the Delete Network Server Storage Space CL command, DLTNWSSTG:
  1. Type DLTNWSSTG and press F4.
  2. Type the name of the disk drive in the Network server storage space field. Press Enter.