QoS planning advisor: Clients

You need to determine what group of users is experiencing network problems, or what group of users is generating excessive network traffic. For example, assume that administration reported network problems. Clients are receiving unpredictable delivery of critical data. In this first policy, you could define the group of users that are generating excessive traffic. Then you could create this policy to limit their applications. As a result, the network would have more space for other mission-critical applications.

Policies are not just created to control client traffic; they can also be created to control applications. If you are using this approach, you need to decide what users will be using the applications you want to enhance or limit. The wizard allows you to define a client in multiple ways. If you do not want to specify a client, you should select Any IP address.

Specify the group's IP address information. Each segment of a valid IP address must be an integer between 0 and 255.

