Create an Ethernet line description for virtual Ethernet

Creating an Ethernet line description is the first step in configuring i5/OS® to use virtual Ethernet.

This configuration allows a logical partition to communicate to an i5/OS partition using virtual Ethernet.
To configure a new Ethernet line description to support virtual Ethernet, complete the following steps:
  1. At the i5/OS command line, type WRKHDWRSC *CMN and press Enter.
  2. From the Work with Communication Resources display, select option 7 (Display Resource Detail) next to the appropriate virtual Ethernet port. The Ethernet port identified as a 268C is the virtual Ethernet resource. There will be one for each virtual Ethernet that is connected to the partition.
  3. From the Display Resource Detail display, scroll down to find the port address. The port address corresponds to the virtual Ethernet you selected during the configuration of the partition.
  4. From the Work with Communication Resources display, select option 5 (Work with configuration descriptions) next to the appropriate virtual Ethernet port and press Enter.
  5. From the Work with Configuration Descriptions display, select option 1 (Create) enter the name of the line description and press Enter.
  6. From the Create Line Description Ethernet (CRTLINETH) display, provide the following information:
    • LINESPEED (1G)
    • DUPLEX (*FULL)
    Press Enter. Make sure the maximum frame size is 8996. By changing the frame size to 8996, the transfer of data across the virtual Ethernet is improved.
  7. Press Enter.
From the Work with Configuration Description display, you will see a message stating the line description has been created.